Obama declining his hand over his heart.


New member
Snopes.com seems to think this picture is legitimate. Why would anyone think it is not important to honor our country with not putting their hand over their heart? Even if it is not intentional, it just shows me we (Barack and I) have come from totally different backgrounds. I was raised in small town Americana with God, country, and apple pie. I understood without being told it was the right thing to do. Maybe he thinks he is a bit more sophisticated and want to express himself as such? any ideas?


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How do you know from a still photo what was going on? How do you know the anthem was not over, and he put his hand down? Or how do you know it had not just started, and he just had not raised it yet. Also, why is Bill Richardson looking in the wrong direction?
It's legitimate. I has been shown around a lot. In fact, there is also the complete video that shows he stands that way the whole time. His initial answers about this and not wearing the American flay was he did not want to appear as a super patriot. I did notice that in his race relations speech he was backed by no less than 9 American flags. I guess when your poll numbers are going down it is OK to fly the flag.

How do you know from a still photo what was going on? How do you know the anthem was not over, and he put his hand down? Or how do you know it had not just started, and he just had not raised it yet. Also, why is Bill Richardson looking in the wrong direction?

Just answered above. It's not hard to find the complete video. He never covers his heart.
I have noticed that those that want to defend him always say that maybe he covers his heart later. Then when they see the entire video they say, oh well it's not important anyway. But having said that, I will say I have many more important reasons for not supporting him. What is that segment Anderson Cooper has on liberal CNN...keeping them honest.:cool:

BTW, I never see them doing a keeping them honest segment on Sen. Obama. Several on McCain, Huckabee, etc...never Obama. I guess I missed those.:D
I think its really stupid politically not to put your hand over your heart when they play the national anthem, if that makes you feel better.

Personally, I would prefer my politicians take an oath of loyalty to the Constitution.

There's plenty of better reasons not to vote for O'bama
since when was putting one's hand on their heart a "super patriot," and what's wrong with being a super patriot. Shouldn't the president be one. This guy seems to have fallen out of some sick liberal think tank.
I don't see the major issue with it, he said it was the way he was taught and thats that. I take off my hat and cover my heart, but if he chooses not to then is not my place to say that he is wrong.

I was at a small-town parade on the 4th of July last summer. The parade was just beginning, and the flag was passing by. I stood, and put my hand over my heart. My boys stood, removed their hats, and put their hands over their hearts. I looked around.

No one else in the crowd had done either.

Times change.

There are hundreds of better reasons to not vote for him.


I was at a small-town parade on the 4th of July last summer. The parade was just beginning, and the flag was passing by. I stood, and put my hand over my heart. My boys stood, removed their hats, and put their hands over their hearts. I looked around.

No one else in the crowd had done either.

Times change.

Also this.

EDIT: Seriously, look around at the next ballgame you go to. You may be surprised how many do exactly as Obama did.

Didnt we just do this one?

Yes, yes we did.

Anyway, of all the criteria to determine who gets one's vote, this has to be about the silliest I can think of. There are plenty of folks who would put their hand over their heart (and wear as many flag pins as you ask them to) who would still drive this country straight to hell, and I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find somebody who fails to do so who would be a perfectly decent leader for this country (and leave it better than when he took office). No, to be honest I don't think Obama is that guy. Just sayin'.

This is as "non" as a non-issue can get. Go find a real reason to dislike the guy. There are plenty.
Hmmm, none of them are facing the flag as they are supposed to, either... plus I saw a republican without a flag in his lapel...


Oh, I guess 9/11 changed everything :rolleyes:
I was at a small-town parade on the 4th of July last summer. The parade was just beginning, and the flag was passing by. I stood, and put my hand over my heart. My boys stood, removed their hats, and put their hands over their hearts. I looked around.

No one else in the crowd had done either.

I've seen that a few times at different gatherings. It's interesting to note the correlation between type of hat and likelihood of proper etiquette; last time I watched a crowd during the start of the anthem, I'd say about a third of the baseball caps came off, maybe three quarters of the cowboy hats, and virtually all of any other kind of hat.
Technically covering your heart during the national anthem is included in the flag code although many people simply stand at attention. Before anyone starts slamming Obama for not wearing a lapel pin (as most people don't) or violating the flag code and disrespecting the flag they better make certain they have never used American Flag stamps from the post office, worn a shirt or hat with a flag or otherwise violated the flag code (as those examples are).

There are many good reasons to oppose Obama. This one though makes us really look stupid.
Before anyone starts slamming Obama for not wearing a lapel pin (as most people don't) or violating the flag code and disrespecting the flag they better make certain they have never used American Flag stamps from the post office, worn a shirt or hat with a flag or otherwise violated the Flag code (as those examples are).

Are you sure about that. The flag Code seems to indicate that stamps, lapel pins, flag patches, if used properly are OK:

Sec. 176: Respect for the Flag:

(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

There are many good reasons to oppose Obama. This one though makes us really look stupid

I disagree, it makes B. Hussin Obama appear to be the lefty that he is.
Honestly, if this is the only reason to not vote for Obama, it's time to start buying tickets to his inauguration in 2009.

There are plenty of better issues to bring up.

Personally, I always stand at attention during the national anthem but do not put my hand over my heart, and do not intend to start -- especially if there is a law compelling such behavior. If the only thing keeping the Republic from destruction is people saluting the flag, the whole project is lost anyway. Get people to love America for what it is first -- the land of the free -- instead of making a stink about empty gestures toward symbols.
Are you sure about that. The flag Code seems to indicate that stamps, lapel pins, flag patches, if used properly are OK:
I am not commenting on the lapel pin as a violation, just that most people do not wear one so slamming Obama for it is a little petty.

As far as stamps...


Isn't the American flag stamp in violation of the flag rules?
41¢ stamp

This question has been asked by dozens of visitors to this page. The answer appears to be yes. Section 8e. of the Flag Code [see below] reads, "The flag should never be ... used ... in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way." Section 8g. reads, "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark ... of any nature." 8i. reads, "[The flag] should not be printed or otherwise impressed on ... anything that is designed for temporary use and discard."

So stamps are out. Yet they are issued by the US Gov't and used by millions of peopl3! Is the postal service Un-American? Are the millions of people who use flag stamps disrespecting America?

Likewise shirts and hats with the flags are out. All those NFL players with a flag on the back of their helmet are out. I guess I am unpatriotic because I have an American flag patch on the left sleeve of my fencing uniform. I wonder how many times the flag has appeared on Olympic uniforms? I guess they are guilty of disrespecting the flag.

Before we hoist someone up for ridicule for violating the flag code we better look closely at what that code entails and check ourselves for guilt.

Again, there are plenty of valid reasons to oppose him. Not wearing a lapel pin all the time and simply standing at attention for the national anthem are pretty petty reasons that will mean nothing except to those who already oppose him for the simple fact that he is a Liberal Democrat.
Hmmm, none of them are facing the flag as they are supposed to, either... plus I saw a republican without a flag in his lapel...

I guess you are joking. Not that it's a big deal. That's the swearing in ceremony and he is looking at the Chief Justice. Also, everyones wearing overcoats, so I am not sure who has a flag pin on their suit jacket.

Anyway, no need to worry. Obama's last speech was in front of nine flags. Seems his poll numbers going down made him more willing to show patriotism.:D
Anyway, no need to worry. Obama's last speech was in front of nine flags. Seems his poll numbers going down made him more willing to show patriotism.

Any politician appearing in front of a flag is nothing more than "Campaigning 101."
As someone said, this argument has made it's rounds before. I will just add one comment and leave it to rest. It seems each time this comes up there are a lot of people that equate a Senator, or Presidential candidate not wearing or saluting the flag to their own private experience. I don't have a problem if an ordinary citizen chooses not to salute the flag, I don't like it, but it's their free decision. But I don't consider US Senators or Presidential candidates as ordinary citizens. I think we have a right to expect people in these positions to show basic respect for the American Flag.