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Winston, Winston, Winston...

First, let me address the issue of our soldiers and vets; they deserve a hell of a lot better care and benefits than what they are currently receiving. Regardless of one's position on the validity of this war, the men and women of our armed forces deserve nothing less than the very best.

As for McCain and immigration; follow my point. The whole debate about immigration has taken on a very ugly turn. I know illegal is illegal, but only fools intentionally blind themselves to the racist sheen glaring from most conversations about immigration. We seem to have lost our ability to view the issue with any detached sense of reason and pragmatism.

As for the NAU, and watching TV, and fighting Texans, are you the modern day Sam Houston riding to vanquish Santa Anna's descendents?

Finally, regarding your instruction telling me to F.O., despite your most fevered Brokeback Mountain fantasy, you, Winnie, are not my type. But hey I think there are rodeos out there for you...
Espero que ellos assimilaron en nuestra cultura. Si la cultura americana cambia un poco, esta bien, tan pronto como no perdemos nuestra libertad.

I like america cause i can speak any language I want, have any opinion I want, and shoot any gun I want (well almost). I hope that in 50 years, this bidness about "la raza" is over, and immigrants are integrated into our culture. . . and if we change just a bit. . . thats ok (as long as its a "good bit" not a "bad bit"). And for what its worth, Italians also got lots of crap for being immigrants back in the late 1800s/early 1900s.

As long as mccain doesn't start espousing "la reconquista", i say its fine to reach out to latino immigrants.
lol I doubt all the Irish people currently in the US are here legally. Why is there this ILIR??? ;)

I think it's fair to say there are illegals here in the US from many backgrounds.
Apples and oranges.

The Irish, unlike the hispanic illegals (and other) today:
So the legal ones simply don't matter? :rolleyes:
1. Came to the US legally,
at a time when legal immigration was much easier

don't forget, there are illegal irish immigrants in the US today
2. Provided their own social safety net and assistance at a time when the Government did little along that line,
3. Strove to become Americans, with their first allegiance to the USA,
more so than mexican immigrants? prove it
4. Display the Irish Tricolor on St. Patrick's day as a commerative of heritage, not a statement of political allegiance,
you can read minds now? SPECTACULAR
5. Don't advocate any kind of racist philosophy.
What's racist is you lumping in all of the immigrants into a single group with a shared philosophy and common ideal. What's racist is pretending that small sections of groups speak for the whole simply because they come from the place.

And have we forgotten that many of those irish immigrants came here to acquire land that had been forcefully taken from natives? Oh but they didn't have laws against such things so it wasn't "illegal immigration" and thus perfectly ok. Mmhm.
I don't even know where my ancestors came from. Somewhere in Europe, I assume.

I am southern which everybody knows equates to being stupid. So, you can pardon me for believing that John McCain's judgement on immigration is vastly more pragmatic and reasonable than most of the crap you here from those that are sure that they would have a $75,000 per year manufacturing job if not for the evil NAFTA and illegal immigrants with no downside as to who builds roads, houses, does concrete work, motel housekeeping, etc.

Oh wait, you are just chomping at the bit to do that for $7-$10 per hour.
Cinco de Mayo? Why would anyone question celebrating a French defeat?
Mexico vs. France. I don't care how that kind of matchup occurs--military, economics, whatever-- it's definitely a consolation game in the losers bracket.
I nominate this for the dumbest thread of the year so far. And I want all you immigrants either legal or illegal to get out of our Cherokee and other tribe owned country and go back to Europe or wherever you belong. :mad:

The Black, Hispanic, Irish or whatever can claim oll the discrimination they want to but no group in the Americas has ever been screwed as bad as the Native Americans. Forgive me if I don't get too concerned with your whining about McCain having a website in Spanish. :barf:

I am voting for Paris Hilton. She is just as qualified as any of the three major cantidates and a lot more pleasing to look at. :cool:
I once had an argument with a guy that said screw the Mexicans, This country was founded on legal immigration. They have to do it the right way. Legally the way this country was started.

I said legally huh? Yeah OK go ask an Indian.............I never heard from him again. lol

There are illegal immigrants from every country here. But the ones who always take the heat are the Mexicans. Why is that?

Yes there is an immigration problem, Yes our boarders are open. But all you guys that say screw the Mexicans. Have to think about all the ones that want to make a new life for themselves. Do you actually blame some of them?

I know some people throw them all into the same basket. But if that was you on the other side of the boarder and you thought you could make a better life for you and your family here. Would you cross illegally if you had no other chance to help your family? You bet your ass you would.

All I am saying is to the ones, that think their all bad, Think if it was you over there in their shoes. Some have been in U.S. for 30 years they pay there taxes,they own business's They put their kid's through college. Just remember if that was you.

This post has gone way off base. I posted this thread . Showing John McCain sucking up to the Mexican community. Yes politician's will do anything for votes. But the main reason I posted this thread , was because so many people are going to vote for him. Because he will protect your guns, yes he might, But you have to look at the whole picture not just one issue. another issue is the war. If the war goes on you can expect the draft to be reinstated. another issue is the N.A.U. If this happens, you can expect to loose allot of the things you have right now,

Who ever get's into office, Keep them honest.
Look at the graph below. If anyone thinks those numbers are ok, please explain how our country will continue to keep its identity when another nation is bascially moving its non-English speaking citizens in by the millions?

To those who try to make illegal immigration a "racism" issue... I can only assume you take this approach because you cannot backup your argument on anything factual.

...another issue is the N.A.U. If this happens, you can expect to loose allot of the things you have right now,
Obama wholeheartedly supports N. A. U., and he'll be President (unless Hillary gets the Dem nomination, which seems pretty unlikely at this point) -- unless somehow McCain can win.
Obama wholeheartedly supports N. A. U., and he'll be President (unless Hillary gets the Dem nomination, which seems pretty unlikely at this point) -- unless somehow McCain can win.

Yeah I heard that, He even joked about being in the C.F.R. he thinks most people are stupid. Well he is wrong. Cheney kept it a secret, that he was a director of the C.F.R. But obama thinks people are so stupid that they can know he is in the CFR and won't do anything about it.


Obama wholeheartedly supports N. A. U., and he'll be President (unless Hillary gets the Dem nomination, which seems pretty unlikely at this point) -- unless somehow McCain can win.

All 3 candidates seem to support policies which would indicate they are supportive of a NAU.
We the people have to keep who ever get's elected honest
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah!

Honestly, when has the people EVER kept a politician honest?

And am I the only one tired of seeing people mask swear words in these forums?
Well Winston, I have to apologize. I thought you were attacking McCain's address in Spanish as pro-illegal. Your post today showed me I was wrong.

However, all this NAU and Amero BS is nothing but BS. It's the same conspiracy theory hype as the "black helicopters" and "UN Concentration camps and troops in America." It's put out by people who either make a living off of it (radio jocks, authors) or people with nothing else in their lives but a desire to blame something, anything, for their own failures.

No one is coming to take our guns. We may have to deal with some stupid legislation, but that is the nature of politics.

Of more concern to all of us should be the state of our national economy. I am more worried about the downturn than I am about some idiotic notion of an NAU.

There are enough real things to be afraid of now, we don't need to invent boogeymen.
If anyone thinks those numbers are ok, please explain how our country will continue to keep its identity when another nation is bascially moving its non-English speaking citizens in by the millions?
Because our country's identity is based on immigration, not on maintaining a specific racial or demographic proportion.

There is nothing that says the majority of the population has to be of a certain race or speak a certain language for it to remain American. What would be so wrong about Scots or Italians moving here at the same rate?
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