NRA Sues Ackerman-McQueen, Ackerman-McQueen Tries to Oust LaPierre at Meeting

I doubt that I or any of us can know everything that is going on in this. I have to wonder, though, at the idea that, in a battle between an elected president and an employee, the employee wins. From the standpoint of democracy and the NRA being an organization beholden to its members, that doesn't feel right to me.
I'll probably let my membership run out at the end of next year (I'm paid up until then) if the NRA is even still around. The May issue of 1st Freedom has an article about how the NRA is under siege by the state of New York, and it's urgent that every member send them a $250, $500 or more donation to fight-off the attack. I think that's funny, because what they are in trouble for is corruption and lack of fiduciary responsibility.

So we are supposed to send them millions of extra dollars after they've been caught with the hands in the cookie jar. I don't think so. How much is Wayne kicking-in? I hate to see the NRA go away, but somebody else will step in to fill the vacuum. And if half the board members and executives end up in prison, it might be worth it.
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If the monetary accusations are true, this gives a lot of leverage to NY anti-gun politicians.

It's sad that such (alleged) greed and shady dealings have the potential to hand our largest gun rights organization over to those who want it destroyed.
if others could do so, why haven't they?
Because the big dog ain't dead yet? (maybe that was rhetorical too) It will be interesting to see what develops in the next year or two. I'm pessimistic, but not totally so. And I'll keep feeding SAF.
Here's a pretty straight forward article on the controversy:

It lays out a pretty incompetent financial and political strategy. Poor researched business dealings to recover funds for supporting a president who played right into gun control precedents without much thought.

Again, supporting the cause and the mission of the organization does not mean blind loyalty to incompetent leadership.
who other than the NRA can pull together millions of gun owners? GOA?

Oh, they can manage a few dozen :rolleyes:

It's a bit of a false equivalence, though. The NRA in its current form isn't doing us many favors, and they don't get a pass. A course correction is urgently needed.
Well, apparently a member motion of no-confidence in LaPierre was shot down. The Board met behind closed doors and unanimously reelected LaPierre as EVP. Carol Meadows is the new President and Charles Cotton is the new First VP.
Of course the EVP vote was unanimous. They had to send a message of solidarity that they don't care what we think.

In most corporations, the stockholder (or member) votes don't mean anything anyway; they are only "advisory" and the board of directors does whatever it pleases in spite of the votes. There is no way to remove an insular BoD that acts against the wishes of the shareholders/members.

I've seen this too many times with publicly-traded companies. The BoD is a mutual admiration society that acts in its own interest and against the interest of the company it's supposed to be managing. If you don't like it, you're supposed to sell your shares and move on.
I agree that a change in NRA Leadership is desperately needed but, over the years I have upgraded my membership to Benefactor and will continue to support them. I routinely throw away requests for money and delete e-mail requests. I've paid enough, it's rime they do what they are supposed to.
I have not renewed my membership in YEARS. After the bump stock collusion (not saying they are needed but begins a slippery slope) it cemented my issues with the NRA and Lapierre. I liked Oliver North. I like Nugent in there. Non PC and tells it how it is.

Lapierre getting reelected unanimously assured they will not be receiving another $35/year of my money. Even dangling a cheap nylon bag with the NRA logo on it as consolation. I shall continue to write and call my elected officials.

This sounds like Chrysler and GM, except there will be no bail out. Old Guard doing as they've always done and getting comfortable with the money so long as the money can line personal pockets. Steer the iceburg around the Titanic and call it good. THEN act shocked when she's a goin' down.

Not with my money they won't. No doubt someone from the NRA trolls this forum gauging which way the wind is blowing. Also no doubt they don't really care.
I paid my dues to the NRA yet they continue to ask me for more money. Every time I turn around there's another email that asks me for more money. The only way to respond to the emails is with money and I'm sick and tired of it. I've gotten to the point now where I feel like it's just a big scam.

Copied from first few posts..

I was going to say that LaPierre gets $700,000 but Jerrys (Post #23) says $5 No way on any earth is he worth that money.
I guess the elected board approves what ever it is he gets paid.
I paid my dues to the NRA yet they continue to ask me for more money. Every time I turn around there's another email that asks me for more money. The only way to respond to the emails is with money and I'm sick and tired of it. I've gotten to the point now where I feel like it's just a big scam.

Copied from first few posts..

I was going to say that LaPierre gets $700,000 but Jerrys (Post #23) says $5 No way on any earth is he worth that money.
I guess the elected board approves what ever it is he gets paid.