OK, French-style Riots. No 911, YOUR neighbourhood.

I would stay put. Based on my geography and community.

We live on high ground --- a hill in the highest point of Los Angeles, with 50 - 75% of our boundary bounded by the Pacific Ocean. On the part that's not bounded by the ocean, there are only 5 main roads that the bad guys can use; everywhere else are hills and woods. And in my community of a couple hundred homes, there is only one main access road.

We have families that are well-armed and we can organize easily. We already have a community association, and a neighborhood watch and can easily communicate with each other among the 200-home community.

For any group to have a chance against us, I think they'd have to number in the thousands if not tens of thousands, just because of our position and arms. And they'd have to be well-organized, skilled, determined and well-armed. Some helicopters and airplanes might help against us, with some decent sized bombs or missiles.

And as a backup if our defenses fall, we can jump on boats and hightail it out, on the Pacific Ocean.
And as a backup if our defenses fall, we can jump on boats and hightail it out, on the Pacific Ocean.

.....and arrive on Waikiki beach on our south shore in beautiful Hawaii! :D

Then, you can help me fight off the rioting in Honolulu that spread from your town ;)
Okay, I go to each neighbor's house, up and down the street (or call them) and tell them to get any firearm the have and bring it to a location down the street between our houses and the rioting. Anybody that doesn't have a gun of their own, they can borrow one of mine or someone else's. We use our cars to barracade the street, some of us get up on roof tops, some of us get behind the car barracade and open fire on rioters when their "football game" gets within range. We would also have some of our neighbors on the other end of the street taking similar positions.

We would keep the women and children barracaded up in one house at the center between each barracade locked in the house with a gun or two of their own with them to shoot any rioter who comes through the door if they get past us.

We would keep this position having a few men routinely check our houses up and down the street for rioters who have hopped a back fence from another street or something of that sort.

We would keep this postion fortified (between all of our houses, we should have enough food and water to last a good while) until law and order around the rest of the city has been restored.

Alone, our household has 2 remington 5 shot 12 gauge semi automatic shotguns, a single shot 12 gauge, a 14 round .22 caliber semi auto rifle, a 5 shot bolt action remington 30.06 rifle, an M-1 Carbine with four 50 round magazines and one fifteen round magazine, two Colt Official Police .38 pistols, One Colt Detective Special .38 pistol, one Springfield .45 G.I. Automatic, one S&W Model 10 4 inch, one S&W Model 10 two inch, one Cimmeron .45 Long pistol, one 1851 Navy .36, one Walker .44 Dragoon, and one S&W Model 28 Highway Patrolman .357 Magnum. ALL of those weapons and anything anyone else has available on the street would be in someone's hands (yes even the 2 black powder handguns...every shot counts :cool: ) and put to use against a rioter.
stay put

I'm lucky i live in a long valley with just one road running through it. So with the help of the neighbors we could block off each end and hold for a while.If push comes to shove and we had to bug out a major interstate isn't 3 miles away. If that wasn't an option then i would have to head up the mountain behind the house to hold the high ground and have a turkey shoot.
Wear ski mask and dark outfit. Advance to a defensible position 500 yards from targets. Take out 5 leaders or peaple in front. Fall back 50 - 100 yards and reload. Repeat as needed... :D
Since I dont have a big Texas ranch to go to like some people;) , Id have to go for the sand bag position on my roof with the m14 Lvl 4 body armor and kevlar with my m1a and plenty of ammo. I have really good fields of fire and I
could stay up there for a week without a problem.

CA PENAL CODE 197. Homicide is also justifiable when committed by any person in any of the following cases:
1. When resisting any attempt to murder any person, or to commit a felony, or to do some great bodily injury upon any person; or,
2. When committed in defense of habitation, property, or person, against one who manifestly intends or endeavors, by violence or surprise, to commit a felony, or against one who manifestly intends and endeavors, in a violent, riotous or tumultuous manner, to enter the habitation of another for the purpose of offering violence to any person therein; or,
3. When committed in the lawful defense of such person, or of a wife or husband, parent, child, master, mistress, or servant of such person, when there is reasonable ground to apprehend a design to commit a felony or to do some great bodily injury, and imminent danger of such design being accomplished; but such person, or the person in whose behalf the defense was made, if he was the assailant or engaged in mutual combat, must really and in good faith have endeavored to decline any further struggle before the homicide was committed; or,
4. When necessarily committed in attempting, by lawful ways and means, to apprehend any person for any felony committed, or in lawfully suppressing any riot, or in lawfully keeping and preserving the peace.

The riot will either be suppressed or deceased.:)
And as a backup if our defenses fall, we can jump on boats and hightail it out, on the Pacific Ocean.
.....and arrive on Waikiki beach on our south shore in beautiful Hawaii!

Then, you can help me fight off the rioting in Honolulu that spread from your town

Darn, I was hoping for a laid-back luau!
....the key word from the police..'you are on your own'.....the thugs will wish they had confronted the police instead....no quarter shown...any one trying to set my house ablaze with me and others inside will get their brains blown out before they can throw a cocktail...if a group of thugs approach at once then hold the trigger of your model 12 and pump the gun while swinging left to right (or right to left if you're Jewish;).....and oh yes..Blackmind..I am sure everyone here agrees one can read the headlines everyday how Christians are detonating bombs, or taking hostages, or beheading people on camera, or shooting off rifles in the air, etc and singing praises be to Jesus all the while....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Ultimate Action

If I couldn't book out of here ....... then i would....... lock ,load and all the rest ,..... get what neighbhors I could to band together. than If I felt my life was in danger. when they came down the street(after being warned to stay away) I'd would set the record for most enemy kia, on the books today.... any american should do and feel the same way........ I just hope that this NEVER HAPPENS HERE!!!!!!! I do not feel the need to hurt, kill or maim, anybody,but....................................... THE THORN STANDS TO PROTECT THE ROSE.......... yET IT IS AT PEACE AND SEEKS NOT CONFLICT....................
So, I think we are agreed, we would shoot the A-holes. I wonder what the liberals will say about the street full of dead rioters that the cops could not stop but one or a few gun owning citizens did.
Nor will we tolerate crusading Christians...
Let's be fair, here.
and oh yes..Blackmind..I am sure everyone here agrees one can read the headlines everyday how Christians are detonating bombs, or taking hostages, or beheading people on camera, or shooting off rifles in the air, etc and singing praises be to Jesus all the while....

Don't worry aspen, the government is always doing the pc thing. For airport security, they're making sure not just to check the adult male Muslims, but making sure to check little ol' Caucasian Christian grannies and everybody else so nobody thinks there's discrimination going on. Cuz you know, it's a colorless, raceless, religionless phenonmenon where any group can be equally at fault. Cuz it's wrong to profile, you know.
Damned if I do and damned if I don't . . .

I do not know anyone where I live who owns a gun (other than myself, of course). In fact, I get the vibe from a lot of people I know that acting out in violence, even in self-preservation or the preservation of others, is inherently wrong. The people I do know who own guns (my dad and company) live 200+ miles away. So if I hear that a riot is moving my way I will load the few pistols I have, collect a few personal items, and bug out. I would rather die trying to get to my family than being caged up in my apartment.
In my state they have public anouncements and articles in the paper that in the event of an emergency do not expect help for 72 hours. That 72 hours to a criminal is his chance to get it big. To some people it will be a chance to clean up the neighborhood. To me it will give me a break from working and a good chance to rest.

What's mine is mine. I will not bug out. If you want to burn my house, you better be willing to kill and die for it because I am. In that situation, every male in the family heads to my grandpa's property with all we can carry, if possible. First line of defense, probably my dad with his .338 Ultra Mag on top of the well house. He also has a .45 and a Mini-14 if needed. One step onto our property and you take 3 tons of energy to the chest. No warning shots. No shouts. The warning is the "No Tresspassing" signs. You know you are not supposed to be there. So do I. My brother and I have our AKs with 4 or 5 30 round mags a peice. I have my Glock 20. He has his 1911. We take the generator house. My uncle has a Mak-90 with some drums. Him and my grandpa fortify the house. My grandpa would probably have his Garand or SKS. There is about 100 yards of open space between the highway and the house. The drive way is covered by a sturdy steel gate. Anything coming over the railroad tracks is a sitting duck. From any other direction, you have cover and concealment to get close, but can easily be flanked on at least one if not two sides.
Well I am not so harsh as to say you can't have what's mine if your going to take it:D I will gladly give you all the ammo I have one shot at a time.:)

Jeff Cooper in his book to Ride, Shoot Straight and Tell the Truth. He talks of riot control and makes very good sense. Shoot the trouble makers with a 22 LR in the lung. He won't die near your home and it takes the fight right out of him and he will survive if he hurries to a hospital. No fuss no muss:cool:
