OK, French-style Riots. No 911, YOUR neighbourhood.

I live in a small town in SE Texas....

If they were trying to burn stuff up (arson) which can be defended against by deadly force. Im a bettin the mourge might be busy for a while. Bubba dont appreciate folks trying to burn his stuff up and hurt him.

If I was in charge in France and there were immigrants that had destroyed and burned stuff.... They would be given a bag with a couple of ham sammiches and a plane ride to wherever they came from

win-win situation
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No plane, no sammiches.....

walk em to the shoreline and set em swimmin...

But at my house, in an urban area, come closer than the sidewalk with intent to come farther, and you get a warning. Verbal first, then its the shotgun racking, followed by a loud bang noise. Possibly more than one. I have enough firearms for all of my roommates that I would trust with one, I just need a little more ammo and mags.

MY life, MY house, MY stuff. Don't bring a *nothing* to a gun fight!
me and my family would go to my uncle's house, it is in a better location. now if people started to come in to loot, then they better be prepared to take a bullet because i will not hesitate to give it to them.

i have shot a people before when i was younger not to hurt them but to give them a message, when they come into my property they will fear for their lives. i have shot at people's cars when they entered my aunts house in Michigan. they were skinheads, after that they never even pasted by that street again.
Maybe not to much an issue here....??

Well, First of all we live in rural NE Ohio. Smallish farming town with a population of about 4-5 thousand. The nearest town with any "sizeable population that could be even remotely organized into a threat" is 25 miles away. I highly doubt that in this type of situation the "rioters" would be able to organize a convoy of vehicles and head this way, much less come in on foot.

If it something does manage to head this way, it is not beyond the realm of reality for this small community to band together in cooperation with local L.E. and secure the 7 main roads in and out. Other than that they would have to cross very large areas of cropland. Not a smart thing around here with all the "good 'ol boys". (and gals)

Should the situation become less than desireable for the family and myself we would load up all the goods and head for the in-laws. This is about 8 miles away surrounded by LOTS of open farmland. Supplies are not an issue as they and we already keep lots of gear on hand for the very real possibility of a monster blizzard. With our gear and their local neighbors we could sit tight for a month easily and defend the AO with no problem.......

Steamer :cool:
Lock Down.

I bought an old family home. It was built @ 1916 out of rock. The walls are a foot thick or more in most places. It's bullet proof for most things that the crooks would be carrying. I'm also about to build a "storm cellar", it's going to be an underground concrete job with a steel door with a six-point lock if I can help it. We do get tornados here in this part of Arkansas.
Here is something to think about concerning the troubles in France. As I understand it, most of the troublemakers, if that is not an incorrect term, are from North Africa. Now take yourself back some 40 to 45 years when Algeria was still a French colony. There was something you might call a colonial war going on. Eventually the French gave up for one reason or another and went home, leaving behind lots of French settlers.

Anyone know what ever happen to those who were left behind? Look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls. There was a lot of unhappiness in France with the way things turned out and some French army units had a minor rebellion themselves only to be disbanded after it was all over. Unrest in the form of the "secret army organization" for a few years but by then it was too late.

This has nothing at all to do with what you might do when the mob comes down your street but I wonder why none of the above has ever been mentioned in the news? Roland, where are you when we need you?