Ohio TFL gathering

TheBluesMan and falconer,

I have a digital camera and a Mak (though I'll probably have to look around for some ammo) - I'll be sure to bring them.
You're more n welcome to try the Ciener.

I'll bring along a digital camera also.

Yeah, I'd love to try a Chuck myself. I looked at a stainless one at the Summit show last week, and they have come a loooooooong way since last year. That's a heck of a lot of gun for under $400.00.
under 400? you shouldn't have said that. Now I gotta look at em. Since I am sending my .45 away for work, I will need a replacement and be damned if my incometax return didn't come in. I think I finally found justification for getting a 1911.
I have a hard and fast rule concerning the purchase/lust/want/drool over of a 1911 or any other gun for that matter. I have been using it all my life and it works well for me. I simply refuse to purchase/lust/want/drool over a 1911, or any other gun for that matter, on a day of the week that DOES NOT contain the letter "A". ;)
'nuff justification for me.

Think my wife will buy the excuse? ;)
Hunter's Lodge March 24th.

I just got back from Hunter's Lodge and we're all set for the 24th. Here's the details:

We have 3 lanes reserved for 2:00PM to 4:00PM for six shooters. The cost for each shooter is $7.00 for the first 1/2 hour, an $6.00 for each additional 1/2 hour. Jim said we could probably get $1.00 per 1/2 hour knocked off of that price.

In addition to the 3 lanes, we have a 4th lane semi-reserved for the other two additional shooters. The semi-reservation is this: As a member, I can have a guest shoot in my lane for a flat charge of $5.00. I'll take the 4th lane, and whoever wishes to shoot in that lane can get a break on the price. There is a catch though. If they get busy, we have to give up the 4th lane.

Anyone else that wishes to attend is welcome, but sine the arrangements were made for only the original 8 people mentioned earlier in the thread, I can't gurantee a place to shoot, but we can try to work out some sort of arrangement. Last min things can happen, and someone may not be able to make it.

I'll post the address and directions, as well as a brief overview of the rules and regs at Hunters in another thread since this one is getting pretty long.

Check your mail. Man, I really feel awful about not checking this thread sooner.


Thanks for doing the legwork to get this thing set up - it sounds like it's going to be a pretty good time. Remember folks - Medina show on the 17th (last chance to buy new toys or stock up on ammo before the shoots :) ).

I'm going to Medina on the 18th, going to the Ohio gun collectors show at the IX center on the 17th. Anyone else going at those times?

I am going on the 17th. I wiil be bringing my father out law and my shooting partner.

There is a good place to eat breakfast just around the corner. Sophie's $1.99 breakfest. Let me know if you want to meet.


I'm not sure yet what time I'm going up, I have plans for later that evening, so it'll probably be early in the day. I'll have my Molon Labe hat on, if you see me say hello.
The next gathering.

Let us know about a next gathering and I'll see what I can get a whole room, equals about 8 lanes, for. He uses the room for training and others that request it for larger groups. And we could get it for all day (12-6), then order pizza. Only down side is only handguns or .22 rifles. Or when the weather breaks around here we could just open up one of the pastures around here and shoot just about everything!

Marci and Joe
Sounds great. Don't count out the 24th though. You're more than welcome to come. There's always something we can work out to get everyone some range time. The reservations were set for 8 due to the timing, I needed a definate count to request the lanes. That doesn't preclude the possibility of a whole messa folks showing up. These things have a way of working out fine. If we get more people interested, we can always extend the times, but not the reservations or the prices. That's the main reason I posted the going rates and minimized the $1. knock off. The reserved lanes are from 2 to 4, but it's pretty much a crap shoot. I've seen times the range was deserted from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and I was the only one there. Tom(falconer) can vouche for Stoney (the guy he and I know that works there), there's nothing more he'd love than a bunch of Molson Lobsterists (Molon Labe) wandering around and BS'ing.

The ONLY thing that's going to be in short supply is the Shiner Bock! Somehow I gotta figure a way to divide 3,,maybe empty,,maybe full, bottles between the folks at Hunter's. LOL! 3 of em are going to Tusco the next day and I'm not, so SOMEONE ELSE get's the headache of deciding who goes home Shinered and who doesn't. One thing's certain though, falconer, the guy that's throwing this get together, can have the cardboard 6 pack case ;) I know, small consolation Tom, but ya never know, someone may ask about it and you can explain the whole TFL thing to em.
RAE, sorry it took so long for me to get on to L&L forum to find out about Ohio gathering.

Isn't Medina the weekend of the 24th and not next weekend (17-18)? I'll be at OGCA next weekend, and maybe Medina the next (My bro-in-law is looking for a new Springfield 'Loaded' M-1A). We prefer the Akron show to Medina since the aisles are a little wider, even though the parking is a problem.... We were there (Akron) last weekend and, honestly, I can't believe the way people were parking! BTW, I was wearing my new TFL/Molon Labe shirt at the Akron show and only had one 'hit'. Where were the rest of you guys?

Now, about these shoots....
OK, let's see if I have everything down correctly....

Saturday, March 24th at Hunter's Lodge in Tallmage. Three lanes reserved, noon to 2pm. Possible overflow fourth lane.

Sunday March 25th at Tusco. Shooting is from 10-4 I have the direstions and other info from a previous post.

I don't know if I can make the Saturday shoot since I normally have to work on Saturdays...but maybe I can get a vacation day. We'll see.
Sunday might be possible for both me and the Bro-in-law since the wimmin-folk have a baby shower to go to that day. If he finds his new Springfield M-1A, I get his hand-me-down M-1A :D . I'd love to wring it out!

Even if I can't hook up with you guys that weekend, have fun!

Ruling out?? Notta chance!

We have not ruled out Hunters Lodge! Even if we couldn't get some4 range time we would still like to go up and meet some of the others from the board. I think it has something to do with the saying of the more the merrier! We are even planing to check out Tuscos on th 25th. Have to see what all the wife enjoys. She has taken up this new hobby and wants to see all there is. As she says I may not be able to hit the bullseye everytime or even everyother time its still fun. Plus need to go to a few outdoor ranges so I can get an idea on how to set up out back to have a blast shooting. Maybe the city neighbors will want to move back out of the country? LOL So I'm sure you'll see us around. But I figured the next time we want to get a gathering going lets make the ranges compete for us! :-)

After last night, I don't think I'll be wanting to drink for a while. It would appear that Captain Morgan isn't quite as good of a friend (old family friend at that) as I thought he was, we had a BIG argument.

One thing, we may have to bribe ole Stoney with some Shiner if we have too many people show up.