New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hola From the Golden State...

Been shootin since I was born, tired of asking the small group of people I know the firearms-related questions they can't answer!:D
Shooting again

What's up guys? I have been reading the forums for awhile now. Lots of good info. I'm primarily looking at reloading stuff right now. I have not been shooting for about 17 years now (hmm, just about the same time I've been married) but have gotten back into it. I discovered a private range very close to my home with very relaxed hours (always open) so I joined 6 months ago and have been using it frequently since. Can't shoot rifles there but that's okay for now because my primary interest is handguns.
Anyway, looking forward to being in the lineup.
1Oldman and yes I am. Grew up all over the plains states. Father was in oilpatch and so lived in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado. Went to 13 schools by the time I had graduated from high school. Have traveled to or worked in 29 states in my 59 years.
I have shot firearms since I was old enough to carry a rifle and hunt for rabbits. Was about 12 the first time I shot pheasant with single shot .410. Did not get into handguns until much later in life and now enjoy shootin all types of firearms.

Joined up to get info on reloading and just because I like spending time around people that have a love of firearms. Looking forward to a pleasant time learning and sharing.
newbie here

Hi there! I just joined these forums and would like to take the time to let you know a little bit about me. I am Rhian, I'm 19 years on age. And I am hoping to make some wonderful friends along the way. I hope to get to know everyone here. Hope to have a great time here. Nice to meet you all. :D
I have been in this forum for a little while, but am now just posting the introduction. I love hunting and have been doing so since I was about twelve. I'm twenty six now and over the past six months have been doing nothing, but shooting my rifle and hand guns. I have been trying to extend my range and become a true marksman. I figured coming to this forum would really widen my knowledge of the rifle and it has. Many people here know a lot more than I and they consistently remind me of this! haha Anyways great forum if your starting out or a veteran at the game. Thanks for the knowledge guys! By the way, what do I have to do to become a Senior Member here? I want that senior member by my name! I put in time here! haha
Hello everyone, Just got my permit and a Taurus Mil Pro 145 in the last 2 weeks. Started researching for a 1911(really like the the Springfield TRP's) and trying to decide what brand and how much I want to spend on it, and on and on. And I seemed to see at the very least one link to TheFiringLine on each and every firearm related search on Google so here I am.:)
New guy

I've been lurking here for a while but just finally decided to sign up. I grew up doing lots of shooting with my dad(rifle, shotgun and handguns). After I moved out, my shooting has been limited(for the past 15 years or so). My dad is a big gun collector and he started giving some of his guns and reloading equipment to me recently :D. So I've started shooting again and really enjoy it. I got my Minnesota permit to carry a month or so ago, and I joined a pistol league that meets once per week. Lots of fun.
My names Dave, and I love guns. (haven't heard that one before right!)
but really, my interest is in all firearms. Mechanically, I am amazed at how firearms are designed and manufactured. And of course I love to shoot them. I've got a moderate collection for my age I would say. I'm 18 and I've got about 15 guns. I love reading and learning more about them. I'll put my pics up as soon as possible.
whats up

Yeah, im new to this site & new to shooting. I own 3 guns and I am trying to learn as much as possible from people who know. I came across this site looking for info on my browning bar safari in .270 win. I love the post and response aspect of this site so I joined.
hello to all, I guess i'm the new kid on the block

My name Is Hank, and like most of you I very much like what I see on this post so far!, I guess that 's why I joined. I'm In the first part of my 70s and I don't know yet if I'm looking forward to my 80s. I grew up in N.Y.C. New York City, moved to New jersey after my time In the Marines, maried , 3 kids, devorced, remaried moved to the Poconos, PA. and now we live in Delaware for the passed 5 years, I do think this will be my last move!!! I have been shooting sinse the very early 50s thanks to our once great Uncle Sam!!! I have been shooting ever sinse and I also reload and collect guns in a small way. I'm trying to keep this short and to the point, I'm more of a dooer than a reader, I'm a hands on type of a guy mostly. I have many other hobbies, wood working and wood turning, photography, leather working, surf fishing, and as stated before, shooting, reloading & gun colecting, any one that has many hobbies well knows that you do not do all, at the time, Or should I say, I do not do all at the same time.
I'm Looking forward to chatting with most of you people and let me say right now, I'm not looking for any arguments from anyone! If we can not discuss something, it's not worth taking the time with.
Thank you all, that's my nut shell. Semper FI to all. Hank D.
I'm New

Lot's of interest,, Joined the NRA as a child 13, 14 years old doing meets from Fort Meade in Maryland,, got some old stuff and lots of questions,, just trying to figure out the site right now..
Hi folks! My name is Bob, and I've lurked a few times before I joined. I've been hunting and shooting since I was big enough to hold both ends of a rifle off the ground. I still enjoy collecting and shooting even though hunting is getting harder with my beat-up knees. If I still had half of the guns I'd owned and swapped around with in the past...well, I'd need several safes I suppose!
Hello, everyone! I'm mid 60's old and have been involved with guns all my life. My Dad used to help me shoot his little .22 revolver when I was 6 or 7, and guns have been a part of my world since then. Shooting, hunting and guns in general have always been a significant thread in the history of my family since colonial times. My small collection includes a few guns that while they aren't really very valuable, are significant in the history of my family and our close friends- a working Charleville musket carried by an ancestor of ours who was in Washington's army; a .30 caliber carbine carried with Patton's army in North Africa; a .300 H&H Model 70 that took some record game in the Yukon more than a half century ago; a couple of High Standard automatics that went everywhere we went on fishing and hunting trips; a .30-30 Winchester that over the years has killed more than an entire herd of New York whitetails, one at a time; and so on. I grew up with them and others that I acquired over the years, and have enjoyed almost every aspect of firearms and the shooting sports. I'm not a hunter although hunting has been a tradition in my family since colonial times, so I have absolutely no argument with those that do hunt, as my father and all before him did. I shoot targets with rifles, handguns and black powder flintlocks; shoot trap; I handload most of the ammunition I shoot; I carve and inlet gunstocks and build flintlocks from parts (thank God for Dixie Gun Works!); I'm certified by the NRA and the Boy Scouts as a Shooting Sports instructor, which I thought might make a good post-retirement activity; I have a concealed weapons permit so I usually have something in my pocket wherever that's legal; and so on. I look forward to visiting this forum frequently and learning from the rich expertise of others.
Hello everyone!

Although new to firearms I have owned a 38 chiefs special for over 20 yrs. purchased in 86 for home protection. Within the last 6 months my wife, daughter and myself have acuired a CC permit, purchased 3 more handguns 2 380's a Ruger and a Kel-Tec and a 32 Baretta Tomcat for my daughter. We've been to the range several times since, (I would like to get there more often.)

In addition I have purchased an AR 15, and a used 22 magnum Mossberg rifle with scope. (I guess I am a little cocerned about what will happen with gun laws since the election) Although I am having difficulty finding a place to shoot these.

Sorta stumbled onto this sight googleing handgun info.
Whats up everyone, Im new to this site and just here to get some info on the gun game I currently own a Mini-14 .223, Ruger 10/22 and a Colt huntsman and looking into building an AR-15 or purchasing a complete 5.56 replica .22lr all info is appreciated.

I am 59 y/o 21st century pioneer in Indiana. I wear my past like a present and take my fancy in the past.

Parapliers rumbled like a straight iron gun
Like a red hot iron through the egg white, O