NRA Sues Ackerman-McQueen, Ackerman-McQueen Tries to Oust LaPierre at Meeting

Did I read correctly that LaPierre makes over a million per year? Let him buy his own suits and book his own travel. Members' money is meant to aid the shooting sports and 2A advocacy, not make him posh.

I want the NRA to survive, but the credible evidence means they need to clean house and contribute to their own survival.
I don't have a problem with the NRA covering employee travel, but it better be commercial. I have a big problem paying for chartered jets, especially for Xmas trips to the Bahamas.
Statement of NRA officers and past presidents on the controversy:

It is my opinion, that none of the people signing that letter should ever be allowed to represent a pro-Second Amendmemt lobby again. I’m particularly upset with Mr. Charles Cotton, who I’ve met personally on several occasions. I understand that as a lawyer you can often be ethically constrained to where you cannot share all the evidence and have to sit silent while the media beats your client.

Mr. Cotton is defending spending $200,000+ on clothing by a man who is already well-compensated by arguing it was spread out over 15 years and was suggested by Ackerman-McQueen. I find that argument less than compelling. I’m grateful for the service Mr. Cotton has rendered in support of the Second Amendment; but to call this a lack of judgment is too kind.

I’m at a loss for what to do. We need the NRA. Everybody thinks of the NRA as a lobbying group; but its most important functions are supporting firearms training and education. Without that, there isn’t anything to lobby for. No other organization fills this need so we have no choices here.

On the lobbying side, GOA and SAF are worse choices. Neither organization even pretends to be member directed. If you give those organizations money, you are basically handing it directly to Erich Pratt or Alan Gottlieb and trusting them to do right with it instead of buying a Lamborghini.

GOA has practically contributed zero to the fight for RKBA. My opinion of them, developed over the last 20 years, is that it exists to benefit the Pratt family.

Alan Gottlieb/SAF has contributed to several key wins for the Second Amendment. He hasn’t been a glory hound either and stood by and let the NRA take credit for several of his key achievements. At the same time, he conspired with Chuck Schumer to sell us out on universal background checks in 2013, and then when David Kopel called him out on it, he had no good answer. He reversed his support for UBCs temporarily and then after the bill failed argued it should have passed. As angry as I am with NRA, even they weren’t that blind.

So as I see it, you can give your money to some random schmuck who will most likely betray you; and you won’t even have the fiction of being able to vote him out. Not to mention the random schmuck won’t be doing jack to address the major issue of creating an environment where new shooters can grow and develop. Without that, all the lobbying efforts are meaningless and we’ll be New Zealand in a generation or less.

The NRA is still member directed, though the executive officers appear to have captured the Board instead of the Board fulfilling its duty to the members. As much as I hate to say it, the NRA in its current form must starve. I’ll remain a member, just so I can continue to vote for a Board that takes its responsibilities seriously; but no love nor money for the NRA until they make the necessary changes.

If it dies, it was poorly adapted and needed to die.
The thing is, I don’t care about the money or the trips to Lake Como if the person is producing results. WLP isn’t and neither is Chris Cox or the rest of that crew. If you want to live the Julius Casear lifestyle, you’d best subjugate Gaul.

Now WLP is getting murdered in the Senate; but no one cares because he hasn’t done anything to be remembered for. There won’t be any Marc Antony at his funeral either.
If any of the NRA brass happen to be paying any attention to us "little people", please note, that although most of us have prepaid our memberships for years to come, that does not mean we support you.

I have blocked all of your emails, tossed your USPS mailings into the trash, without opening. I will continue to form my opinion of the NRA, from threads such as this, from articles posted on gun blogs, from the news media and yes, even from from your (the NRA) explanations in your magazines. To remain relevant, you have much explaining to do. Please apply our DONATED and HARD EARNED CASH, to what you have been charged with, protecting our 2A rights and not to the alleged featherbedding of your wallets.
its really too late to for the NRA with its current top people.... they've already gotten theirs so your pleading is useless. a complete overhaul at the top is needed to get their once good name back.

“Although today’s announcement by Ackerman is welcome news, it does not resolve the NRA’s legal actions against Ackerman. The Association will pursue its legal rights and hold Ackerman accountable for any damage it caused the Association. The agency was a longstanding vendor of the NRA. But like any other vendor, it will be held accountable – in the best interest of all NRA members.”

Sounds like it's going to be a rather bitter divorce proceeding.
Especially as the NRA's counsel is still William Brewer III, who is presumeably still married to the daughter of one of the principals of Ackerman McQueen.
Pete Brownell has resigned from the NRA Board of Directors. His statement:

In the coming weeks, my company will be making exciting announcements about new opportunities that are important to the future success of our business. We look forward to sharing that news soon as possible. Given the hard work and full-time attention that will be needed as our brands continue to grow, I’ve decided to step down from my position on the NRA’s Board of Directors. It’s been an honor to serve the five million members of the NRA and I will continue standing side-by-side with the millions of Americans who care deeply about defending the Second Amendment.
Tony Z said:
Is there, or will there, be a Phoenix, the rise out of the ashes of what the NRA once was?
It depends on whether or not the board of directors is willing to do their duty to the organization. Wayne LaPierre has to go, there needs to be a housecleaning and restructuring, and the by-laws need to be revised (or, perhaps, UNrevised) to return control of the organization to the members rather than locking the members out of control over their own organization.

If the board won't clean house, then I believe outside forces will clean house for (and with) them.
Hot off the press boys...

So WLP isn't the only high ranking NRA Officer that gets some fringe benefits. Why is Ted Nugent being paid to appear at a convention for an organization that he is a director of? Or Dave Butz getting a sweetheart 400k deal for "outreach and training?"

I'm afraid there's much more to come. Many of the board members, former board members, et al play it like it's nothing more than the media trying to destroy the NRA. Well, there's a degree of truth to that, but if there are issues to report on you can't just wave your hands and say "the media is out to get us." And it's looking an awful lot like there are some serious issues to report on...

I have defended the NRA quite a bit from it's detractors. News like this will make it very difficult for me to do so in the future.
In May I got an email from NRA that wanted to "clear the air", I'm sure anyone here who is an NRA member got it. In paragraph 6, it said their financial house is in order.

I got a letter from NRA that afternoon pleading for money because "Cuomo is attacking the banks and NRA may have to go out of business".

I don't respond to letters and emails that are written in hyperbole. And the fact that these two things arrived in the same day show me that someone is not being honest.

I want NRA to survive, but they have to clean out their shorts and act like big people if they want to regain their past credibility.
Some of the payoffs aren't terrible. Bart Skelton gets paid for articles he actually wrote. What's wrong with that? Is it a conflict of interest - if so, that's minor.

Brownell quit the Board, IIRC.
Some of the payoffs aren't terrible. Bart Skelton gets paid for articles he actually wrote. What's wrong with that? Is it a conflict of interest - if so, that's minor.

While I think it may be a conflict of interest, Bart Skelton's example is relatively minor and not of a major concern to me personally. I think Butz getting nearly half a mil for an organization that he is an un-paid board member of is... well interesting at any rate. I'm not even insisting this is all definitely dirty. I do know that if I were Dave Butz, and I was on the up and up, I would quickly release line item lists of the service I provided for that 400k to clear the air quickly. If he doesn't, it doesn't even mean he is hiding something... but it's very easy to perceive that he is. Perception is often reality.