Obtaining an alien firearms license - WA State

ok Washington State

I have arrived and bought a 1250cc Suzuki Bandit and a canoe and an outboard and a lawn mower and a gas strimmer. We are talking serious boys toys acquision month

and now ? well I would like a .22 LR single shot target rifle to use on the range that is 400 yards away from my house. I joined my first rifle club in 1964

But no - I am an ALIEN ! I have an unconditional 10 year green card but I am not eligible for citizenship for 2.5 years. My wife is a born US Citizen and she could buy a big gun but I cant even shoot clay pigeons

I have already had 12 months of FBI checks and a strip down intrusive medical exam by the U.S Embassy doctors in London and spend years and thousands of dollars getting my green card

My family has been investigated too and all my affiliations and theirs.

So I pass all this intensive scutiny to be told I have to do it all again with the FBI - but they won't do it anyway and it's a stalemate

The U.S. has it's most important base in the world only 10miles from where I used to live. It's called Menwith Hill in Yorkshire and is of number one importance for intelligence gathering and interception of Russian Military traffic and the first target for a Russian atom bomb. U.S. service personnel there and everyone else in the UK are afforded the same rights so it's a new concept to me to be sorted into left and right lines

I have brought 3 pensions and more than a million bucks to spend here in Washington State - I have filed U.S. Taxes in February and I am contributing to the U.S.A big style

I have contacted a couple of representatives who say the alien's license is all on ice until the next 3 month legislative session next year

When U.S. Citizens hear of ALIENS having problems I am sure they imagine some seedy illegal immigrant and get quite 'anti' and don't want to support us.
I hope some of this story might encourage fellow shooters to lend their moral support to this alien's firearms license problem which is disadvantaging safe, solid people, many homeowners, and many of whom are married to U.S. born Citizens and who are contributing to the U.S. treasury and who can contribute to the shooting world in all sorts of ways

This ban on people like me has no advantage to any Citizens and especially Citizen shooters - only disadvantages
Become a citizen before you start demanding citizen's rights and hurling Jim Crow BS around.

Yup, you don't find my rear in Mexico or Canada trying to buy a gun. Either go back to your own Country, or wait until your legal here. Simple enough.
You won't get a rise out of me so easily Mr Copenhagen because I am mature.

If all American shooters were of the same opinion then they would struggle to get support for their rights which will gradually become under threat

So it benefits shooters to support each other no matter what the ethnicity of their fellow shooters is

There is no advantage to American Citizen shooters to turn away those who would add power to their elbow

I am not going back to 'where I came from'. I have put too much into this to do that. I am going to stay here and eventually become a Citizen and then I will work politically to disarm those shooters who are not safe to have a gun because of their nasty mentality and anti social personality disorders. At the same time I will press for safe responsible well adjusted people to have guns no matter where they came from.

That would be my right when I become a Citizen ?
no matter what the ethnicity of their fellow shooters is

Ethnicity? Who cares what ethnicity you are? I know I don't. Are you sensitive or something?

That would be my right when I become a Citizen ?

Yup, when you become a citizen, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

If we let non-citizens have every right, then next thing you know it, it will be OK to come over here illegally, go to school free, get free health care, etc. Oh wait, I think that already is OK. While I firmly support your right to keep arms, and I would encourage you to own one now (how you get it I don't really care), I don't see the point in you complaining when you are not a citizen. I would never have the audacity to go to another country and complain to them about their laws, even if/after I became a citizen, it would take years before I felt like I really belonged and had the right to complain. Be respectful, and wait your turn, that's all I'm saying.
my ethnicity is non - American, a foreigner, an alien, although Americans with a British lineage should know that unless their forebears came over on the Mayflower (It was a pretty small boat), then their ancestors were much more likely to have been related to, or even part of the British forces trying to quell the rebellion of 1776.

I am sensitive, aren't you ? It's better than being insensitive. I hope your dentist is sensitive. Insensitive people with guns isn't a good thing is it ? The SS had a lot of those.

We Europeans have experience of political systems that send some to the left and some to the right. Humans and sub-humans. Some are inside the fence and the others can burn. That is why we don't have this 'alien without rights' concept in Europe and why it is so strange to be identified as 'alien' and treated differently.

If Americans mixed better with ' aliens ' they would have a wider and more enjoyable experience.. I just opened a bank account (I am allowed to do that) and I was asked where I learned English. When I said 'England' I was asked if they spoke English there.

Come on America and realise that foreigners are just like you and should not be restricted and put 'under the thumb' and bullied and deprived like a new boy at school.

What if the hundreds of countries who have American bases, invalidated driving licenses for American service personnel there until America started treating 'aliens' equally in the USA ?

They wouldn't of course because it's not their way

I have lived in Wisconsin and Florida and now Washington Stae so luckily I know that America has tens of millions of decent, reasonable, deep-thinking , educated, sensitive friendly people - so coming across a few grumpy 'anti-foreigners' isnt going to send me home defeated - nothing will actually.

I think every gun owner in the US should have a gun license which can be withdrawn if their personality is inconsistent with gun ownership. Hatred of foreigners would be an indicator for a start.

Isn't that what Mohammed Atta had ?
I think every gun owner in the US should have a gun license which can be withdrawn if their personality is inconsistent with gun ownership. Hatred of foreigners would be an indicator for a start.

lmao, you sound like you came from Europe.
Most Americans came from Europe originally - that's why I can't figure the antagonism against newcomers.

I joined this post because I expected that shooters would want to help each other to keep their guns and expand their shooting interest.

I am sure that's the case actually

The more people who can be allowed to take up the hobby, the more people can defend against unreasonable gun laws

Shooters who want to disarm anyone who wasn't born in the USA (immigrant aliens like Bob Hope and Charlie Chaplin and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Julie Andrews) are doing the shooting interests no favors in the long run

Only people like O J Simpson will be allowed to have guns - an American Citizen so he must be ok
I understand that there is a strong thread in American culture that sees U.S. Citizens as being better than other people and 'aliens' should have lesser rights while they are in the USA

It is unique in the developed world and luckily other Western Nations do not retaliate against U.S. Citizens who live there by making them 'lesser'

It is something I will work to change when I am a U.S. Citizen but perhaps someone already did it :

The 14th amendment says it best

"no state shall… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

How far have we come from that to 'You foreigners can get out if you don't like discrimatory laws'

oh America what happened in between times and when will 'all men created equal' actually mean something again ?

You American shooters go to every corner of the globe to shoot lions and bears etc etc and you expect every country to allow you to posssess a gun there - why should foreigners not be allowed here ?

Of course if you don't believe in fairness, then the question answers itself
I am totally legal in the USA and I have been checked out in depth and approved by the CIA and the FBI which is more than many crack head glock toting Americans Citizens have - and I will pay more tax to the U.S. Treasury in the next few years than many Americans pay in their life times. I am not allowed to become a citizen until 2.5 years have passed or I would

Until then I will be one less voice in the gun lobby simply because of the place where I was born all those years ago

When your guns are gradually taken from you, you will regret turning potential allies away just because they dont drive pickup trucks and were born somewhere else
Sorry but the green card deal isn't good enough.

We have a huge problem with Illegal aliens in this country, even the ones with green cards aren't checked out in any depth, so if you want to blame somone - blame Mexico.

I know for a fact I don't want people to be able buy a gun just becuase they have Green Card, show your allegiance to this country and become a US citizen - afterwards you will be able to buy as many guns as you want.

So you just need to wait 2.5 years.

I am totally legal in the USA and I have been checked out in depth and approved by the CIA and the FBI which is more than many crack head glock toting Americans Citizens have

Sounds like you really need to leave this country if you think its filled with "glock toting crack heads"
Allserene man,

You cannot contend with 'birthright'; you might contribute much much more than the average Joe, but due process matters. ;)

You are irked because you demand a certain 'fairness' from the system (eg. why can't a law-abiding tax-paying PR holder get a gun while ... blah blah ). It's not fair. It isn't fair that some smart IT kid from some so-called developing country is making a blast in Joe's land, milking it and rubbing it in Joe's face by living it up and driving a Porsche.

You sound like you are doing well~ Your time outside the US of A must have somehow contributed to your above-average success here; it's not fair.

:) Let's suck it up and wait till next year.
Did a little thinking

Allserene buddy, you come off like you have an attitude problem or something, at least the way I took it. Beyond that, here's the thing, I do believe you have the right to keep/carry/purchase arms in America. It is you unalienable right.
I am from the planet Garignac. How may I obtain one of these papers so that I may use my Destructo Laser legally?

Allserene, I fully feel for you. The great state of Texas makes no difference between US citizens and legal permanent residents as far as firearm and carry laws.
For those who made "Sorry Buddy..." kind of comments: the worst strategy for us; gun owners. Most immigrants gaining resident status to the US are anti-gun and gun supporters are a shrinking group. I know lot of people living, working having families in the US for 10-15 years before deciding to give up their born citizenship (Swedish, Italian, German, Hungarian, Austian etc.) and become a US citizen. If you alienate the few that would support gun rights now they will probably vote against it once they gain citizenship.

1. I think you should contact the NRA and/or the state association and get their help to close this loophole. It also means that a green card holder with a CCW permit Washington State honors can get arrested and prosecuted.

2. Move to Texas. The weather is great here and jobs are well paying for professionals working in the oil industry.
It isn't fair that some smart IT kid from some so-called developing country is making a blast in Joe's land, milking it and rubbing it in Joe's face by living it up and driving a Porsche.

England and the EU is hardly "developing" and obviously you know pretty much nothing about it.

The US immigration laws make it possible to hire enough professionals in the Oil and Gas Industry in Houston and generate income for most of the population here. Houston sucks up a good portion of the professionals from the EU also while contries like Norway, England, France are strugling finding enough to fill all positions. Less professionals hired means less tax, less jobs and income in the local economy.

Do you really think an AC service man could make $80 an hour in TX if there was no oil industry?
Well first of all I am not an IT kid with Porsche - I am a 60 year old retired guy who got his money from decades of hard work including unloading coal trucks with a shovel, being an inner city policeman and the Finance Director of an American Company in Europe. I have 3 grandchildren including a 16 year old grandson. My wife is from Wisconsin and she has struggled 10 hours per day, 7 days a week for 6 months to get a job after we returned from England and this job in Washington State job is the only one she could get. So I can't just move to Texas or the more free and equal States

Saying there are a lot of forged green cards so mine can't be accepted is the same as saying my green card can't be accepted for getting a driver's license and I should not be allowed to drive for 2.5 years.

This forged green card stuff is just an excuse for employers who deliberately hire illegals - the Washington Licensing people and immigration can sure tell which cards are genuine.

People like me who went through hell for years to get their genuine green card are VERY anti illegals

Also, I am not asking for a change in the law to suit me - Washington State actually passed this 'alien firearms license' legislation to ALLOW aliens to have guns - the 'will of the people ' is being frustrated by this adminstrative glitch and it's that I am complaining about and not the existing law. I am complaining about an existing American law not being implemented because of admin problems.

I want this already existing American law to be allowed to operate

I don't have an 'attitude' - I am safe and experienced with guns and I was a committee member of a gun club for 14 years. My first gun was a 12 bore 3 inch magnum that I bought when I was 13 and I hunted alone with that. It was legal then in England

Anyone who posts on this forum is a shooter. I am shocked that shooters don't encourage safe , respectable, legally resident shooters who live permanently in their area, simply because of a hatred of foreigners and all things foreign
Dude, I feel for you but your post makes you seem a wacko. Sorry.

allserene said:
my ethnicity is non - American, a foreigner, an alien, although Americans with a British lineage should know that unless their forebears came over on the Mayflower (It was a pretty small boat), then their ancestors were much more likely to have been related to, or even part of the British forces trying to quell the rebellion of 1776.

I am sensitive, aren't you ? It's better than being insensitive. I hope your dentist is sensitive. Insensitive people with guns isn't a good thing is it ? The SS had a lot of those.

We Europeans have experience of political systems that send some to the left and some to the right. Humans and sub-humans. Some are inside the fence and the others can burn. That is why we don't have this 'alien without rights' concept in Europe and why it is so strange to be identified as 'alien' and treated differently.

If Americans mixed better with ' aliens ' they would have a wider and more enjoyable experience.. I just opened a bank account (I am allowed to do that) and I was asked where I learned English. When I said 'England' I was asked if they spoke English there.

Come on America and realise that foreigners are just like you and should not be restricted and put 'under the thumb' and bullied and deprived like a new boy at school.

What if the hundreds of countries who have American bases, invalidated driving licenses for American service personnel there until America started treating 'aliens' equally in the USA ?

They wouldn't of course because it's not their way

I have lived in Wisconsin and Florida and now Washington Stae so luckily I know that America has tens of millions of decent, reasonable, deep-thinking , educated, sensitive friendly people - so coming across a few grumpy 'anti-foreigners' isnt going to send me home defeated - nothing will actually.

I think every gun owner in the US should have a gun license which can be withdrawn if their personality is inconsistent with gun ownership. Hatred of foreigners would be an indicator for a start.

Isn't that what Mohammed Atta had ?

Coming into a US Gun forum and saying Europeans are better than Ameicans is not a good start. BTW, how many Americans can own unlimited handguns while residing in Britain? For that matter, how many British can?

Were you not able to get a driver's license? I really don't see your linking the two otherwise, because legal aliens can get a driver's license, just like our military personnel at the European bases.

Advocating that every US gunowner must be licensed (I'm not licensed and have no intension of doing so, then again it's not a requirement yet......maybe it will be when enough of those like yourself become citizens) is a non-starter for sure.

I guess from the educated elitist European point of view everything you post makes sense. But if you truely want to become an American when you are able, I'd lose the attitude first. No one likes being talked down to, especially by someone from a contintent which has been so successful in dealing amongst themselves over the centuries.