Obama declining his hand over his heart.

President Bush started wearing the flag pin in the post 9-11 flag waving euphoria.

Eventually the group display of convenient-patriotism wound down, but once the President dons a flag pin, it's removal would be interpreted as a giant political statement.

Many staunchly pro-American politicians recognized this, and wisely chose not to start.
President Bush started wearing the flag pin in the post 9-11 flag waving euphoria.

Eventually the group display of convenient-patriotism wound down, but once the President dons a flag pin, it's removal would be interpreted as a giant political statement.

Many staunchly pro-American politicians recognized this, and wisely chose not to start.

Tough will be the day he forgets to wear it and his handlers don't catch it in time.. the markets will crash.
I agree with Sandbag and Fremmer.

This particular act was simply ironic to me. It was just a small glimpse revealing the vastly different upbringing our future presidential candidate had compared to myself. Where I grew up, it was just common knowledge, even among we rebellious youths, that putting your hand over your heart was just something you did. Whether it is simply a token gesture is debatable.
I've heard that Obama believes that USA flag lapen pins and a hand over heart during the pledge amounts is hollow pride and meaningless pandering.
Placing your hand over heart is the decent thing to do. It may show intense pride of country, or it may simply show respect for fellow citizens as polite public behavior.

It is the REFUSAL to place hand over heart that is a more carefully thought out, conscious act; that broadcasts a defiance of the countries political values or disregard for polite public behavior. In the case of a politician in the national spotlight it is an act as glaring and "in your face" as President Bush's flag pin.

Obama is telegraphing that he holds some other value higher than his citizenship.
and this is acceptable


Dybya Bush signing flags as give aways on a trip. Now that is true patriotism!
Get the facts right.

You can bicker all you want about the meaning! But at least, please ... get the facts right.

For those saying Obama "refuses" to put his hand over his heart or express other forms of patriotism:


There he is.

That's during the National Anthem.

Now, carry on.


(No, I'm not an Obama supporter. I think he's slimy & frightening both. But I hate it when people on my own side are so dad-gummed lazy that they refuse to make even a minimal effort to get the facts right before they get all emotionally argumentative!)


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If y'all are worried that Obama doesn't put his hand over his heart is a salient issue concerning his election, then you aren't paying attention to the relevant issues.
I guess my post sounded contradictory,but I think Obama is less deceitful than Hillary Clinton-he's making a point while she is doing whatever it takes to appear palatable-she reminds me of the Mr.Potter character in "It's A Wonderful Life"-when Jimmy Stewart shakes his hand he realizes how rotten the guy really is and recoils.I think a lot of people are finally realizing that she's an evil conniver.Obama is a disaster waiting to happen-in his first crisis he will either over or under react.I think McCain will know what to do(I hope so anyway) because he has faced tremendous adversity and survived.
"Don't vote for Obama because he's against the principles of capitalism that built this country." and
"Don't vote for Obama because he wants the government to control just about every aspect of your daily life."

He is an extreme radical leftist who has proposed $900 Billion in new entitlements and will have to raise taxes to pay for them. Stressing that would be enough, if only the Republicans had a strong conservative running instead of the weak Democrat like McCain it would probably be a slam dunk.
pax said:
For those saying Obama "refuses" to put his hand over his heart or express other forms of patriotism:

There he is.

Thank you Kathy for posting this correction.

It demonstrates that the Obama campaign can learn from their mistakes, but it does little to detract from the argument that their deeper feelings were telegraphed before he began reacting to the criticism.
Doesn't place his hand over his heart? Hasn't he also said he will place his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible, if elected and sworn in? Will he also say "so help me God, or so help me Allah"?

No flames, please, just would like some input from those better informed.
FM12 ~

No. He has been a Christian, an active and regular attender at Trinity United Church of Christ, for more than twenty years -- long before he began running for any political office.

The pastor of that church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has come under heavy fire for racist content in his sermons. Rev. Wright has been the center of controversy for years, up to and including preaching from the pulpit that the US government started the AIDS virus, and blaming the US for the 9/11 attacks. He also espouses black liberation theology, which interprets the Bible as the story of the struggles of black people.

From the church web site:

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

Obama has recently begun taking steps to distance himself from the racist teachings of the church, but it's not real convincing -- especially after he commented about his own grandmother, "She was a typical white person ..." To me, that kind of attitude is far more troubling from a prospective President of a heterogenous nation than 'most anything else.

But no, he's not a Muslim and he didn't swear into office on the Koran. That distinction belongs to Keith Ellison (D-Minn).

Doesn't place his hand over his heart? Hasn't he also said he will place his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible, if elected and sworn in? Will he also say "so help me God, or so help me Allah"?

No flames, please, just would like some input from those better informed.
I doubt either of those is accurate considering he's a Christian but if they were true I don't see how it would matter.
Doesn't place his hand over his heart? Hasn't he also said he will place his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible, if elected and sworn in? Will he also say "so help me God, or so help me Allah"?

No flames, please, just would like some input from those better informed.
I doubt either of those is accurate considering he's a Christian but if they were true I don't see how it would matter.

Probably confusing Barack Obama with Keith Ellison, who did use a Koran for his oath.

I guess Keith Ellison's name isn't quite foreign-sounding enough to get a good chain email going, though. ;)
If a Muslim wishes to use the Koran or a Jew decides to use the Old Testament or a Mormon wants to use the Book Of Mormon or a Hindu, Buddhist, Zarathrustrian or whatever wants to use their sacred book - so what!

Or just swear with no mention of a deity. Is it legit to say that you don't believe in such?

Too much protestations of faith in this campaign.
Glenn, I'm with you. I want my Presidential candidates and other politians to swear by all that they hold holy that they will uphold and defend the Constitution.

An oath by something they don't believe and don't respect is not going to have as much effect on their consciences as an oath by something they do believe and do respect.

Of course, since most of our politicians believe in nothing except getting elected, and respect little except power ...



I swear, by my life and my love of it ... -- Ayn Rand