OK, French-style Riots. No 911, YOUR neighbourhood.

I have a disabled son, ALS. I'm not going to be able to run very fast. My wife and I, and the entire little development we live in, would probably stay. There are about 300 people here. It's only got one entrance, but would be accessible via the woods in other directions. I think that about 85% or better have at least one deer rifle, and a couple boxes of ammo. It would be a very warm welcome. I know of at least five Class 3 owners in here. Not counting me. My primary arm would be my M14, my wife would have my Reising Subgun. She is also partial to her Garand. We have enough .308, .30-06, and .45 ACP to fight a "protracted engagement". I also have enough .30-30, .44 Mag, 7mm Mag., etc. for the boys deer rifles.

You might get us, but it'll take a determined effort to do so. I wouldn't be asking why you're here, either. There isn't a rioter out there that I wouldn't kill. No discrimination here. You loot, I shoot.:rolleyes:
gee whiz

Let me give you a dose of reality. A good dose is necessary from time to time.

I live 8 blocks from a gang area. One day or actually one night, working as back up to the local police, 13 drunk driving arrests are made within an area of 6 x 8 blocks. The black and white does not make it back to the station. A drunk rams it from behind.

Every night, there are gunshots from the same area.

When the riots came the last time, it was myself, an old lady, a boy scout and a female deputy holding down the Sheriff's substation.

A few years ago, there was a drug turf war between the Shoreline Crips and the V13 Gang. 13 kids were killed in 18 months.

In one night, the V13 Gang ran all of the Negro/black/colored families out the public housing known as Mar Vista Gardens.

Where is this? West Los Angeles, California, boys and girls.

The only thing that keeps you safe is that scumbags generally prey on their own families, their neighbors and the corner liquor store and don't come driving into your area.

So, I don't need a hypothetical from Paris. All I have to do is step outside - and if you were alert to what is going on in your own community, you would be aware of the same things.:eek:
Hey, Hollywood, I got 4 extra 5 gal. propane bottles and a deep freezer full of meat...since I live in Long Beach, I might be able to get loose and join the party..should I bring my Savage 223 with the 3x9 scope, or my mini-14, oh, heck, maybe the Isahpore with 2,000 rounds of 308 might fit the bill?
One person said "50 of them and only 3 of us"

I think thats poor odds,,, for them.
The reasion I say that is that when your talking about the kind of person that we are talking about, starting riots, looting and raping, lets face it people, there cowards, simple low life scum.
One shot over there heads would cause most of those kind of people to crap there pants and run for another neighbor hood.
I think that the chances of this happening in Indiana are slim but the scumm are welcom to try it in my neighborhood,
:cool: I could use the target practice.

I don't believing leaving your home because a riot broke out is a good choice. If violence broke out in my neighborhood I am staying and I have enough food, firearms, and ammo to wait it out for at least a few months.
I agree BloodyBucket03

And if you dont have enough food and water to last at least a week without powere your stupid, simply stupid.
"It will never happen here"
Look at new orleans, and that was nature calling.
Plan ahead or die.
I want to slap anyone that ever says "If ...your stupid". Can you figure out why? If not, you might want to reconsider insulting others.
#1: confession: I skipped ahead. May repeat what somebody else said. Not sure what Hollywood has planned, but I'm sure it's good.

#2: I'm 'rural': come my way w/a molotov cocktail better plan on putting it where I can't see it. One round of birdshot high over the mob. Eye injuries? Though! Next rounds (plural) are 00 buck, on target. If that don't turn 'em, Slugs until they're in handgun range. If I feel serious treat soon enough, it's the "long rifle" out to maybe 500yds.

#3: "They'll wish they'd dealt with the police": Chief detective to interested party in discussion R/T citizen backing up a cop: "They (citizen) aren't bound by the same rules as we (cop) are." "But what if he shoots somebody????" " I saw the whole thing---it was self-defense".

And that's the way it is in the hills!!

Ya' know: their (or parents) countries of orgin are 3rd world. Poor, dry, diesase ridden, etc. Thing may not be great in France but they're a helleva lot better than at "home".

Years ago in Hawaii someone asked guide re: homeless. "Hey: it gets down to 60 degress in winter, we have breadfruit, coconut, macadamia nuts, pineapple, fish, etc., etc." Yeah, France ain't Hawaii but quit your moaning and bitc--------

Stocking up on 00!
Stay safe.
I'd head back to my family's house ASAP. Between my 2 brothers and both parents, we'd be just fine. We'd have a .270win and a .243win on the roof and 3 12ga shotguns inside. Of course, all of us would also be armed with handguns.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
Riots are interesting things. Normally law-abiding people get caught up in the emotion of the moment and go beserk. Some claim they are high on the taboo of breaking into building or otherwise grossly breaking the law.

That said, however, there is no excuse for threatening the life of another and we can't sit idly by and hope we will be spared.

What I find equally interesting is the lack of preparation on the part of the do-gooders. Having a gun means very little if you don't have the training to deploy it properly. How many who have posted here have attended two or more defensive shooting classes, pistol or carbine? How many here have at least six magazines already loaded and ready to put into action? How many here have canned goods and water and meds and candles and whatever else to get them by for three weeks of lock-down?

My point is that, while there is nothing more noble than wanting to stand your ground and defend home and family, you have to be truly and honestly prepared to do it.

For example, if you are going to be sitting a static post, very much like sitting in a stand in the deerwoods, you need to have all of your ammo, food, water, weaponry, comm gear, et al, on your person. If you have to move, for whatever reason, you won't have time to grab it all up and git! In a combat scenario, which is what repelling rioters is, this means some type of body harness. A backpack/daypack/bookbag is great for long walks, but it sucks for grabbing at a snack or doing a speed reload. Something along the lines of a Tactical Tailor MAV would do well, but who owns one and trains with it?

Scene: you are locked down in your house when the football game approaches. You give an unheeded verbal warning through a megaphone and have to fire on the crowd. Unbeknownst to you, some in the crowd are armed and you start taking return fire on your position at the living-room window. You can sit there waiting for that lucky round to get through to you, or you can scoot boot for another position. What do you do? Can you grab up all of your magazines, food, water, radio and make a retreat while returning cover fire? If your gear is on your body, in a load-bearing harness or vest, you can beat feet immediately without worrying about leaving valuable assets behind.

Another question to ponder: How much ammunition do you have stockpiled? A thousand rounds of .223-caliber ammo might sound like a lot, but it looks mighty small when you are facing the dragon. Is that primary-weapon ammo stockpile in magazines or stipper clips, or will you have to take a break to reload your mags? If you need to take five to reload some mags from a pile of loose ammo, what will be happening with the rioters while you're relaxing?

Do all of your long weapons have slings?

I'm being long-winded here, but I want to get the point across that there is more to it than having a gun and some bullets. Food, water, shelter - and realistic, thoroughly planned means of defense.
Anne get your gun

This is all reading like "Red Dawn". I think the logical solution would be to leave if you heard it coming. Your little wood front door agrees :rolleyes:
It's not just my own home. It's my neighbors' homes. Committing arson in Texas is grounds for deadly force. I wouldn't wait for them to get to me. I'd take it to them. Our neighborhood is filled with gun owning folks that just would not put up with such crap. Besides, a lot of the people around here are elderly. I wouldn't just allow some lawless trash to set fire to their homes, with them possibly inside. What kind of neighbor would that make me?
And as someone else said earlier, mobs are generally poorly organized & led. As long as they're moving along unchallenged, they just keep moving. Once a few drop dead, and others are coated with brain matter from the dead, bets are it'd be a** holes & elbows to see who could get into reverse fastest. Oh yea, no warning shots.

Ian, to some degree, you are right. There is an atmosphere of weirdness to the whole thread, but there is also a strong element of reality. This type of event has been seen in countless real-world happenings, and it pays to be prepared.

You say that it is best to leave the environ, but you don't mention how or counter any of the reasons given for staying put. You say it is "logical" but you don't state just how you came to this conclusion.

Leaving the AO didn't do much good for the folks facing Rita just a few weeks ago. Conversely, staying didn't do much good for the people in NO when Katrina paid a visit. In both instances, the common factor was a lack of preparation and a desire to see reality for something other than what it was.

In the Rita incident, we saw thousands of people fleeing the area, causing terrible logjams on the highways. Who thought to take a back road? Who had spare gas on board so they could refuel after idling for three hours? Who had plenty of time, warning, info to fortifiy the house and sit the storm out? I would bet that at least 25% of the people fleeing wouldn't have had to go anywhere if they had just strengthened the house and stocked up on supplies.

What you have is a failure to plan.

New Orleans faced a similar storm and 90% of the population wanted to stay put. They didn't put aside food and water, or some defensive weapons. The just sat down.

Another excellent example of a failure to plan.

Where is your "logical" solution coming from? On what is it based? According to everything I'm hearing and reading, logic would seem to dictate that you stay where you are, where you have plenty of food and water and weaponry, and know the terrain.


Are we talking hurricane or mobs, pick one and I'll have a discussion about it since both are completely different-just in case thats not OBVOIUSLY clear. There's a slight difference in packin' a generator vrs. packing a .44.

Try not to troll please.

I stayed in town for the Hurricane (Houston); and yes, if a big mob was coming up my street i would leave. There's nothing in my house worth my or my wife's life. Sure I guess you could sit on your porch and kill some people, but I'd rather leave it up to the proper authorities. Your house is insured, your life and safety are not.
Easy pickings when you run away, that's what they were counting on.
Are they going to continue when the first rounds hit them? I think not!!

Yup that's right, I said "Flee like a chicken". wear flame orange and run down the middle of the street flailing your hands.

Also be dropping lots of jewelry and showing money. Oh wait.. that was hurricane Rita.

There are seven apartments in the building i live in. One is mine, five of the others are occupied by my shooting buddies. The caravan of our friends coming to safe ground would be funny as hell. There would be many 'I told you so's' that day.
pick a thread, any thread!


Are we discussing a hurricane or a football mob? For the love of Pete, guys; there is a HUGE difference. What the heck are you going to do with a hurricane...sit there and shoot at the F4 tornados the thing spawns? Try buckshot on a 20-foot storm surge? Get a grip.

Yes, you should have food, water, medicine, propane, etc., including ammunition, set away for a natural disaster. I am still working on building that up, because it is an expensive thing to do. We are in much better shape on that than we were this time six months ago, thanks to what I learned from Rita, and will continue to get more prepared. Before next year's hurricane season we will buy a generator, I hope. Whether you stay or go depends FIRST AND FOREMOST on whether you are in a storm surge area or flood plain. IF YOU ARE, THEN GET OUT. Ignore the bravado that says "stay". The storm surge doesn't give a crap how well armed you are; it will DROWN YOU. (gets off soap box).

But mob violence? We are meant to defend ourselves. Of course we are. My house might or might not be the most defensible position. The issue is not my "stuff". The issue is my safety and that of my family. If my house is not as defensible as somewhere else, then I'll go somewhere else if I can. I am not going to be thinking I can hole up in a wood-frame house against a mob though, guys....that fire thing works on more houses than just the little old lady's down the street. (Wait! Most of my neighbors think of ME as the 'little old lady'!!! :eek: ) Survival, not stuff, is the key.

At any rate, y'all please pick a topic and stick to it, or start a different thread and separate the two or something.... :confused:
