Obtaining an alien firearms license - WA State

I take it they do some work, pass some stuff and then knock off for the rest of the year whether it works or not....

See ya next year indeed
Who do they think they are ? Santa Claus ?
No, my reps are pretty busy, they deal with a lot of farming issues and fight against the foolishness on the West side of the State... it's also an election year so they are busy with that too.

I know my local rep personally, so we are pretty informal about our emails.

Sometimes it is who you know and not what's on the piece of paper that tells people what you know ;)
That's good news - getting the inside story is so important. Let's hope there is another route although all I seem to hear is 'next year perhaps'

With an administrative problem like this, sometimes arrangements can be made that don't even require legislation

We will see
Just thought of something here, The Cathy McMorris Letter I have has a letter from the FBI stating that if WA did what they did with HB 2955 then that would clear the way for the DOL to get back to issuing the AFL's...

So the crux is this, they spelled it out, WA did what they asked and now the FBI drops the ball, so how can we expose this?

Talking about a potential "egg on face" situation here...

CALL SAF ASAP Phone: (425) 454-7012

Phone: (425) 454-7012

It boils down to this... All of you guys on here that are legal immigrants or green card holders, need to call SAF and get a hold of Mr Gottlieb or at least talk to some one at the SAF and tell them you story regarding the AFL debacle...

You may, or probably will, end up being called to court as a plaintiff, so be prepared for this.


--> Who'd rather be out enjoying Independence day plinking with friends and family, but instead gets to hammer on a keyboard !
I see Mr Gottlieb has a fraud conviction for which he was jailed under the work release program - that would get me jailed then deported never mind banned from gun ownership - even if I had a firearms license - there certainly is a big difference between citizens and non-citizens

However, if he can assist legal residents with this issue then that's fine by me !
Well anyone paying attention, don't apply for an AFL...

Read the attached PDF...

If you apply for a WA State AFL, DOL will send your money back, When they figure out how they will do that, :scrutiny:

Everyone that has applied, fill out the form and get your money back, better yet fill it out and hope some news outlet ppicks up on their incompetence.

In other words

"Stop bugging the DOL, here's your money back when we figure out how to send it to you, shut your yaps."

DOL is trying to write off this issue by giving the funds back...

It is not about getting money back for me... I want this fixed !


My family & I went to the Fourth of July Parade in Johnson, Washington. My reps, Mark Schoesler, Joe Schmick and Cathy McMorris Rogers were all there participating in the parade, I chatted with them briefly.

Some of those who over heard the matter were appalled that someone who has legally been living here in WA for 8 years, 3 of which with a "green card" and who had been background checked by ICE, USCIS, locally, Federally and internationally (they check NLETS which is tied to RCMP records in Canada) had to put up with the licensing after all that.

I told Mark about contacting Alan Gottlieb and he said that was a good move and that Mark was aware of some other cases, one of which was to do with IIRC a Czech man who was a legal resident in OR that was pulled over in WA, and the WSP found a handgun in his car, he was perfectly legal in OR, of course WA State charged him with being in possession of a firearm and not a WA State AFL - He now faces deportation!

In all a good day, they all said they still had work to do on this issue and hang in there.


That's a load of bolony - when I went for my Washington driver's license a couple of months back they sent for checks on my green card to see if i was in the country legally. So what that form is saying about 'cannot check you are in the country legally ' is rubbish - its the USCIS (dept of homeland security)that tells them that anyway not the FBI
Md I appreciate your efforts greatly - don't lose heart and give up...

I am writing to the DOL again today and I will keep looking for contacts

This administative thing should be moveable without legislation - after all the law just requires the DOL to make the checks - it doesnt say HOW to do the checks - an administrative change on how the checks are deemed to be satisfied does not need legislation

My wife freaked out when I said I was going live in the newspapers about it as she thinks small towns can be very unforgiving and bad things can happen in America. That was something I had not considered being from tolerant old England where anything goes. So I have tried to withdraw my letter to the editor and i hope it works. Direct letters to public reps and officials are ok though so I will redouble my efforts with those.
Check out acceptable documentation, they can use a foreign passport as ID...


Out-of-state license — A valid, or expired within 60 days, out-of-state driver license, identification card, or photo instruction permit, or a driver license from a foreign country, plus either 1 supporting and 1 alternate document OR at least 2 alternate documents.

Alternate documents showing name and date of birth

* Certified birth certificate
* Concealed weapons permit
* Consular report of birth abroad
* Court-issued adoption papers
* King County Club Entertainer Card
* Military DD 214
* Parent with proof of identity and proof of relationship (for child 18 or older)
* Photo driver license from another state or foreign country (expired over 60 days)
* Refugee Relief Placement Packet
* U.S. or foreign passport (expired or without an I-94 form)
* Veteran Administration ID
* Ward of the Court decree
* Washington State driver license or ID card (expired)
yes your right they are much more lax than Florida - there, they sent off to the USCIS to prove right of residence in the US even though I had a green card and a SS card and a Wisconsin driver's license ! It took a month for the USCIS checks to be done before I could get a Florida license. Seems Washington is dead easy on driver's licenses.
Dead easy on a lot of stuff if you're here ILLEGALLY!

'Sanctuary Cities' Embrace Illegal Immigrants - Seattle, Washington ... :rolleyes:

No comment...
copy letter to DOL

Dear DOL

Please find attached my form to register my interest in news regarding the ‘Alien Firearms License’. I have no application money to refund.

I understand the problem with the FBI, but the sentence about ‘not being able to determine if the applicant is lawfully present in the United States’ leaves me distinctly puzzled as I have a green card and an immigrant visa in my passport to prove just that. I am also a U.S. tax payer with documents to show that I pay U.S. taxes as a legal permanent resident

In order to get my green card I had to be photographed, measured, weighed, fingerprinted, required to give a blood sample , undergo an extensive medical examination, have inoculations, an interview at the US Embassy in London, produce a UK Police Certificate to show no record, and have extensive FBI checks into me and all my family

In order to satisfy the Washington legislation, surely the DOL can verify if all that is true with Department of Homeland Security (USCIS) ?

I don’t think new legislation is necessary, just a change in verification method by the DOL

Yours faithfully
Today contacted www.saf.org They told me there is nothing they can do.


They told me that current legistation is controled by the "Democrats", they have no interest in allowing more people obtaining firearms, again the gun control crowd in action. He also mention a case, that a Chezch legal OR resident with an OR concealed weapon permit got stopped in WA, charged with an Alien illegally having a firearm without a license. He was in WA helping a friend move, and had no idea of WA wonderful laws.

PS. Republican states have no issues with legal aliens owning guns.
I can concur, my local Reps are Republican and from what I've seen, farming people... I think "common sense" is a bit more prevalent in rural settings..

Any way, check out what is going on at THR in this thread:

waverace has been doing some digging into the issue.

PS SAF never called me back either... :mad:

Membership has its privileges :rolleyes:

FYI, the NRA is not very helpful on this either.
Legal action

I have heard sometimes Attorneys would take a civil case for free when it has strong merit and there is a substancial profitability. It looks like the case is defined in 3 fronts:

1. 14 amendment.
2. DOJ complaint.
3. Color of law.

I am not an Attorney, but common sense tells me AFL is purely unconstitutional.

I can not find any info. on the Oregon Chezch citizen. Do you have it?

How about contacting ACLU?

I also found this very interesting idea:

My roommate is a citizen, he wants to buy a firearm, I am a permanent resident we both live in the same house. If he buys a firearm for himself, then he would be exposing a permanent resident alien to firearm possession charges (I would not allow that) since I can not obtain an AFL and can not prevent my roommate from buying a firearm, the state of WA is jeopardizing my legal status and effectively preventing my roommate (a citizen from obtaining a firearm). I think the state of WA is "liable" here for this particular broken law.

Any thoughts here?
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Alien Firearms License sham in reality a blockade to Canadian hunters

I am a Canadian citizen & hold a valid Utah CFP, Pennsylvania LTCF, New Hampshire Pistol/Revolver License & a Maine Non-Resident Permit to Carry Concealed Firearms. The CCW issuing agencies of those states didn't have any problem getting information from the FBI in order to grant me a permit.

The inability to obtain background information from the FBI for purposes of vetting alien permit applicants seems to be limited solely to Washington State unless of course you believe that the above four states (NH, PA, UT, ME) broke the federal law in order to grant me their concealed carry permits. Believe me I don't have that much "pull".

In 99% of the cases any aliens that would conceivably use a firearm in the State of Washington wouldn't be Russians, Chinese or Japanese........they'd be Canadians.

Let's call this shabby contrivance of Washington State's exactly what it is and that is a fabricated drawbridge to bar Canadians from hunting in Washington State.

The WA state's Department of Licensing web site has a notice that reads:

"Special alert for alien firearms license applicants --
We are unable to issue alien firearms licenses at this time. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has told law enforcement agencies it is against federal law to use federal databases for background checks if the agencies share the results with a non-criminal justice agency such as the Department of Licensing. This means law enforcement agencies cannot perform the background checks required by state law for issuing an alien firearms license. Without these background checks, we cannot complete the application process or issue alien firearms licenses."

What an absolutely spineless & shameful example of "political weasel words" the above quote is.

:mad:Why didn't Washington State just have the guts to say straight up & upfront "We don't want Canadians hunting here".:mad:
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