No habla

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Which refutes your previous point entirely.
Which was?

Have it your way RW. When your position is untenable you simply post longer and use bigger words.

If you think a large group of uneducated non -English speaking immigrants of any variety are going to break in to the "have" status in this country in any numbers, good luck in the contest.

My, original post was about the value of learning English.
There is no close second.
lol big words. like...variable? sorry but sometimes monosyllabic responses just don't cut the mustard

It seems your point was that latinos will probably not "overcome the liabilities of not being able to speak English" which is refuted by the evidence of successful latinos. They can learn english and there are plenty that don't know english running businesses that cater to the spanish speaking community.

My point remains: culture changes. So no, I still don't have a problem with the population of America being primarily spanish-speaking because there's nothing special about the english language that makes it better suited for success or technological advancement. Translation is a minor inconvenience.

No close second to what? The english language? I hope that's not what you meant because that level of ethnocentrism should have died off a generation or two ago.

There is value to learning any language. In this country there is greater value to being bi-lingual than there is simply knowing english. It's best we encourage the latter and stop pretending that english alone is enough to survive in a global culture.
lol big words. like...variable? sorry but sometimes monosyllabic responses just don't cut the mustard

It seems your point was that latinos will probably not "overcome the liabilities of not being able to speak English" which is refuted by the evidence of successful latinos. They can learn english and there are plenty that don't know english running businesses that cater to the spanish speaking community.

My point remains: culture changes. So no, I still don't have a problem with the population of America being primarily spanish-speaking because there's nothing special about the english language that makes it better suited for success or technological advancement. Translation is a minor inconvenience.

No close second to what? The english language? I hope that's not what you meant because that level of ethnocentrism should have died off a generation or two ago.

There is value to learning any language. In this country there is greater value to being bi-lingual than there is simply knowing english. It's best we encourage the latter and stop pretending that english alone is enough to survive in a global culture.

What a bunch of typical politically correct hogwash.
So , they're going to run a Mexican restaurant. Great.

I have been quite successful in business, enough that I retired at 50. If there was one thing that held me back it was having a southern accent and sloppy pronunciation.

And immigrants don't even need to speak English? That's simply ridiculous.

Perhaps some service job, convenience store, or restaurant owner is all you see for them, the reason you see no importance in perhaps wanting to talk to Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or similar in his own language.
We now have over 50% school drop outs within the Hispanic community in Texas much in part they do not learn English at an early age, if we want to build a new third world we are doing a fine job otherwise things need to change fast.:barf:
What a bunch of typical politically correct hogwash.
So , they're going to run a Mexican restaurant. Great.
I gave that as an example. Restaurant, store, or a hundred other types of businesses just like the ones that are run in english.
I have been quite successful in business, enough that I retired at 50. If there was one thing that held me back it was having a southern accent and sloppy pronunciation.
Well good for you. But your accent and pronunciation don't really have any bearing on anyone else. Besides, if you can't be bothered to learn to pronounce things properly then why are you complaining about other people doing the same?
And immigrants don't even need to speak English? That's simply ridiculous.
Did I say that? Nope.

In response to your question about a society one hundred years from now, my comment makes perfect sense. If the majority of the population speaks spanish natively then no, they probably won't need to learn english to do just as well. Surely, though, it would be a good idea and I would bet that in a hundred years the entire country will be at least bilingual.
Perhaps some service job, convenience store, or restaurant owner is all you see for them, the reason you see no importance in perhaps wanting to talk to Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or similar in his own language.
Or Carlos Slim Helu, the second richest man on the planet? :D

You seem to have completely misinterpreted the entire point of everything I have said.
Besides, if you can't be bothered to learn to pronounce things properly then why are you complaining about other people doing the same?
Did the anology slip by you. If simply having poor diction is a hurdle, what about not speaking English at all?
hundred years the entire country will be at least bilingual.
And, the ones that aren't will be still be relegated to second class position to English only speaking citizens.
Or Carlos Slim Helu, the second richest man on the planet?
I'm aware of the wealth in Mexico having met and had dinner with several members of one of the richest families there who I represented in the US. Forty thousand acre compound in the mountains, complete with fences and guards with automatic weapons.Talk about haves and have nots.

Small sample of English speaking versus non English speaking opportunities in 99% of the U.S.

Doctor, lawyer, engineer, nurse, commercial pilot, air traffic controller, politician, CPA, dentist, teacher, journalist, licensed electrician, licensed plumber, licensed HVAC, secretary, policeman, fireman, dispatcher, stock broker, manager, banker, bank teller, judge, professor, researcher, manufacturers rep, inside sales rep, real estate broker, insurance adjuster,


Tire changer, concrete man, landscaper, housekeeper, asphalt worker, bricklayer, farm worker, lawn maintenance, sanitation worker,

Yep, I see no reason to bother to learn English either.
My great grandpa crawled off the boat in the 1880s speaking Russian, Polish and Yiddish. He was a blacksmith in the shtetl outside Kiev. He worked a pushcart on the Lower east side by day, learned english at night and earned enough to send my grandpa, who was born in 1895, to Cornell University. After WWI, be became an Engineer for Bethlehem Steel.

If your papa and mama are off the boat and don't speak english, you better learn or you will be pushing the cart too.

WildvayacondiosAlaska TM

PS...Here complicate your debate further....langauges evolve. Spanglish as its spoken in the US is as disimilar from Castillan as Quebecois is from French. Try reading Chaucer or even the Declaration of Independence. SWMBO sometimes can't understand her grandma, who speaks an old dialect of japanese. She was just talking to her sister (who doesnt speak english) and I understood half of what they are saying because in the last 50 years japanese has been so infused with English words that if you understand the "Engrish" pronunication, you can get goes on!

Maybe its cuz Im from NY...someone says, "Mira, homies, lets manja some carne asada and bialys, damn, thats some sehr gut vittles" I know what they are saying :)
I'm not disputing that but to make the comparison as if they were both facing the same situation is asinine.

You've missed the point completely here. I said that the Hispanics can be distinguished from most other immigrant groups since they are seeking economic gain, and are not fleeing oppression and starvation as did many other groups. Did you even read the post?

And, it should be noted, you're the one making the assumption that all immigrant groups have faced essentially the same obstacles. You seem to think that the Hispanics somehow deserve to utilize governmental benefits today since, with your apparently extremely limited grasp of American history, you think that such welfare benefits were available to immigrants back in the 1840s. Recall your "Prove it" remark when I reminded you that Welfare wasn't around in the 1840's.

That's not true at all. How can you claim that the poverty in Ireland was worse than the poverty in Mexico today?

You've missed the point again. I was illustrating the point that the Hispanic illegals in the US today are economic migrants, not people fleeing oppression or starvation as were, for example, the Irish. And go back and actually read the post now. You'll notice that I specifically contrasted the Irish of the 1840's with the Mexicans of the 1840's in order to illustrate the extreme poverty they lived in.

Hey, if they had the money to get on a boat guess they weren't that poor.

My God what an ignorant comment. Three million people starved to death in Ireland, or died from associated diseases, because they DIDN'T have the money for passage to the US. Entire Irish families starved for lack of money to get on the coffin ships, or starved in order to give money so that a few could leave for America. The death rate on the coffin ships was comperable to that of the slave ships bringing African slaves to America. Big joke to you is it? Sick.

Yet it doesn't change the fact that there are still illegal Irish immigrants here.

You've managed to miss the point again. Let me repeat it for you. 10-20 thousand Irish illegals are in no way comparable 18-24 MILLION Mexican illegals in terms of the damage they are doing to this country.

Wait think it's somehow an argument to compare the number of institutions founded by legal Irish immigrants to the number of ones founded by illegal Mexican ones?

Well, what a shock, you're missing the point once again. I mentioned the hospitals, colleges, and orphanages founded by the Irish immigrants in the 1800's as examples of the self-help they provided to one another because such things as welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc. were not available to them in the 1840's, as they are to the Mexican illegal’s who fraudulently obtain them in large numbers today. (This paragraph is 4 lines long, did you make it through all of them?:D)

Hey, I can claim to have a hundred Mexican friends that want to be American as much as the Irish on the internet. It's too bad little anecdotes don't mean jack squat.

Shrill accusations of racism and now of lying, wow, what a superlative debate technique. :rolleyes:

You threw the race card.

Well, no, you did when you accused me of being a racist for opposing illegal immigration. I haven't said anything regarding race in this thread except to point that the term Hispanic describes an ethnic group made up of many races.

No, you said much more than that. You lumped the entire group into one by making comparisons between Irish immigrants and Mexican immigrants.

Again, you're not making much sense here. You raised the issue of the Irish illegals here in the US and implied that there is nothing wrong with 18-34 MILLION Hispanics being here illegally since there are 10-20 thousand Irish illegals. The whole point of my post was to point out that

They're paying sales taxes, they're paying property taxes, they're even paying income taxes in many cases yet unable to draw many of the benefits.

How racist of you to lump all illegals together as you have. :D

They are breaking the law by being in the US illegally. The minor amount of taxes they pay does not even begin to offset the cost of providing services to them. Most estimates show that the average US family pays an additional $2000 in taxes to cover the costs of providing services to illegals.

There are plenty of things having a detrimental effect on the quality of life in this country and Mexicans are barely a drop in the bucket.

Tell that to the thousands of American families that have lost members to auto accidents caused by uninsured illegals. And again, are you even dimly aware of what you don't seem to know about the illegal alien prison population in the US? They make up approx. 40% of those incarcerated for serious and violent crimes. This is a drop in the bucket?

Welfare, AFDC, WIC and Food Stamp programs are not widely available to illegals.

You owe me a new monitor and keyboard, I spewed my coffee when I read that whopper. The extent of fraudulent obtaining of Welfare and other benefits by illegals today is breathtaking.

I want people to obey immigration laws as well,

No, you don't, that obvious.

but your initial post making the comparison - and throwing down the race card yourself:

Again, you’re the only one in this thread who has stooped to that sort of shrill name calling.

Remember this comment you made:

"What's racist is you lumping in all of the immigrants into a single group...

It was about implying that it's ok to celebrate St Patrick's Day because Irish immigrants are good but not ok to celebrate Cinco de Mayo because Mexican immigrants are bad.

Again, just another weak straw man argument on you part. I never made any comment about Cinco de Mayo. We were discussing the national allegiances of legal vs. illegal immigrants.

Overall, you seem to have an extremely limited grasp of the subjects necessary to discuss immigration policy intelligently. You lack knowledge of American history (e.g., asking me to prove that welfare wasn't available in the 1840's :rolleyes:), demographics (e.g., you equate 10-20 thousand illegal Irish with 18-34 MILLION Mexican illegals, e.g., you consider the terms "Irish" and "Hispanic" to somehow describe a race :rolleyes:), and crime statistics (e.g., you seem blissfully unaware of the extent of the crime problem caused by illegal aliens in the US, "Drop in the bucket" you said. :rolleyes:)

Your default position is a shrill accusation of racism coupled with a mindless gainsaying of any point presented.
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You've missed the point completely here. I said that the Hispanics can be distinguished from most other immigrant groups since they are seeking economic gain, and are not fleeing oppression and starvation as did many other groups. Did you even read the post?
Wait wait wait. You're telling me the immigrants of the past couple hundred years weren't seeking economic gain? That it was mainly about oppression?


And, it should be noted, you're the one making the assumption that all immigrant groups have faced essentially the same obstacles. You seem to think that the Hispanics somehow deserve to utilize governmental benefits today since, with your apparently extremely limited grasp of American history, you think that such welfare benefits were available to immigrants back in the 1840s. Recall your "Prove it" remark when I reminded you that Welfare wasn't around in the 1840's.
No, I know full well they've all faced different hurdles. Laws change over time. I never assumed otherwise. Nor have I stated that hispanics deserve anything of the sort any more or less than any other group of immigrants.

Do you even understand what "Welfare" is? There isn't an all-encompasing federal program out there called "Welfare".
You've missed the point again. I was illustrating the point that the Hispanic illegals in the US today are economic migrants, not people fleeing oppression or starvation as were, for example, the Irish. And go back and actually read the post now. You'll notice that I specifically contrasted the Irish of the 1840's with the Mexicans of the 1840's in order to illustrate the extreme poverty they lived in.
Oooooh, so I guess not having enough money to buy food isn't really starvation? Huh?

You have a distorted view of European immigration.
My God what an ignorant comment. Three million people starved to death in Ireland, or died from associated diseases, because they DIDN'T have the money for passage to the US. Entire Irish families starved for lack of money to get on the coffin ships, or starved in order to give money so that a few could leave for America. The death rate on the coffin ships was comperable to that of the slave ships bringing African slaves to America. Big joke to you is it? Sick.
And people are starving and dying in Mexico for the same reason.

Red: 3
Luke: 0
You've managed to miss the point again. Let me repeat it for you. 10-20 thousand Irish illegals are in no way comparable 18-24 MILLION Mexican illegals in terms of the damage they are doing to this country.
Not arguing that. But it doesn't change the facts.

Red: 3
Well, what a shock, you're missing the point once again. I mentioned the hospitals, colleges, and orphanages founded by the Irish immigrants in the 1800's as examples of the self-help they provided to one another because such things as welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc. were not available to them in the 1840's, as they are to the Mexican illegal’s who fraudulently obtain them in large numbers today. (This paragraph is 4 lines long, did you make it through all of them?)
Then you had a ridiculous way of getting to your point because you still compared legal immigrants of one ethnic groups to illegal immigrants of another. Hurf durf.
Shrill accusations of racism and now of lying, wow, what a superlative debate technique.
And yet, still effective. HIYO.
Well, no, you did when you accused me of being a racist for opposing illegal immigration. I haven't said anything regarding race in this thread except to point that the term Hispanic describes an ethnic group made up of many races.
Nope, pretty sure you were the one that first brought race into the picture. Let's see, fire up the ole wayback machine.....chugga chugga chugga chugga

5. Don't advocate any kind of racist philosophy.
yerp. poast 38. hurf durf x2
Again, you're not making much sense here. You raised the issue of the Irish illegals here in the US and implied that there is nothing wrong with 18-34 MILLION Hispanics being here illegally since there are 10-20 thousand Irish illegals. The whole point of my post was to point out that
I realize it was probably a typo but even though your estimates conflict with reality. 18 is not the low end of the spectrum.

And I didn't say there was nothing wrong with it. Now who's missing the point?
How racist of you to lump all illegals together as you have.

They are breaking the law by being in the US illegally. The minor amount of taxes they pay does not even begin to offset the cost of providing services to them. Most estimates show that the average US family pays an additional $2000 in taxes to cover the costs of providing services to illegals.
Some estimates. Not most. Some estimates show them costing us nothing, especially since their labor drastically reduces the price of goods they handle.
Tell that to the thousands of American families that have lost members to auto accidents caused by uninsured illegals. And again, are you even dimly aware of what you don't seem to know about the illegal alien prison population in the US? They make up approx. 40% of those incarcerated for serious and violent crimes. This is a drop in the bucket?
I think your numbers are a little off.

Now if you want to talk about the thousands of American families that have lost family members I'm sure I can find an equally controversial topic....;)

no, not that one. I wonder which group causes more vehicle related deaths, illegals or SUV drivers...
You owe me a new monitor and keyboard, I spewed my coffee when I read that whopper. The extent of fraudulent obtaining of Welfare and other benefits by illegals today is breathtaking.
The extent of your exaggeration is also quite breathtaking.

No, you don't, that obvious.
oh well thank you for that keen insight, miss cleo. but unfortunately you're....oh, what's the word I'm looking for.

starts with a g.

no wait, a w...frak me, it's on the top of my tongue
Again, you’re the only one in this thread who has stooped to that sort of shrill name calling.

Remember this comment you made:
Which came after the one you made about race. Shall I hurf durf again or did you get the point?
Again, just another weak straw man argument on you part. I never made any comment about Cinco de Mayo. We were discussing the national allegiances of legal vs. illegal immigrants.
. No, this thread is about McCain releasing a statement regarding Cinco de Mayo. I'm sorry that you wanted to stray off-topic; believe me, I want to do so as well in so many threads. But within the context of this one, you're still mistaken.
Overall, you seem to have an extremely limited grasp of the subjects necessary to discuss immigration policy intelligently. You lack knowledge of American history (e.g., asking me to prove that welfare wasn't available in the 1840's ), demographics (e.g., you equate 10-20 thousand illegal Irish with 18-34 MILLION Mexican illegals, e.g., you consider the terms "Irish" and "Hispanic" to somehow describe a race ), and crime statistics (e.g., you seem blissfully unaware of the extent of the crime problem caused by illegal aliens in the US, "Drop in the bucket" you said. )

Your default position is a shrill accusation of racism coupled with a mindless gainsaying of any point presented.
I'm rubber you're glue everything you say......hah. Yknow, this is a big joke to me. :D
Did the anology slip by you. If simply having poor diction is a hurdle, what about not speaking English at all?
Did the point slip by you? Do you even remember the question you initially asked me?
And, the ones that aren't will be still be relegated to second class position to English only speaking citizens.
Aww, poor babies.

If the vast majority of the country is bilingual then monolingualism will be viewed on the same vein as illiteracy. If speaking only one language relegates one to second class position along the lines of being unable to read and write in one language, I have little issue with that.

We'd better start improving our foreign language courses.
Yep, I see no reason to bother to learn English either.
You acknowledge the question you asked in part of your reply then go back to ignoring it in another?

I don't care what language you speak, you is confuzin'.
somebody got their Irish pantys in a bunch:eek:

Bottom line is there is an immigration problem. But you know what, if the government was really interested in securing the boarder they would have done it many many years ago. Illegal immigration has been going on for many many years. Why is the focus on it now? Maybe because the money spent on immigration. could go to the war...............:eek: you know rob Peter to pay Paul.
you is confuzin'.

You flounder around trying to alter your initial premise enough to salvage something from a completely illogical perspective, and when you can't do it you decide to make fun of me. How average.
Doctor, lawyer, engineer, nurse, commercial pilot, air traffic controller, politician, CPA, dentist, teacher, journalist, licensed electrician, licensed plumber, licensed HVAC, secretary, policeman, fireman, dispatcher, stock broker, manager, banker, bank teller, judge, professor, researcher, manufacturers rep, inside sales rep, real estate broker, insurance adjuster,


Tire changer, concrete man, landscaper, housekeeper, asphalt worker, bricklayer, farm worker, lawn maintenance, sanitation worker,

This is bull, I know alot of white people that do the bottom list and a few of them have degree's. Then again I know alot of people on the top list that have alot of degrees and can't get a job.

The list is stereotyping.
No I do not think he was sterotyping, just listing a series of oppurtunities both open and closed to people with English skills vs. those without those skills.

I do not believe the Bar association and the Medical Community in this country have bilingual tests. Just in english.

If you cannot speak english well in this country you limit your economic possiblities. No guanuntees, just a possiblities.
I would just like for him to go find me anybody from the first list in the US who cannot speak English. Maybe the context slipped by him.
You flounder around trying to alter your initial premise enough to salvage something from a completely illogical perspective, and when you can't do it you decide to make fun of me. How average.
Naw dude, I was just answering the question you asked. Not my fault you skewed the discussion elsewhere.

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