Open Carry Experience

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Open carry looks like it will finally be an option in Texas in the near future. I have never openly carried a firearm in public, with the exception of uniformed service (which doesn't really count IMO). Do those of you in states that allow open carry prefer it to concealed carry?

Due to the fact that it was never an option, I never really thought about open carry. I have purchased pocket pistols and subcompacts in the past because they were easier to conceal, but cannot picture carrying a 738 TCP in a belt holster. I was curious if those of you with open carry experience have found full size pistols to be cumbersome to wear on your waist, or if smaller pistols are fairly commonly worn in open-carry states?
There are pretty limited number of places where anyone is carrying anything openly on a regular basis.

I find it is MUCH more comfortable than concealed carry. The big benefit is you no longer need to worry about your "concealed" firearm somehow becoming known to those around you as open carry is legal.
I live in an open carry state, suburban/urban area, and I can't recall EVER seeing someone open carry (other than LEO or uniformed security). Other than while hunting or possibly driving, I can't think of a good reason the "normal citizen" ought to open carry. It basically freaks out the sheep and alerts the wolves who to attack first.
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I personally don't get Open Carry as anything more than a political statement. It only puts you in the sights of Antis and criminals who can more easily steal your gun than if it was concealed. OC could force you into a situation that would be optional with CC. Yes, you can carry a bigger gun with OC, but is that really necessary in this day and age, political climate, or security needs?
Do what makes you comfortable, but I think CC is a much more logical idea.
And yes, I do have significant experience with both modes of carry.
The only time I open carry is in the woods or fields. Other than that, I don't see a reason to do it.
>>I personally don't get Open Carry as anything more than a political statement. It only puts you in the sights of Antis and criminals who can more easily steal your gun than if it was concealed<<

I agree......... ;)
I personally don't get Open Carry as anything more than a political statement.
If so it is a political statement I agree with.

I have given some thought to this lately as it does seem likely to pass, at least from the reports I have been reading. Not sure how much I will actually do it if at all. Probably not on a regular basis but a couple years from now who knows. When I got my CHL I did't think I would carry often but within a few weeks I was carrying everywhere I went unless prohibited by sign or location.

Of the firearms I have that I also have a holster that would be suitable I am thinking my SR1911 with retention holster would be my first choice at this time. My other options would be my Ruger Blackhawks in leather holsters. Since it is lighter than my 1911 my S&W 4003 would also be a good candidate but I would have to get a retention holster for it first.

Of the firearms I might purchase in the future with this in mind my first thoughts would be towards 357 Magnum revolvers with maybe a 3 or 4 inch barrel. They would probably be loaded with 38 Special's but that is a different subject. Most folks will probably go with a semi but I like revolvers.

On a lighter note me and a couple co-workers were talking about this and I said in a joking manner that I will have to get a good holster for my Super Red Hawk with 7 1/2 inch barrel and 2X pistol scope. Ain't nobody gonna mess with me if I am wearing that.:D
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I don't consider open carry to be a good option for urban(ish) areas. Where it really helps is in the rural areas where people already carried a full sized handgun for whatever reason. W/o open carry, a person had to stash their hogleg when they went to town. With open carry, the rural folks can go to town on a parts run or for lunch and be legal.
The other advantage is no big deal if your pistol shows occasionally-hey, it's legal.
Open carrying a tiny pistol seems to be illogical but whatever floats your boat.
Consider a holster that is designed so pretty much only the wearer can draw it, as a LEO you probably have access to many of those.

As far as the sheep/wolves argument goes, I say open carry and the wolves will run away. The reason being, they want an "easy target", not someone who is willing to put up a fight and kill them
I live deep in the mountains in a small community in an open carry state. The people who open carry tend to be regular working folks who farm, hunt or do outdoor activities where a gun might be needed because of wild animals, snakes, etc. Nobody gives it a second thought. I don't think I have ever seen anything open carried other than large revolvers (frequently SAA ones). When I open carry my "cowboy" revolver, nobody seems to notice or pay any attention to it.
I live in an OC state, and I see it MAYBE 3-4 times a year. And in EVERY case, the guy has a look of "look at my gun" on his face. last week at a cub scouts event, some guy in an Army Rangers t-shirt (about 24-25 with a huge gut. No Ranger there) had a Glock on his hip. You could see the looks he got. I sat at the table behind him with my concealed LC9-S and nobody was the wiser.

In MY opinion, OC is mostly done to make a political statement, and ironically, those making that statement are the best friends of the anti-gunners. In Texas, the guys walked around with AR's slung over their shoulders and Airsoft guns on the hips.

Sure, in some places, it's fine. Hiking, fishing, camping. And I guess most of PA agrees cause I never see it.
OC is legal here in GA. While not common, I see probably 3-4 people a month doing so. It seems to be happening far more often within the last few years, I don't recall seeing it as much years ago. It doesn't seem to cause any problems. There are a handful of business that have up signs prohibiting weapons in their business, but not many.

GA recently relaxed the regulations on where you could carry several years ago. I think that is a big reason why. Prior to that while CC or OC was legal, there were so many restrictions on where you could carry it almost wasn't worth it.

Unless I'm in an outdoors situation, hiking, hunting etc., I do not OC. But I don't feel as though I have to be as careful about keeping it covered. There isn't any downside if someone sees your gun.
A Minnesota carry permit allows both, but the only places I've seen OC is in rural areas. My instructor discouraged it and advised a good retention holster if somebody was going to carry openly. His thinking was that even cops have to deal with people trying to snatch their guns.
Nothing wrong with open carry. When open carry in Oklahoma became legal I was not sure i was going to or not. I heard all the " they will take your gun " and " you will be the first target" . I started my own research and I found no hard proof that this was true. In fact I found more where conceal carriers ( not against conceal carriers ) were attacked. I by no means am saying that it won't happen. I am just saying from statistics it has proven to be a non factor. I ask before you listen to all the so called wisdom on any site that you sit down and do your own research. I have now open carried for over 2 years most of those in Oklahoma City. No issues except a Sheriff Deputy that did not know his law. And that issue was taken care of very quickly. The decision on how you carry will ultimately fall upon you. You need to find what will work for you. I will agree some open carry for political reasons. But there a lot of people who do not. Yes it is true some will be afraid of normal people with a gun. But you will find as I have it has been a non issue. I can not tell you how many people I have pulled to our side because they first saw me carry and then came to me and asked questions. Why do you have a gun? I tell them as I would tell anyone. I carry because I take mine and my families safety very serious. Then a lot of them ask how do you get to do it? Is there a class ? How much does it cost? How do ? How do? I try to answer every question if I have time. The sheep will eventually get used to it. My Nephew who autistic used to be afraid of people other than LEO with a firearm. How in the world will we ever gain a foot hold in the world among the antis if people don't get them used to it. In fact when I first started to open carry I would cover it up when he was around because he freaked. I told my sister and brother in law that I was not going to cover up and more. I told them he needed to get used to people with guns other that LEO. it took a few weeks. But he came to me and told me I used to be afraid of guns but I am not afraid of yours. How sad is it that an autistic child can get over it but people in the gun community can not ? Because of how I handled my nephew my brother in law took the class and plans on carrying a gun. He even went on to tell me he will probably open carry as well.
Open carry in Mississippi, only saw one person, some guy mowing his lawn with a glock, found out later he is in law enforecment, oh well.
In Az we have Constitutional Carry, no permit concealed carry, but for years open carry was the only no permit option and that is how I carried for many years and still do at time. It is not a political statement, it is called a Right. The only open carriers I see making a political statements are the idiots walking around with a AR-15 or AK-47.
I have heard of only 1 open carrier having his weapon stolen, so to those that say it is a invitation, sorry, does not happen. Some say it makes you a target in the event of the local thugs making a shopping run, sorry, has not happened. I have had some local yutes come into a store and then leave when they saw I was carrying, but I have never been confronted by anti gunners, I have had a number of people come and ask me about AZ gun laws and what they have to do to be legal to carry.
I have also heard gun owners saying that unless you go thru background checks, fingerprinting and anal probes, that no one should be allowed to carry concealed and both them and antis were saying AZ would turn into a bloodbath with all the un trained concealed carriers, well, it did not happen. I have seen the trained concealed carriers at the local range and to tell you the truth, they scare the crap out of me with the way they handle their weapons, if they do have to use them, the safest place might be in front of the muzzle.
Open carry done right is a good way to start conversations and get more people interested in guns and self defense, we always need new people.
"I live deep in the mountains in a small community in an open carry state. The people who open carry tend to be regular working folks who farm, hunt or do outdoor activities where a gun might be needed because of wild animals, snakes, etc. Nobody gives it a second thought. I don't think I have ever seen anything open carried other than large revolvers (frequently SAA ones). When I open carry my "cowboy" revolver, nobody seems to notice or pay any attention to it."

Most common comment to open carry is "Whatcha huntin?" in my neck of the woods. My universal answer is "varmints".
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