Ohio TFL gathering


I've been working some, but staying away from the shows to save some money :) I have a new truck ordered.
I'll make the OGCA, then there's Knob Creek comming up.
You all really thinking of hitting the first plate shoot at Tusco?
I'm planning to be at Pro Gun on Saturday. They only have 5 or six lanes, so we may have to pair up on the lanes. That could also help keep the cost down. (Extra person per lane is only $5 extra, I think.

If anyone knows the folks who run the place and would like to call, we should probably ask them if they will open up early for us, or reserve the entire range for an hour or two... (If there's enough of us on Saturday.)
Dayton Ohio here. Nail a date down and I'd like to give it a try. As long as not first weekend in April......that's KNOBCREEK!!!!
1S1K ...

I appreciate that offer, man. But, really, if I can make it, I'm happy watching and making a learning experience out of it.

Basically, I need everything but the part that goes "Bang!" :D Being as new to the game as I am, all I have is my B92 and the equipment that came with it (2 Klinton mags). From the description of the outdoor shoot, I'd need everything from a holster, to ammo carrier, to extra mags, and a lot more experience. :)

If I can get by with taking my time as well as reloading the 10-rounders as I go, then I guess a RH holster would be all I'd need to borrow. But not knowing the rules of the event, I don't know if that would be possible or if I'd just hold everyone else up...

I may take part in the plate shoot, though, that sounds cool.


Don't worry about being a begineer. The last Tusco shoot that I went to was my first ever shoot. I'm used to just standing there and punching holes through paper. The guys running the event are really great guys - just let them know you are a first timer and they will basically walk you through the course and tell you want to do. You'll have lots of fun and I think between all of us there will be plenty of equipment if you need anything. The only thing I can think of is you will need to get at least two more mags (as I believe you need a min of three for the pistol course) - but you really don't need an ammo carrier - I just had my mags in this pullover pocket and grabbed them as I went from station to station.

The rifle course is another story - I had my clock cleaned by Plateshooter and Nukem ... but heck, I still had fun.
Pro Gun

Me (+2 possibles)

If I can find their business card, I'll call Pro Gun and see if we can reserve a couple lanes for the 24th. If they allow reserves we should be set, since this is a month in advance.

In case I can't find it, can someone stop in or call em and ask?

Falconer, I'll be at Tusco. I'm a member too.

As a side note for Ohio shooters:
If you want to shoot CMP, Youngstown Rifle and Pistol club holds a monthly match, all year. You can shoot the Club Garands with issue ammo, or your own Service Rifle. M1, M1A, AR, ect. 200yrd course with reduced targets for 300 and 600 yrd.
Next match March 11
Call: Mike Policy 330-534-5697
Just off of Ohio Turnpike and Rt.18 (Mahoning ave)
You need a shooting mat (or piece of carpet) Sling and a spotting scope helps. 2 mags for a detachable mag service rifle.
They also are an IDPA club and shoot 1st Sunday of the month, all year also. Outdoors if weather permits.

Do you have any info on the plate shoot? How it's run? Can we shoot more then one event?

Thanks Bill

The plate shoot is just a "fun" shoot, not like the action rifle match they have there. They will have four shooting stations set up (2 pair)and about 80yrds out there will be some odd # of 8X10" or 10X10" steel plates usually around 13 each plus some sort of "stop" target for each shooter. The plates are two colors mixed, you and whoever you're shooting against decide what color each will take in advance. When the line is ready the RO blows a whistle, first one to down all targets and the clock stopper wins. It's a speed thing. There are two schools of thought on winning, use an AR where recoil is light and you keep your sight picture and a fast shot to shot (downside, light bullets on heavy steel plates) or a 30 cal where a hit anywhere usually knocks the plates over.
My secret weapon this spring will be a 7.62X39 AR15 :)

The pistol course can be about anything, the ROs change it every shoot ;)

Eye protection is a must, due to the chance of back spatter, especially on the pistol range.
It's a buck a run, or 5 bucks for all day per range.
For 20 bucks, you can shoot all ranges, all day, and have a hot lunch too. Resturant is right behind the firing line.
I don't know of any other place on the planet that is more fun, or less expensive.
I can't seem to find pro gun's business card anywhere. Could someone in Akron look up their number and give them a call about reserving a couple lanes on the 24th?
Well, since I can almost lean out the window and shout at 'em ;)
I'll try to get by there tomorrow (Saturday) and ask. If anyone's interested in meeting me there so I don't have to go it alone, I'll stand you to some range time down the road at Hunters Lodge where I'm a member.

If you are going down to the Hunter's Lodge, be sure to tell Stoney that Tom Eberz said hi. He may or may not remember my name, if he doesn't, remind him I'm one of Gene's students.