Obtaining an alien firearms license - WA State

wow dude well done and thanks v much for posting..

I look forward with great interest to their reply

a glimmer of hope... I will send Ross Hunter a bouquet if this does the trick...

Lostone will probably buy a nuclear (It's pronounced 'Nu-cl-e-ar') shelter if we LAWFUL PERMANENT RESIDENTS are allowed a 22 single shot rifle for some sunday morning target plinking (after chuch of course), but it means that the number of properly licensed shooters in Washington State will increase and that can't be a negative for the responsible lawful gun lobby as a whole, even if Lostone fears for his life and his family and his country and his heritage and his way of life and his privileges as a consequence

The vast majority of States allows Aliens rights and they have not been threatened with extinction by lawful responsible ALIENS - their main concern is gas prices

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Bad news - got a reply from DOL firearms section - the new legislation changes nothing and we must wait for next year

Seems the legislators don't know what they are legislating

The inability to organise a good time in a brewery springs to mind
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the title of this is that I wonder what Sigourney Weaver has to say.

I know ! If those aren't alien eyes then I don't know what are !

She should be reclassified as an alien just to make sure

Do you realise that the Queen is an alien !

Can you see the headline - 'George Bush meets an alien' (More like Queen meets an alien)

Can't see the Queen coming to Washington anyway - but she would like to bag the occassional marmot with her .410 and she wouldn't be allowed

'Queen on felony charge for caressing Washington Governor's weapon'

and if she arrived on a public holiday she would find the 'State Liquor Stores' closed

No booze and no sport - 'One would like to go to Texas or Florida which are far more modern and civilised wouldn't you say Philip'

I live on the East side of the montains so I expect it to be a bit hicky and I don't mind really and it was my choice to settle here despite the old fashioned laws (firewater for the Indians !), but how the Seattle space age Boeing/Microsoft lot put up with it I don't know...
quoted from Allserene:
"Bad news - got a reply from DOL firearms section - the new legislation changes nothing and we must wait for next year

Seems the legislators don't know what they are legislating."

As this email from WA Stat Rep. Ross Hunter in the above post says:
"I would expect that the problems around this get resolved over the next
month or so as all the new bills start to take effect."

Seeing as that post is dated June 18 and he said a month to take effect, I would give it two months. :rolleyes: Hopefully by August the DOL will have been instructed to comply. I too have been waiting a few years for this.
Yes big confusion all round...

It seems a bit strange that they need 2 months to put their own legislation into practice and I don't know who is going to instruct the DOL as to what the legislation means

The lady at DOL seemed pretty firm that they had looked at it all ways up and the new legislation would have no effect on firearm's licenses

She seemed very much aware of it and said the dept had discussed it and tried all sorts of angles but the problem was still there

Let's hope she is wrong and something moves in July/August
Bad news guys. I got this response from Rep. Ross Hunter. Apparently she called the WA DOL office. Lets hope for the best.

I talked to the staff as well, and I agree, the bill did not resolve the
problem, though it should have. The FBI is being a pain on this and we
may have to do something else. I have the legislative staff working on a
possible solution. I'm copying my assistant so she can track your
information as we can get back to you. It will take us a while to figure
out a solution, as we have to make the FBI reasonably happy with the
result so that we get the data.

Representative Ross Hunter
Finance Committee Chairman

333 John L. O'Brien Building
Capitol Campus
Olympia, WA 98504
(360) 786-7936 Olympia Office
(425) 453-3064 District Office
Yes I think Ros underestimates what it takes to move the FBI and the DOL

I am not sure who's side the DOL is on but they seem fairly neutral

I woke up this morning and I was still half asleep and my wife shouted that Washington's gun ban had been overturned in the court

It took a while for me to realise that it was Washington DC they were talking about

Oh well, I suppose the paper targets at the Wenatchee gun club are safe for a while yet
I really appreciate your efforts and passion you put into this issue. After reading your post I felt inspired to act. Please, feel free to email your local WA Rep. this will increase the pressure on them, to resolve this issue. They understand Green Card holders will eventually become citizens and of course, this very same WA Reps. want to secure our future potential vote, also remember, by not correcting this issue the WA state is violating the 2nd and 14th amendments which also blankets greencard holders.

Soon we may go hunting wild ferals and or target shooting in Wenatche, WA. :-)



PS. make sure you CC Ross Hunter.
To someone surprised you can't purchase a firearm in WA without a license, guess what? Same thing applies in NJ (for full U.S. Citizens, even)

Last year, I had to wait nearly 4 months to get my "Firearms Purchaser ID Card" and two "1 time use" handgun purchaser permits. Now, the first is needed to buy any weapon, and is required for long-guns as well. The 2nd is required for EACH handgun purchase, and the 2nd expires. Also, I've noticed that some places also ask to see your Firearms Purchaser ID card just to buy AMMO. No b.s.!

So in NJ, if you want a handgun, you have to:
(1) go to your local POLICE STATION
(2) fill out the necessary forms, which are quite invasive; they also include many questions that are solely designed to let them sue you later, to which no person would ever answer "yes" -- (i.e. one of the questions is "do you have plans to overthrow the NJ government"; I guess if you were a nutjob and did try to overthrow the gov't they could add a count to your courtcase based on your form)
(3) get every finger of both hands fingerprinted
(4) pay via moneyorder (no cash) about $55
(5) provide TWO references, who must fill out a form about you AND respond to questions by the police, if asked, about you
(6) provide a WORK REFERENCE who will be contacted by the police to verify your employment (and/or find out if you're a crazy)
(7) wait a multiple of the statutory time NJ is really permitted to actually get your licenses
(8) repeat a part of the process every time you want to buy a new handgun -- while there are no limits (yet!) to how many handguns you can buy, there is an effective delay every time you want to buy one in waiting for the 'purchasing' permits (which do expire in 60-90 days)
(9) when buying a handgun, submit personal information, including socsec# to the gun dealer for yet another background check

I will say that the Detective in my area was exceptionally friendly and helpful with the process and was just as annoyed with having to go through the process as I was. He claimed the NJ state police (remember, my guy's a local cop, so he wasn't criticizing his direct brethren) was very slow in turning around the background checks/fingerprints, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Now, I can reasonably say that no self-respecting criminal is likely to sit through this process, in a police station no less, provide fingerprints so that they can be put on file, nor want to wait 3-6 months for permission to buy a weapon. So in that regard, criminals will likely look elsewhere to buy their weapons, not that they have any trouble finding them.

At the same time, law abiding citizens are put through the same process as a criminal, as if they committed a crime, just to exercise a constitutional right. The fingerprinting area used for this purpose was the same area used to book criminals. It was unnerving, to say the least.
That sounds as bad as the UK almost - there the Police place huge financial obstacles in the way to dissuade you. They make you pay for heavy hardwood doors inside the house and a dedicated phone line for the alarm to go through to the Police Station and special locks and steel cabinets etc etc
- it costs many thousands and is not legislated - it's just the police acting like legislators
At least a clear honest law can be challenged with success or not, but this backdoor stuff is outside the law and is beaurocrats making up deliberate delays like they were the law makers

That is just sneaky and it's undemocratic

I knew that this sort of stuff would spread to ALL shooters in ALL States and that's why I asked ALL shooter's to support green card holders to change the situation in Washington

Some US Citizens would ditch minority rights thinking that they are high and dry - but they aren't and we will ALL lose out
I live in Washington state. I'm not happy to have folks in my state demanding rights when they aren't yet citizens. You will have rights once you become a citizen. We aren't discussing human rights which you already have, we are speaking of rights that citizens of the United States have. I would think that you would be happy enough just to be here. In Snohomish County you probably don't need a self defense weapon so buy an air rifle to practice with and work on obtaining citizenship. You will have the right to buy firearms after you become a citizen. This is how it should be. A company wouldn't give a temporary employee keys. They would wait until he is a permanant employee. Everyone wants something for nothing. Get over it.
I have contacted Representative Cathy McMorris as well.

She was helpful before in obtaining information from the FBI as to how the DOL could possibly work around the issue.

BTW, the topic over here was locked:


Also... since the Winter games are being held in Vancouver BC Canada in 2010, many athletes will not have anywhere to train for biathlon, the logical choice for them to train would be in WA State, well guess what, THEY CAN'T because of this...

So WA State is losing out on funding from the Winter Olympics...
Oh... as an afterthought, please refrain from wasting the time of our elected officials. They certainly have more important things to work on than the imagined rights of folks that aren't citizens yet.
Inspector, is it ok if I suggest to my wife (Who is a born US Citizen) that she contact her representative, or would that be undue foreign influence in the workings of the U.S.A. ?

We are going to a July 4th party next week, perhaps you think I should be excluded at the gate ? Not one of the club and all that

Perhaps my wife should have a DNA blood test to see if she was related to the people on the Mayflower - their bodies are in the churchyard in Boston - we could dig em up and compare.

Actually she has Cherokee blood so perhaps it's you and your family who are alien johnny -cum- latelys in comparison

When the Police are taking your guns because you can't comply with new legislation, you will welcome support from all legal U.S. residents who are paying heavy taxes to keep US forces in Iraq
Greencard holders do have the right to vote on local elections, this affects our elected officials. Why do you think they bother to listen to us knowing we are not citizens? I will continue to demand my right to bear arms as a legal resident in WA and will work with officials until this is finally resolved.

By 2010 I should be a "proud" citizen of the United States and my local Reps. will have my vote.

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Two more years for me too...

I would think that you would be happy enough just to be here

I came from a fine country with a proud history and I haven't washed up on the shore as a grateful 3rd world escaper

I came here to be with my US Citizen wife and I don't intend to be a second class anything while I am here - no matter what the colour of my passport is.

So on the contrary, you should think yourself lucky to have me here - I bring a world perspective and all my education, wealth and foreign income to spend into the Washington State economy expecting nothing from it

I am giving to the US and taking nothing as I am retired - so I am not even 'taking' a job

I am eligible for Citizenship in November in 2 years time. I intend to take Citizenship for practical reasons, (getting a single shot .22 target rifle ?), but I wish some Americans were less aggressive and hostile to people of other Nationalities and didn't set themselves up as the new 'master race' - I would take nationality with more conviction if that were the case

The dead bodies of my family lay in military cemeteries in Europe, fighting people who called themselves - 'Nationalists' - 'nazis' for short. The least I can do is refuse to be treated as second class like the Jews were. I am not giving in to people who would treat me as an inferior being, even if they call it an 'apprenticeship'.