Obama declining his hand over his heart.

McCarthy was extreme, but let's not forget that a good portion of those accused were communists. Saw a program on steve seger the other day.
Look, if Obama didn't go to a kill-whitey church, vote like Barney Frank, and yearn for American surrender, nobody would notice the hand-on-the-heart thing.

As it stands, it's just another sign and it looks bad.
You maintain that groups like CodePink, MoveOn.org, etc. aren't at all representative of the political left.
They're not. They're representative of some of the political left but not the majority.
Now, please show me which mainstream leftists have condemned the actions of CodePink, International Answer, MoveON.org, and others for their reprehensible, unpatriotic actions in harassing the vets at Walter Reed, and in running ads like the "General Betray Us" smear, etc. Where are the leftist counter demonstrators at Walter Reed and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?
I don't know what you consider "mainstream leftists" but a Democratically controlled Senate and House passed resolutions condemning the ad and even Obama voted for a resolution calling it an unwarranted personal attack.

It's OK to you so long as they only harass the vets on alternate Tuesdays?
Go stuff your straw man where the sun don't shine.

The point is that you're making these claims with nothing to back them up. Proof of this harassment?
It's very inappropriate to hold any kind of anti-war demonstration at the front gate of the hospital treating the wounded vets. They and thier families have enough to worry about without a bunch of leftist moonbats shrilly reminding the vets that they consider their sacrifice to be worthless. ANY such anti-war demonstration at the front gate of WRAMC constitutes harassment of the wounded vets.
Inappropriate, my ass. Protest is not supposed to be appropriate.

What constitutes harassment in your eyes doesn't have to do so in someone else's. You don't get to define that word.
cool hand luke 22:36 said:
It's very inappropriate to hold any kind of anti-war demonstration at the front gate of the hospital treating the wounded vets. They and thier families have enough to worry about....anti-war demonstration at the front gate of WRAMC constitutes harassment of the wounded vets.

Redworm said:
What constitutes harassment in your eyes doesn't have to do so in someone else's. You don't get to define that word.

However, Merriam-Webster does:

harass (verb): 1): to annoy persistently (2): to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct. -- harassment (noun)
ah, touche. harassment indeed

I guess it makes sense that all protest is a form of harassment.

Yet it still doesn't show that this was done against the wounded soldiers themselves and not the hospital or the administration that ultimately runs the military that runs the hospital.

And not necessarily inappropriate nor unpatriotic. My point still stands; patriotism is not a left/right issue and saying that Obama not putting his hand over his heart somehow shows him to be a "lefty" is flat-out dishonest.
Obama....democrat.....Hillary....democrat.... if you think they will let you keep more of the money you earn, your wrong. Economic solutions she says? It's a salution all right, when they take all your money away you won't have to worry about spending it. They can spend your money for you better because they're smarter than any of you are.
And private ownership of guns? HA! Constitutional, Bill of Rights or not, your not worthy!
Not when you combine it with his campaign advisor, mentor, pastor, and close friend who screeches, "G-Damn America!" Especially when he keeps changing his story about not knowing what his campaign advisor, mentor, pastor, and close friend was espousing. First he didn't know. Then he knew some things. :rolleyes:

And especially not when Obama wants to be the Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States of America.