Old guys do you buy guns based on what you had in the past?

Revolvers yes. There is nothing currently made to compare with no lock S&W, Colt, 3 screw Ruger (Well, ok Freedom Arms is an exception), and Dan Wesson. I guess you also might have to except some Italian copies of models that haven't been offered in a century or more like the Schofield and Russian topbreaks.

Autos no. We are in the golden age of autos. So many great models that never existed before and some are even downright cheap. One exception is I stumbled onto a Stoeger Luger .22 that I bought strictly for nostalgia and funsies.

Another is the aforementioned Browning Medalist and Belgian made Challenger.
I regret selling the first hand gun I ever purchased myself, a S&W Model 36 I purchased in 1980 upon the recommendation of a sgt at Detroit's 7th precinct who also signed the papers and wrote a letter for my CCW application . It was my constant companion for a dozen years until I started trusting a couple autoloaders. Like dummy I sold it. But I haven't really the urge to replace it. At this time all my wheel guns are full sized and used at the range and for hunting. I prefer the sleek, thinness, capacity and power of a pocket firearm like my P938 over the .38spl J frame.
Old guys do you buy guns based on what you had in the past
I don’t think that I buy based on what I've had in the past, for me it’s more of a real weakness for N frame S&W’s and anything with 44 stamped somewhere on the gun.
The other is 1911’s and then anything in pistol caliber carbines.
I will admit that recently I have been buying Glocks even though I hate plastic guns that blow up every 100 rounds and can get through metal detectors.
And last military rifles.
Oh yea,,, cap and ball revolvers and single action Ruger’s and 22LR rifles.
I guess that it’s not so much that I buy guns that I have owned, its more,,,,,, yea I buy guns that I have owned and seldom go off the beaten path does that make me so wrong, bad,, evil?
I don’t have a problem, nope, no problem here.
[QUOTE-Sheepman]Getting old sucks[/QUOTE]
Wait 'til you get old, Grasshopper.

I can relate to the phenomenon you describe only in theory because, being a COP (Certified Olde Pharte) I don't own anything that might remotely be described as a "modern" firearm. The guns I shoot today are, if not the exact same serial numbers, certainly the same makes and types of guns I grew up knowing and recognizing.

They work and have stood the test of time ... why would I want to change?