New members - please introduce yourselves here

New user, and Glock owner

Hello all. Name is Mike. New forum member.
I am active on more than 50 forums and am familiar with the rules. I read the entire message on website lawsuits. Quite interesting.

I am just short of 67yo, married to a wonderful gal for 48 years today, 11 Grand kids, 3GGrandkids, and loving my 12 years of retirement from Ford motor as a trade journeyman leader.

Last month I decided I was going to train and apply for my CPL. My class is Jan. 30. The class is held by a very well respected trainer 1 mile from the house. We are a rural county, it's not hard to find hunt clubs and firing ranges.

I applied to purchase a handgun in Dec. but the FBI put my app on Delay status for some reason. I suspect someone with the same name has been a bad boy. So, my Wife bought it, and it is intended as a household weapon.
We bought a Glock 26 Gen4 9mm. What a wonderful piece of engineering. Just the right size for both of us. I put the medium beaver-tail backstrap, and clip extenders on it. I've put about 800 rounds through it in the last 3 weeks. Heck of a lot easier to use than my Fathers' WW2 Ithaca 45 auto. That's an heirloom now.

I chose to join thefiringline after visiting several firearm forums. I like vBulletin boards, and this one seems to be pretty free of "Ego trips". I like that. Thanks for accepting my application. I intend on being an active part of it.
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My name is Jim and I'm a new member

I own several antique long-arms and pistols and have decided to get up to date on what I own. I'll be looking first for any thread on the value of a Springfield Model 1898 30-40 made in 1902. Any recommendations would be welcome. Thanks!
Although it seems like long term members don't watch this thread; I'm 22 from PA. Just interested in some logical, intelligent conversation about certain aspects of guns and related discussion. I own 2 pistols; Glock and a S&W XDS; CC daily; and own a variate of rifles for hunting. Will venture into the semi-automatic sport shooting soon.
Hello All

Hi Everyone, my name is Rich and I come from NJ. I like to target shoot, and being I love all things mechanical, I love the engineering that goes into guns.
Even though I have been shooting since young, I only recently purchased my own.
I have seen a tremendous amount of knowledge on this board, and I hope to contribute some day.
Hello - my name is Owen

I am a relatively new gun owner - 1 month to be exact - I picked up a Glock 23 for HOME/personal defense and have been going to a local range shooting 180 gr reloads I buy there - I noticed Turner's had a sale on Hi-Point Carbines so I picked up a 4095TS-CA put a red dot sight on it and am very happy with it. The CA at the end of the Model Number means that it is currently legal in California.
Obligatory intro post goes here!

New gun owner, bought a Beretta PX4 Storm for the wife and a Glock 19 for the self. We're both really enjoying shooting them at the range, and I think I might like to get into competitive shooting.

Glad to be aboard!
Hi everyone,
I'm a complete novice in the world of guns, having just attended an intro to handguns class (safety, laws, etc.) at the local gun club. I tried shooting several different guns during the class. It was the first time in my life that I had ever held a handgun. I enjoyed it and was very happy with my results, although some guns were pretty hard to handle (I'm 5'4" female). I would like to practice more and also learn more about guns. I don't own any guns yet but was researching a few, so I found this forum.
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Hello and thank you for letting me join.

My name is Drew and I live in Kansas, I'm a power lineman and I don't have any military experience. I do spend most of my time (and money) on things firearm related, the wife would call that an understatement haha

I joined because this group is 1 of a small handful that seems to know what what your talking about.
New member

Hi folks!
My name is Wayne and I'm up in Ontario Canada. I'm a soon-to-retire Asst Fire Chief in a small town in the "great white north". I live just north of Lake Huron, (Georgian Bay), in a great area for hunting and fishing.
I am an avid hunter, moose, deer and small game.
Great to be a member of TFL.
Right now I'm curious as to what the average spread is of 00 buck (3"), fired from a 12 ga. with an 18.5" bbl. at an approximate distance of 20 yds.?

John here from NE Indiana. Been lurking for a while but finally registered. Long time gun enthusiast with many different areas of interest.
Hey TFL,
I've been in love with firearms from the youngest of age. My first memory of firearms is my granddad showing me firearms and showing me how to use them and the safety and importance of firearms safety. I proudly own a DPMS Panther Arms Oracle that I currently have set up for long range shooting. I also have a Savage Axis bolt gun for hunting and a Rem 1300 pump shotty in 20 gauge.
I know more about firearms than some people twice my age.
But I am willing to learn so much more about firearms.
Hello from Indiana

Greeting's TFL members. My name is Larry and I have been reloading since the mid 80's. I have always used the Lee single stage press and am now looking to step up to newer and better equipment. I plan to post quite a bit in the reloading forum area so if you see me out there let's have a discussion on anything from load recipe's, caliber, equipment, and so fourth.

Thanks for allowing me in and I hope to be a useful contributor.
I've been on the forum for awhile but only today found this introduction post. I've been shooting all my life and have gone from plinking with 22's to centerfire pistols and rifles. I got into reloading and then casting bullets. Then got into swaging bench rest quality bullets and benchrest shooting for years around the south at matches. Being a machinist and toolmaker I started doing my own chambering of bench guns and building my loading dies, powder measures, priming tools, etc. I later got into metallic silhouette shooting for pistols. Through the years I started losing places to shoot and now only have a couple local indoor ranges to shoot in which I really don't enjoy. I'm now retired and only occasionally shoot paper at one of those indoor ranges. My best memories were of shooting and reloading and I still enjoy reading about them.

I am a Namibian resident and obviously a firearms enthusiast, among many other interests. I envy US residents for the Castle Doctrine and am opposed to hunting for sport.
I'm Dustin and sad to say from California lol. Been a avid shooter my whole life and hunter. Hopefully Will be in Arizona or Texas soon for some freedom!
Another FNG lol.

Hello all! New guy from Texas. Been shooting about as long as I can remember. Live in the greater DFW area. Served during the Bosnian war. 11BangBang1Parachute. Glad to be here. Been lurking for a while and have already gotten tons of great advice and ideas from you guys.