On the Road: Best car/hotel SD weapon?

How about the Keltec SU16... takes AR mags, folds in half, lightweight, cheap'ish... fits in a small suitcase, large capacity, good aftermarket.

You could also make a good case for the Keltec Sub2000... .40cal 180gr Hydrashok out of a 16" barrel is no joke. Carry a G23 as a primary and only need one kind of mag.
If I take more than one gun somewhere, they'e going to both be on me at all times.

I usually just take my Glock 19 but if I feel the need, the 26 can come too. Haven't taken more than 1 gun on vacation before. It's usually the Glock 19 with 4 mags.
I have a travel bag for hotels and road trips. I have rotated a number of different guns through it but right now It consists of the following :

The bag itself is a tennis racket bag which fits two or three rackets plus shoes and other gear. I picked this up used so it looks a bit worn - not likely to raise any eyebrows checking in or carrying it across the parking lot. I doubt many people would even think it looks worth stealing.

Inside the bag are 1) an MKA-1919 semi-auto 12 gauge with a folding stock and 18" barrel, and 2) and AR handgun in 6.8X43mm with an 11.5 inch barrel. The shotgun has a 5 round magazine in it with two 10 round magazines in the bag. There are two 25 round AR magazines clipped together in the bag too. This is in addition to the handgun I have with me - usually an HK USP45.

In the hotel the shotgun would be the first weapon deployed - with #4 shot. On the road, depending on the situation, the AR would give better range (for ranges in the open desert where shooting might be defensible) and penetration.
Honestly, I don't fully understand the logic of carting a long gun on trips. I CCW, but the fact remains that if you're smart and avoid bad places and bad people the odds of ever being in an armed confrontation are statistically almost nil. For me that's just too much inconvenience for a protracted conflict that is almost certainly not going to happen. I know a lot of folks say, "Well where do you draw the line?" I guess for me I draw it at taking a rifle to the Holiday Inn.

For home/car/hotel I take a service pistol in any of the standard service pistol calibers, with one extra mag. For me that's always my Beretta PX4 .40 or Beretta 92FS 9mm.

On my own homestead I like having an AR-15 and 870 available, it just seems odd away from home.
First of all, thanks to all, and here's hoping y'all have as much to be thankful about as I do today. Happy Thanksgiving.

For those who believe that a handgun (CCW) is plenty, because the odds are so small, I hope you are always right.

For me, "it ain't about the odds, it's about the outcome", which can be unacceptably bad if things go wrong.

Since it's pretty easy to be prepared for even those very rare events, I can't talk myself out of "why not?" (for example, either of (or both) the mini-20 and the mini-14 fit easily in a soft side guitar case).

At my age and stage of life, I fully expect to live out my life without ever having to confront a seriously violent situation.

However, it doesn't escape my notice that I have been known to be wrong.


I carry the same conceal carry regardless of travel. I normally do carry an spare mag when staying in hotel. I don't want to be bothered with a gun I'm not carrying when traveling.
Personally I would choose a nicer hotel and not worry about defending the door :eek: I carry a short mossberg 500 pistol grip 12g behind my truck seat in a scabbard whenever on the road (assorted ammo) along with something in .40 cal on my side, usually of a Glock flavor.
I have had to present a firearm to avoid impending confrontations with multiple assailants twice so far in my life. Once was sitting in my car in a K-Mart parking lot, just before sunset, in a relatively nice part of town. The second time was returning home to my apartment at night in a nice part of Glendale, AZ. Sometimes THEY choose the location.

Just being on an interstate highway puts me on the same path as a lot of transients which is not necessarily a safe place to begin with.

I believe in being prepared for the worst in order to give me - and my family - the best chance for getting through whatever might happen. I also believe that presenting superior firepower with the will to use it is more likely to end up with the BG's standing down and finding easier pickings elsewhere.

Besides, I like guns. I have a lot of guns. I am also a former Marine infantryman and current Army reservist with the skills to use long arms so bringing them along is not only anything but a bother but a treat for me.
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Car? Hotel? ...... a snub revolver.

There is simply no way I would ever consider a rifle or shotgun for my hotel room LOLOL!
Personally I would choose a nicer hotel and not worry about defending the door

Gosh, if only crime stayed in 'poor' areas. Places like Littleton Colorado (upper class neighborhood where Columbine High School is located), Sandy Hook (middle-upper class neighborhood where mass shooting occurred), Virginia Tech (middle-upper class college campus), Aurora Colorado movie theater (middle class area, next to a nice Aurora shopping mall and a mass shooting)...

Fact is, crime occurs in many areas. Especially robberies and home invasions in nice areas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheshire,_Connecticut,_home_invasion_murders

In Connecticut this robbery/home invasion/rapes/arson occurred for no reason in an upper class neighborhood.

You are MOST vulnerable on the road in a foreign environment by the way.
leadcounsel said:
Gosh, if only crime stayed in 'poor' areas. Places like Littleton Colorado (upper class neighborhood where Columbine High School is located), Sandy Hook (middle-upper class neighborhood where mass shooting occurred), Virginia Tech (middle-upper class college campus), Aurora Colorado movie theater (middle class area, next to a nice Aurora shopping mall and a mass shooting)...

Fact is, crime occurs in many areas. Especially robberies and home invasions in nice areas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheshir...vasion_murders

In Connecticut this robbery/home invasion/rapes/arson occurred for no reason in an upper class neighborhood.

You are MOST vulnerable on the road in a foreign environment by the way.


The only thing that seperates a good neighborhood and a bad neighborhood are bad things happening. I don't want to be the first bad thing to happen in a previously good neighborhood.
No way I'd take a long gun into a hotel room. Main reason? I'd have to leave it there at some point. I can't guarantee when the maid will come or how thorough/snoopy they will be.

If I were using my vehicle, I'd consider keeping extra firepower there, but otherwise, it'd be nothing that couldn't be concealed on my person at all times.
I can't guarantee when the maid will come or how thorough/snoopy they will be.

Another reason for the tennis racket bag. Easy enough to bring along and throw in the trunk. If I have to leave it in the hotel room I put it up on the shelf in the closet so there's no reason to move or even lift it. Looking at it most people would only expect it holds a racket and maybe some stinky shoes, socks, and shorts.

I have an aresenal that could arm an entire A-team for just about any mission they could get - handguns, semi-auto shotguns, AR's, AK's, FAL's, etc, NFA belt feds and an SMG. I would feel really stupid if I ended up in a situation where I was outgunned when I own better equipment than 99.9% of the criminals I can expect to cross paths with.

Why not bring the hardware and be prepared? It isn't like I don't like guns or have some feeling that being armed is bad.
On great arm for travel is an AK-47 with a folding stock, but they are not legal everywhere. They are most places in the USA ,but these are those places where treason is the order of the day for law makers who make it a point to disregard the Constitution at every opportunity.

My wife and I killed several deer and antelope with AKs a while back and I learned the 123 gr Russian soft points work well as do the 154 grain soft points. However the 122 gr hollow points break up and fragment very badly and do not penetrate well. Something I don’t like in a hunting bullet but that would be a good thing in a travelers gun to limit the possibility of over penetration.

Folded up they fit in a travel bag or small suit case quite well and are easy to carry.
I have a friend that anytime he travels has a single shot 20 guage in addition to his EDC. The 20 breaks down and is carried in a standard duffle bag.
I lean toward K.I.S.S. theory and go with whatever pistol best fits into whatever I am doing - usually the biggest I can reasonably conceal. Always on you / with you along with spare ammo either on you or nearby. This would allow quick movement out of any area at any time.

I always have my CC, wallet, phone, knife and keys with me. That's all I need to leave the area / town, no need to go back and retrieve anything. Can make it a long ways with just these, anything else can be gotten back later or replaced. On foot or wheels, if there's trouble, I can separate myself ASAP.

To me the handicaps of a rifle severely outweigh any potential usefulness. YMMV
In my state you cannot have a loaded long gun in a vehicle. You can have a loaded handgun in one if you have a CC permit.
If you want a long gun for in your car, I would advise against it, but keep it short.
Maybe a SBS? An 8 inch barreled side by side 12 gauge with a pistol grip could be handy.
I like those AR pistols.

Definitely a rifle round in the car. I read somewhere that most pistol rounds and buckshot rounds won't penetrate tires... They will probably struggle with windshields, too.