Obtaining an alien firearms license - WA State

The Second Amendment doesn't mention anything about citizenship.

The right to keep and bear arms is fundamental to all people everywhere and has nothing to do with beaurocratic titles. All free men everywhere have the god-given right to own and carry arms.

Constitution should only apply to US citizens,
The Constitution has nothing to do with it. It just affirms a pre existing right that all people everywhere have.

It does?

No I don't want people who are not loyal to this country getting guns right after jumping over the border.

Become a citizen, and all laws that apply to me will apply to you,
Non-US citizens are welcome to own firearm in Texas and obtain CHL if they decide to. All Texan gun owners welcome them regardless of their citizenship status assuming they are legally in the country.
Every single one of them I know just helped to raise the image of honest gun owners and turned their citizen spouses, children to either pro-gun or at least not anti-gun.

The more acceptance gun ownership gets in our society the more chance it'll survive without major (or called "reasonable") restrictions.
It is that simple.

BTW: Obtaining a green card is a lengthy process (takes several years). There is not such thing as jumping over the border and a green card is handed over.

BTW: Why do you think if someone comes to the US legally, working hard and takes the effort to obtain a green card and is waiting to apply for citizenship is not loyal. If he was not loyal he would not be here.

BTW: Did you know that green card holders are welcome to join the military and there are lot of them currently serving our country? Based on your comments they should be unarmed while serving our country.

BTW: Did you know that some states (not Texas though) do not require citizenship to become a police or peace officer? Based on your comments they should be unarmed officersI guess.
Freedom is a god given right also? Gee, gosh golly rape should be perfectly fine then.

I don't trust any foreigner coming into this country and demanding the right to buy what ever he wants without being a US citizen.

I fully support AMERICANS having the ability to purchase any fire-arm assuming the proper steps are taken to assure they don't have a criminal history and they observe proper safety protocols.

Once your a legal citizen, you will have the same rights as me, until then you can put it up with our laws or move back to what ever country you came from - its your choice.
I don't trust any foreigner coming into this country and demanding the right to buy what ever he wants without being a US citizen.

Unfortunatelly we are all one of them unless you are a native American Indian. We simply took the land away and too few left to claim it back.

So why should the goverment trust its citizens "demanding the right to buy what ever he wants"?
Unfortunatelly we are all one of them unless you are a native American Indian. We simply took the land away and too few left to claim it back.

So why sould the goverment trust its citizens "demanding the right to buy what ever he wants"?

If you are US citizen, US laws and protections apply to you as well as your ability to be part of the political process in which laws are made. If you aren't one we owe you nothing.

Pretty simple, if he wants to buy US guns he should become a US citizen, our country is still one of the most pro-gun countries in the world, if he likes Europe so much he should have continued living there becuase apparently "its more fair".
"LostOne" I agree, it would be still reasonable to require US citizenship for firearm ownership and I fully respect your opinion.

What I'm trying to tell that I see no reason changing the current laws as they are really and fully on our side. Changing the laws would make the rabid anti-gunners stronger and trying to apply more "reasonable" gun control laws.

"So we got that done, what's next to work on? :rolleyes:"
Your right, I will support the current law if it allows fire-arms licenses to those who are not US citizens, I disagree with it but I will support it.

My problem was with this guys attitude of, "I deserve everything just becuase I have lived in your country for x amount of months", as well as his comment about fire-arms only being used as a "hobby".
Freedom is a god given right also? Gee, gosh golly rape should be perfectly fine then.

Freedom is an abstract concept or a state of being, a fundamental right is a concrete thing that free people can exercise, but all people have. I don't understand where you are going with that argument. There is no right to rape recognized by anyone that I know of and I've never even heard of a "right to freedom". You are mixing your terms in a nonsensical way.

He probably needs to get on the "take it or leave it" attitude. Most of my friends are happy that they have the privilige but under no circumstances would demand it as a right owning a firearm.

"Owning a firearm being a hobby". I don't share his opinion but it is a personal choice.

I share you opinion about the immigration rallies specially the ones waving foreign flags demanding(!) amnesty.
England and the EU is hardly "developing" and obviously you know pretty much nothing about it.


Well first of all I am not an IT kid with Porsche - I am a 60 year old retired guy...

Nope, I did not refer to England as a developing country, nor did I infer that Allserene is an IT kid with a sports-car. I was just giving an example of the seeming "unfairness" in that lots of foreign tech workers from seemingly under-underprivileged backgrounds are coming here and taking the best paying jobs and living it up in the land of average Joe the "privileged". Neither is it fair to Allserene that a good man like himself should be stopped from getting a gun.

My point really is: it ain't fair, and we shouldn't expect it to be.
Yes, this is why gun control works! You keep the guns out of the hands of law abiding people. Citizenship doesn't matter, it is not a crime to be here when you are not from here. It is like talking about banning guns because criminals use them. Hello, criminals don't bother using legal means to obtain guns for illicit purposes. If someone passes a criminal background check and are legally good to go then there shouldn't be a problem.
Just to clarify: the US constitution and federal / state laws apply to everybody who sets foot on US soil not only to US citizens. If the constitution says you cannot discriminate based on skin color religion etc. you cannot do that on US soil even if you are a non-citizen muslim or jewish, black or white.

If laws of ones country of origin says you can have consensual sex with a girl under 17 or you can smoke pot you are still charged if you do it on US soil. If ones country of origin allows you to have consensual sex between muslim and christian some countries might execute you for doing it on their territory.
You obey the countries laws that you are in, simple. If you don't like them you can leave, you aren't even a legal citizen so you don't have any basis to tell me what your rights are.
It is obvious that if anybody goes anywhere he has certain rights. Hence the British cannot throw you to jail without a trial even if you are not a citizen of GB because it is against their laws and you have the right for a fair trial.
A cop killer cannot be convicted in the US without a fair trial even if he was in the country illegaly because it is against our laws and he has the right for a fair trial.

The questions is: Is it a right or is it a privilige to own a firearm?

Is it a right or a privilige to not to be discriminated based on skin color or religion. Does that apply to US citizens only? Hence a guy coming from Nigeria and applying for immigration status is ok to be discriminated based on his skin color? Or not?
If hes not a US citizen thats fine with me, US laws should only apply to US citizens. We can have some basic decency that applies to everyone, but they have no rights in which to demand anything socially.