New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hi Everyone,

My Name is Dan I work in the ammunition manufacturing industry and thought i should join what looks to be an awesome site in hopes to make some good friends and have a good time discussing and learning from a like minded group.
if anyone has any questions about reloading or equipment i may be able to help out...

Thanks so much
New guy from Idaho

Hi all,
My name is Doug Sherwood, I am a bit of a science nerd who works for the federal government, training military personnel in the fine art of staying alive.
I love firearms and the science behind them.
That said, you will find me in the reloader's forums or down range watching the Abrams lob rounds at old trucks.:D

Thanks for looking.
New here and this is my first post.
From Kamloops B.C. Canada.
To simplify things because I like simple, selling all my other rifles, keeping just my Browning 12 gauge, and Henry .45-70.
Ordered a second Henry and will put a scope on this new one when it arrives.
So mostly looking into scopes, but also into reloading as I may start doing some of my own in the future.
Glad to be here.
Cincinnati area LEO here. No, I don't eat donuts. :)

I've been lurking for a long time, and finally decided I oughtta get off my duff and contribute.

Hello. 33 year old man from Rochester, NY. Joined yesterday in hopes of learning more and spreading my own knowledge. Looking to get my ffl for a SMALL home based business in the spring.

Hello, Brian here in Bellevue Ohio. I am 50 ,married with two kiddos. I am a maintenance man at the worlds greatest amusement park. New to reloading. I have been shooting all my life and am looking forward to learning a lot about reloading.
DB's on The Firing Line (unarmed)

Hello Firing Line,

My name is Pat. I live in Montana. I'm not a gun enthusiast. I respect guns, I have owned one or two (by way of hand me down) but I'm just not a gun person. I used to carry a big sidearm while walking in a particular area here as a "peace of mind" for Grizzly encounters. I walk out in the woods almost everyday. After several years of doing so; I got in in my head that it was only a matter of time until I met up with a bad bear and I didn't want to be empty handed when that time came. So I borrowed a Ruger .44 (blackhawk?) from a buddy and carried it for one bear season. Then my buddy took the Ruger back and gave me a S&W 500 snub nose pack gun to use. I carried that for a little while and then that gun too went away so I started shopping around for my own gun. I applied for a license and went to a couple stores but I just couldn't find a gun that I felt I had to have so I bought the biggest can of pepper spray on the market (made right here in montana). Most experts say you are more likely to deter a bear attack with pepper spray anyway. Well, a few days after purchasing the pepper spray, I was heading up my favorite trail and I decided I would practice drawing out my spray weapon and try to get the feel of it. You know, draw it out, practice taking the safety off, see how long that takes ... you see where this is heading right? On about the third go, I drew out the canister, thumbed the safety off and BLAMO- maced myself- right in the face- direct hit- gassed my hair back- face completely orange. Thought I was going to die- for sure. I, somehow, managed to get back to my car and drove down the canyon, back to my house- screaming in pain- almost blind. During the excruciating 15 minutes that took- I managed to call 911. A sheriff's deputy met me at my house and walked me through the dish detergent wash off and rinse procedure and then, an hour or so later, I was 100% OK. My face just felt a little hot like a sunburn. My take away on that deal was- no guns for the kid. Having said that- I still like guns but just not in my hands- you know what I mean?

Hey there everybody I am a service connected disabled marine. I live in north west Ga near Chattanooga Tennessee. I have two kids. I have started an online gun store. I am interested in learning everything I don't know about firearms. I am open to learning.
I am interested in learning everything I don't know about firearms. I am open to learning.

Be prepared to hear anything and everything on this forum. As a general rule, go with your gut about what's good and what isn't. You'll find your gut is right most of the time.

Bottom line: Stock what sells and don't stock what doesn't sell.

Hello everyone my name is Josh from Florida I'm 25 and have been shooting for 19 years. Just looking to ask some questions and learn as much as I can. Thank you.
whats up fellas?

My name is Billy Z, from NJ. 30 years young. I am an avid sportsman. Primarily surf fishing and hunting archery. Due to an issue that I have recently ran into, Ive joined this forum in search of legal information regarding firearms purchase and ownership.
My friends call me Kenny. I like guns and I like shooting them. I like fish and I like catching them. I live behind the "Zion curtain " in the great state of Utah. No I am not Mormon I just live among them. I Think I will enjoy this forum.
New Member

Retired US Navy, Live In Ala. Married 50 yrs. Smithed about 10 yrs. Worked on lot of guns never fooled with Ammo. New reloader. 69 yrs.old. Love my country.:)
Long absent, but back now

Hello all!

It's been a long time since I've frequented these forums, but I thought i'd stick my head back in and see how things were going.

I'm a longtime shooter with an interest in tactics/combatives, homesteading, reading, writing, good beer and whiskey, cooking, chess, and a few other things. If that sounds like you, get in touch!


Hello good folks! I'm new here. I actually made my introduction in the semi auto pistol section and was directed here. Thanks administration for the redirection!

I've been a gun owner about all my life but recently been bitten by the hangun bug. I have 3 in my collection...a Glock 21, Desert Eagle Mark XIX 50AE, and a handed down 1911 Colt my father carried in Korea in the service. Look forward to learning much here. ☺

Hi from Florida

Hi everyone, my name is Diane AKA Mooselips, and I just bought my very FIRST gun today.

I bought a Sig Sauer P238 Rosewood Tribal.

Only problem is it's on back order, and I won't get it for 4 to 6 weeks.
Everyone seems to be buying guns guns and more guns!

But it will give me plenty of time to sign up for a newbie to gun class, and a gun safety class, and get ready for my CW class.