Obama declining his hand over his heart.

I think we have a right to expect people in these positions to show basic respect for the American Flag.

You can trash the Constitution, ban guns, restrict free speech, and force your religious agenda on me, but you damn well better show respect for the Flag. Its decidely unpatriotic not to do so.
With Obama's mentor and campaign advisor screaming "G-Damn America", is anyone really surprised that Obama refuses to perform the civilian salute to the flag?

And this is the guy who wants to be the Commander in Chief? :rolleyes:
Obama makes a point of not wearing a flag pin and not holding his hand over his heart.If he were running a hot dog stand,this wouldn't make a tinker's damn.But he's running for President and it does matter.I wouldn't vote for this man anyway,since he doesn't believe citizens should own semiautomatic weapons and he wants a mass legalization of illegal aliens.The other democrat candidate may wear a flag on her pantsuit,but in her heart she flies the UN flag or some other symbol of internationalism.She'd like to disarm the entire population,probably down to BB guns.
How do you know from a still photo what was going on?
There is a full video of the even and no he never did put his hand over his heart
His initial answers about this and not wearing the American flay was he did not want to appear as a super patriot.
No, that was not his answer
He said he didn't wear the flag because it was false patriotism and he didn't put his hand over his heart because that was how his grandfather had taught him
I was taught the same thing by a man who spent 30 years in the military serving and fighting for his country
I was taught to stand at attention
I saw people with the hands over their hearts and asked about it and was told that that is what veterans did
I was also taught and have subsequently researched it
That the boob clutch was not the proper salute
Properly a salute should be rendered with the right hand in the classic salute position above the heart

I also want to know why Obama is the only one called out on this

If the proper behavior dictates that one stand at attention with their hand over their heart, doesn't that imply that both conditions be met
Richardson looks like he is searching the crowd and Hillary looks like she's fidgeting out of boredom
Two men stand at rigid attention to the left of the stage every one else looks like they have a two year olds attention span

Seems his poll numbers going down made him more willing to show patriotism.
He has never been unwilling to show patriotism, he has simply stated that wearing a pin does not do that

The other democrat candidate may wear a flag on her pantsuit,but in her heart she flies the UN flag or some other symbol of internationalism.She'd like to disarm the entire population,probably down to BB guns.
You basically just paraphrase in a less politically correct manner, exactly the reason he gave for not wearing the pin

Patriotism should be displayed by deeds not jewelry
There is also a picture of Bush desecrating the flag by writing on it, which is prohibited by the flag code. Why is no one making a stink about that?
So stamps are out. Yet they are issued by the US Gov't and used by millions of peopl3! Is the postal service Un-American? Are the millions of people who use flag stamps disrespecting America?

You're comparing apples and oranges here.

The USPS has committed a mistake out of ignorance and eagerness to display patriotism,

Obama has made a deliberate decision to refrain from engaging in common expressions of patriotism.

Amongst all the major candidates for the Presidency in American history, Obama has a view of America that is uniquely negative.

Most candidates have seen American as basically good, with some major problems to be solved.

Obama, like most hard-left extremists, sees America as bordering on evil, a dark negative force that must be blunted and restrained at all turns.

Obama's world view is much closer to Eldridge Cleaver's than to Martin Luther King's.
Because not reading this thread won't make it go away.

You're welcome.

It just disgusts me to see that there are multitudes of policy issues that would make most people run away from Obama, yet so much focus has been shifted on pins and pastors.

Apparently, Obama has appeal with "moderates" and "independents." Until the debate goes back to where it's supposed to be - the crazy extreme liberal nutty populism - the moderates and independents will just continue to dismiss these stupid ad hom arguments about American Flags and Black Liberation. I'll give credit for Obama and his people for being so good at hiding the crap underneath so much rhetoric about change and si se puede and hope and change, and some more change.

"Don't vote for Obama because his middle name is Hussein!" and
"Don't vote for Obama because he doesn't wear an American Flag pin!"


"Don't vote for Obama because he's against the principles of capitalism that built this country." and
"Don't vote for Obama because he wants the government to control just about every aspect of your daily life."

Didn't McCain run on the same rhetoric platform 8 years ago... except instead of "change," it was packaged as "reform?"
There is also a picture of Bush desecrating the flag by writing on it, which is prohibited by the flag code. Why is no one making a stink about that?
You're probably correct, but should back it up by
1) The picture
2)The Code
not just the statement thrown out of the blue.
McCain and the flag pin issue

"Republican hopeful John McCain said he doesn’t wear a flag pin on a daily basis. Brooke Buchanan, a spokeswoman for the Arizona senator, said “his record of service to his country shows his dedication.” http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,299578,00.html

So if McCain does not wear the flag pin every day its OK. President Bush did not wear one at his inauguration and that was OK. But if Obama does not wear one he is unpatriotic. Hum!
If we keep talking about Obama and all of his minor problems (meaning not honoring the flag, etc.) rather than focusing on his MAJOR problems (gun control, socilalized healthcare, bigger government, etc.) we are just wasting our time.

This matter has been discussed a thousand times here...let's move on and talk about something more interesting. Did anyone know that Hilary is really a man? :D
I don't see the major issue with it, he said it was the way he was taught and thats that. I take off my hat and cover my heart, but if he chooses not to then is not my place to say that he is wrong.


Okay well I was taught guns are evil but if you want to own something evil go ahead.(/sarcasm)

Isn't this the attitude that got us in the trouble were in?
The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.

Back during VietNam days - one of the major radicals appeared on TV wearing an American flag shirt to protest the war. People were outraged!

He should be arrested.

The next day, Roy Rogers wore the same shirt on a cowboy music TV show.

I agree with the tempest in a tee pot point of view. Today, Dick Cheney insinuated that the President carries the bigger burden than those who died in the war or their families:

"The president carries the biggest burden, obviously," Cheney said. "He's the one who has to make the decision to commit young Americans, but we are fortunate to have a group of men and women, the all-volunteer force, who voluntarily put on the uniform and go in harm's way for the rest of us."

From ABCnews.

Worry about that.
He said he didn't wear the flag because it was false patriotism and he didn't put his hand over his heart because that was how his grandfather had taught him
I was taught the same thing by a man who spent 30 years in the military serving and fighting for his country
I was taught to stand at attention
I saw people with the hands over their hearts and asked about it and was told that that is what veterans did
I was also taught and have subsequently researched it
That the boob clutch was not the proper salute
Properly a salute should be rendered with the right hand in the classic salute position above the heart

I've got plenty of vets in my family -- my Dad was in the Air Force, and I grew up with my right hand over my left breast every time I saw a flag. My first real memory of it was a trip to the base theater to see a movie. Everyone in the place did it too -- 300-400 people, maybe? (popular movie)

Since my Dad retired ~15 years ago, the only other time I've seen this behavior en masse was a visit to my father-in-law's retirement celebration. Again, several hundred people with hands on hearts -- and spouses, children, etc.

Maybe there are different military traditions on this issue ;).

"The president carries the biggest burden, obviously," Cheney said. "He's the one who has to make the decision to commit young Americans, but we are fortunate to have a group of men and women, the all-volunteer force, who voluntarily put on the uniform and go in harm's way for the rest of us."

From ABCnews.

Worry about that.

Having never been in the position to knowingly order others into life-threatening danger, I will instead interpret that as data, not to be criticized. I think it's very hard to quantify these things, so we must give those in positions of authority the benefit of the doubt.

Which is harder, and for what reasons or in what different ways, is something we can't determine or understand without being in both places. Few have -- a President who lead in a time of military conflict who was, himself, a soldier in a military conflict would be the one to ask.

Obama makes a point of not wearing a flag pin and not holding his hand over his heart.If he were running a hot dog stand,this wouldn't make a tinker's damn.But he's running for President and it does matter.

So, wearing a flag pin is important. . . .
The other democrat candidate may wear a flag on her pantsuit,but in her heart she flies the UN flag or some other symbol of internationalism.

. . . but is meaningless since you don't believe them anyway.

I guess you just proved Obama's point about the flag pin, anyways.

Of course, extending that logic to hand over heart versus standing tall and shutting up would be craaaaazy :D

Yes, I was joking in my previous post regarding people not wearing pins. Seemed like the correct response to this whole thread.