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madmag said:
...McCain would not talk about border security until he got the message that his constituents were highly pissed about his siding with Kennedy & groups like La Raza. Now he says he has got the message and he will fight for border security first.
And this is really a positive sign. McCain listened to his constituents.
Winston, what exactly are you wanting us to do here? Who do you want us to vote for? What is your agenda?

I just want to make sure people know what they are wishing for. If you like McCain great. But just don't vote for him because he will protect your guns for a little bit. Know your candidate. Because they are supposed to be working for you. All three front runners have been caught lying to the people allready and they are not even elected yet. That makes me feel uneasy. Especially the way things are going in this country.

We the people have to keep who ever get's elected honest.
I agree.

There are 3 choices that probably no one 100% agrees with. What does bite is no matter how it gets settled out, someone loses. I guess it comes down to, where do you wanna get bitten :o
I don't really feel this is about language or beliefs. As in most cases about conduct, the central theme seems to be politeness and a sense of decorum.

For example, I have a cell phone, I need it for business. I try not to offend people with my use.

I know that people come to America from many different places, but it would be nice if they conducted themselves as simply as people using a phone.

For example, while working at the sporting goods store, four Asian gentlemen wondered around the gun depratment, clearly speaking either Chinese or Japanese, and openly not caring who was within earshot.

After the lengthy discussion, one of them approached me and asked to see a rifle. Before I could respond with a cool head, I claimed, "Sono spiacente, io non parlo inglese."

Believe it or not, the guy looked at me in total disbelief.

Same old rule. Do onto others...
All our current candidates are open border types problem is they never state how many they believe American can take in as we now have more immigration then all countries combined. The combined acts of outsourcing, loss of manufacturing, trade deficit and importing poor under educated people is suicide long term for this country.
Bad comparison. I think most of the Irish immigrants are here legally. Celebrating your heritage is different than giving amnesty to those here illegally. Although (IMO) the employers of illegals are even more guilty.

I agree, madmag.

The very fact you would question McCain's patriotism with a snide comment like "this country" just proves that reason has left the immigration debate. McCain was a POW. He was tortured and suffered for this country. Just who the hell are you that you should question him because he makes an address in Spanish?

Ok where did I question his patriotism? It's a joke, I know he is running for the president of this country. But since you brought up his patriotism. Here is a video talking about McCain and his war record.

McCain and the new G.I. Bill That he hasn't endorsed.
Did you know That an average of 18 U.S. veteran soliders are killing themselfs everyday, Yes 120 a week. Some say it is because it takes on average a 180 days to see a doctor for mental health of our vets. Do you see something wrong here?

The other posters have this right. What other demographics don't meet with your approval? Asian Americans? Jewish Americans? Arab Americans? Italian Americans?

The other posters have this right.? and I don't? F.O. :D

The NAU is the same John Birch BS that has been flying around for years. Never going to happen.

In all due respect, get a grip

I think you need to shut the TV off. When Texans are fighting for their land trying to block, The T.T.C.. and You say it's just B.S.. I think you are the one who needs to get a grip or wake up.
Bad comparison. I think most of the Irish immigrants are here legally. Celebrating your heritage is different than giving amnesty to those here illegally. Although (IMO) the employers of illegals are even more guilty.

Poor answer. The original poster was making a point about an ethnic heritage celebration.

Personally, I think that people who celebrate something as insignificant as ethnicity need to go buy themselves a life, but I don't see that as a reason to condemn McCain, as nigh every other politician seems to do it as well when they're looking for votes.

As for the election, if you think that magically Obama or HRC would be stronger on border security, good luck with that.
If you like McCain great. But just don't vote for him because he will protect your guns for a little bit.

I'm not a single issue voter. The 2a is important but not most important in my mind. There's a lot about McCain I don't like but I'm going with McCain because he's against universal health care which Obama and Hillary are both for. He wants to win in Iraq not admit defeat and pull out like the leftist wusses. He promises to nominate judges that will uphold the constitution as it was written and not impose their own opinions. He believes in nuclear power. He promises to make the Bush tax cuts permanent not eliminate them and raise taxes like the other two. There's a lot of good about McCain as well as bad. There's nothing good about Hillary or Obama.
He was tortured and suffered for this country.

We can go even further though. If we use the Obama attack mentality we can say McCain is really a Vietcong sleeper agent, who will lead to the US being taken over by Vietnam and eternal servitude of the American people in the secret plan to take over the country!

Of course McCain isn't too swell on the gun rights issue either. No better than Clinton and Obama at least. Really I don't think many people have read any of the candidates platforms and how they actually voted in the past, beyond what they hear on talk radio.
Appoint judges

regardless who McCain might appoint they will have their own agenda. When are people going to understand that regardless of liberal or conservative perspective both views are an agenda. This return to the original interpretation of the Constitution is a loaded issue that depends upon what you wish to believe is the correct interpretation: a long and difficult trail of issues that have been bantered back and forth since the first time the court heard a case.
The NAU is the same John Birch BS that has been flying around for years. Never going to happen.

In all due respect, get a grip

Truer words have never been spoken.

Its just a whole new tinfoil brigade....others TDY out, new one's come in...:D

Yikes John McCain is saying congrats to the Meh-hi-cans on Cinco de Mayo..that means he is truly a part of the Illuminati conspiracy to put all true Patriots in the Camps to be fed upon by shape shifting British Royals controlled by the Neocon Jews and the DemonKrat puppet masters...and soon Barack HUSSIEN Osamabama will be the Prez and once that happens, we will give up our sovereignty to the UN...hes gonna swear on the Koran you know...

Hey and McCain has a DARK SKINNED daughter that came as the result of relations with a DARK SKINNED wonder he is in secret League with La Raza to give amnesty over to Mehicans and give them our nation!!!

Only Ron Paul can save us.

Get a grip, plus 1,0000

WildonlyinamericaAlaska ™
ahhh now I get it. WildbringoutthebestAlaska TM That's the way they taught you to spell when you went to class in the lil yellow bus.............:eek:

My bad, I didn't know you were the special one of the group.:rolleyes:
Yeah. And all those fool politicians who show up for the St. Patrick's Day parade, too. This is AMERICA, not Ireland.

Apples and oranges.

The Irish, unlike the hispanic illegals (and other) today:

1. Came to the US legally,

2. Provided their own social safety net and assistance at a time when the Government did little along that line,

3. Strove to become Americans, with their first allegiance to the USA,

4. Display the Irish Tricolor on St. Patrick's day as a commerative of heritage, not a statement of political allegiance,

5. Don't advocate any kind of racist philosophy.
My bad, I didn't know you were the special one of the group

Well thats so sweet of you to recognize that after only one month here...maybe I can help you join the mainstream of the mature adults...toss off that tinfoil, smell the flowers!!!

WilditsallpartofyourgrowingupexperienceAlaska TM
The Irish, unlike the hispanic illegals (and other) today:

1. Came to the US legally,

2. Provided their own social safety net and assistance at a time when the Government did little along that line,

3. Strove to become Americans, with their first allegiance to the USA,

4. Display the Irish Tricolor on St. Patrick's day as a commerative of heritage, not a statement of political allegiance,

5. Don't advocate any kind of racist philosophy.

Really? You sure?

WildanswercarefullynowAlaska TM
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