OK, French-style Riots. No 911, YOUR neighbourhood.

I have also thought that a 22 semi with a lot of ammo would be like hornets zipping the fun right of rioteers if fired in swarms....
So, I think we are agreed, we would shoot the A-holes. I wonder what the liberals will say about the street full of dead rioters that the cops could not stop but one or a few gun owning citizens did.

We know perfectly well what the libs would say:

That we denied the rioters the right to a fair trial, and we acted as summary judge, jury and executioner. :rolleyes: :barf:

Do you doubt it?

..exactly..with a minimum of fuss, paperwork and the mere expense of a few rounds of ammo to complete the whole case..CLOSED
Stay put

Easier to fight on your home ground...

They would get to you sooner or later anyway...
Might as well pick your own time and place.
blackmind said:
We know perfectly well what the libs would say:

That we denied the rioters the right to a fair trial, and we acted as summary judge, jury and executioner.

Do you doubt it?
I wouldn't put it past them. But I know how I'd respond. In the words of Dirty Harry: "Well, I'm all broken up about that man's rights."

My right to live - my family's right to live - takes precedence.
My 2 cents

Some pretty good ideasstated above. Stand your grond, but be ready to bug out. Even with floods, fire (intentional or accidental) can be a risk.
I was watching Court TV's presentation on the NOPD (New Orleans Police Dept.) after Katrina hit and I remember one of the officers quoted as saying "After Florida was hit with hurricane Andrew there were reports of gangs from other states making there way there too loot." If a Katrina type situation occurs I'm gone but if it's another type of public unrest or disaster and I'm not forced to leave, my neighbors and I are gonna see what the city looks like from our roof tops for a while!
So if I hear that a riot is moving my way I will load the few pistols I have, collect a few personal items, and bug out. I would rather die trying to get to my family than being caged up in my apartment.

Scope when all the hippies in your apartment are screaming in panic, when your about ready to leave go up to the prettiest one and say in your best Arnold/Terminator voice, "come with me if you want to live"

My parents are in a urban area where there are either unarmed hippies or armed criminals, If they can't come to me, I got to go get them. I got a single home in the burbs, much more easily defendable. I guess that is one major factor, even if your armed to the teeth, it will be real hard to defend yourself in an apartment in the city. Other issue is it is not about defending a TV or a computer, you want to defend your family, your loved ones and your new hippie girlfriend.
I remember a true story from the L.A. riots, where one guy stayed put to defend his place. He was up on the roof with a lever action .357 mag carbine one night. A car drove by slowly, then when it came back around the block again, he was ready. One lowlife got out of the car & approached the building. As he tried to light his molotov cocktail, the guy on the roof opened fire on the car's radiator. All the bad guys got the hell out of there as quick as they could.

No warnings. He kept the element of surprise.
He also achieved his goal without the need to take life, in this particular example. Though I'm sure he was ready to if need be.
Hypothetical consequences: If he would have killed the guy on the spot, he very well could have saved one or several other families elsewhere from having their houses burned to the ground. He may or may not have enraged the bad guys to come back with reenforcements. Lots less paperwork and hassle the way it did turn out.
I live in the city with the highest crime rate in the state. But I can bug out in a 4x in any of several directions in a few minutes to locatons which for me are user friendly.

Will I stay to defend my small place in the face of massive civil disobedience and destruction with few if any folks or cops helping out? I've got the stuff to do it but nope that's what insurance is for. --it's just stuff and my family's life is too important.

I have and will defend my country and principles with my life but that is different.

SAR-1 + 75 round drum+6 30 rounders+ springfield armory 45 + 2 german shepards+50 stupid rioters = shortage of body bags

Well, I have a liberal "friend" who has always assumed that "nothing" would ever happen. That the average citizen doesn't need a firearm.

He is the one I will send out to "reason" with the mob...of course as I stand back with my mini-14 and 20 round clips, wearing my kevlar vest and laughing, life doesn't get any better than that!

I have a hot tub, have 300 gals. of water, have firearms, food, medical supplies. As for letting the mob get close to the house, that's not going to happen...heck, a liberal or two might come in handy yet...no officer I was trying to save this man's life as he was out reasoning with the unruly mob...

I'd go to Hollywood's place (I hear he's having a BBQ), of course I'd call first and bring my own steaks. Sounds like a plan.
If there was time, I'd head for my girlfriend's parents' 200 acre farm that's about a 90 minute drive from here. I wonder how many guns we could fit in a couple durangos (have a 98 4x4 and an 05 4x2). I'm sure we'd be quite well armed regardless of where we ended up though we don't have any scary black rifles here. I'm sure my brothers, father, and I on the roof with our rifles would do quite well. A .270 down the street would get the message across. The back yard has a 6' fence surrounding it, and there's a golf course through a few big trees behind that. We've got some yuppies that live around here, but I know a few neighbors are shooters as well. I was an infantryman, so I do know something about setting up a defensible position. ;)
Count me in for the BBQ, I'll bring the beer:D I'm laughing imagining all these rioters coming around the corner and seeing a heavily armed BBQ party.
I hope after the first few rows of them fall the rest might get the idead that being near my house was a very bad thing. and my idea of threating is being in range.