New members - please introduce yourselves here

Howdy From Texas via California

Hey Folks,

West Texas boy here...or westxboy minus a T...
Why? I don't know other than its not a user name that is usually taken in the forums that I belong to...

As indicated, I am originally from West Texas but have lived in Southern California for almost longer than I lived in Texas. Wow, after thinking about that it kinda surprises me...

Anyway I returned to my love of guns about a year ago starting with a Colt .45 Defender and a S&W 9mm 6909. Owning firarms here in California, while challenging with the laws, is not impossible as some may think...I have found long as you know the law you can pretty much buy generically what you wish.

I have branched out my interest even further from the two handguns listed already to included a Sig .22 rifle, two AR15s, and now a quality knife with my first purchase (as of yesterday) of a SOG Tomcat 3.0.
I must say that it is a very fine knife indeed.
My goal is to own a .308 rifle within the year and to find some hunting opportunities with my son.

And you will find that I don't post very many messages as a rule due to primarily not knowing enough about handguns, rifles, or knives to speak with some sort of authority but I am one to enjoy what others have learned and wish to pass on.

So thnx for your wisdom in advance,

New Old Guy.........

Hello TFL! I've been lurking for a couple of days and like what I see on this site.
I have posted my profile, so I won't go into that stuff. I was in the brownwater Navy in Nam, hence the handle.

I like guns and shooting them, and I like collecting, so I decided to combine the two efforts as I near retirement.

Looking forward to future exchanges with you folks. Butch (Brownwater)
Hello All. Very happy to have stumbled onto this site. Seems there is a lot of great information and discussions going on, which is hard to come by in a forum.
Great Forum !

I'm new to the gun world. For 40 years I spent every free minute playing golf, then spinal surgery put an end to that two years ago. Felt I had to get off my butt and do something so my son-in-law took me to his range....and I took off from there. Now have six .22 calibers, one wheel gun and the rest s/a. This will be just a hobby, no CCW or higher calibers (cost of ammo). My biggest eye opener is all the different guns, ammo and quality and character of the equipment. On this forum I am thoroughly impressed by the knowledge and insight of the posters.....and I am sure learning a lot. Not being real mechanical, I don't think I could ever put a ruger .22 back together, so that is off my list. I have lots to learn but this is going to be a great hobby.

Joined 8/13/11 , didn't realize I needed to say hello! sorry everyone. Here goes HELLO! I don't remember how I got here, but love all the forums. Some people are truly emotional (or passionate) about some topics. I on the other hand enjoy my firearms and everything about them. I am 50 years young and been shooting over 40 years and reloading since my late teens with dad. I pass that tradition on to friends & family every chance I get, but I still have so much more to learn.
I appreciate the enthusiasm of some, and others are so entertaining, anyway, just here to learn, and hopefully pass on what I can to help!
Sorry I'm slow but here's a Hello

My avatar might make it seem like I know lots about guns, but I really don't. I'm new to it all. I'm excited to learn more and be on this forum. Be ready for questions and maybe comments that don't make sense.

Hi All,

I wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I live in the great state of Texas, and I have been shooting since I was a child. I am venturing out and have purchased my first handgun and have lots of questions. I've nbeen asking questions and getting a lot of help so thanks to all whop have responded.

I have applied for a CHL and I am now playing the waiting game with the State. I'll keep you posted on my decision on my next purchase!
Hey Guys! From FLORIDA here, born and raised, served in the Florida National Guard 45 years ago during Viet Nam. :eek:

More into "Home Defense", never was interested in "hunting"........
the ducks would have been safe anyway!

Looking forward to learning from you guys!:D
Greetings everyone,

I'm new to the forums and new to firearms. I'm a stay-at-home mom of 3 who never had an interest in guns until I moved from semi-rural SW Missouri to VERY rural SW Missouri and decided to take home defense into my own hands.

While my main purpose in buying my Sig SP 2022 (about a month ago) was to protect myself and my children (my husband too, but he works nights so he's on his own most of the time!), i have grown to love my weapon and all the working parts. I'm fortunate enough to have the space to shoot in my back yard, and have relatives that are supportive of my "hobby" (and more importantly, distant neighbors who don't complain). Target practice and cleaning my gun have become two of my favorite things.

I'm learning pretty late in the game (i just turned 28), so i'll be asking a lot of questions, and also welcome unsolicited advice.

Nice to "meet" all of you!
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Good evening, ladies and gents. I'm new to the forums but not new to firearms. I grew up shooting my father's pellet gun and lots of time a the range during Scouts. When my family moved out of the suburbs we were able to find a range where we could shoot the Ruger 10/22 and Winchester 94. At college I got to enjoy shooting with my friend's collection of firearms ranging from a Mauser 98k to his USP45 so long as I pitched in for ammo and helped clean the guns out after. Then came the Marines where we touched on just about every weapon system that's man portable, and a few that aren't.

Now I'm in western PA, not too far north of Pittsburgh. Currently my small collection consists of my father's old guns, which are a Ruger 10/22, Winchester 94, and S&W Model 586.
Hey All - Greetings From Florida

Nice to meet ya'll!
I'm new to forums and new to gun ownership. I live in Central Florida. I just purchased my first gun, a Mossberg 500A. I haven't fired any guns for 20 years, the last time being when my good buddy while we were just out of high school let me shoot several of his guns including a 357 Magnum.
I'm married with three kids and after a recent event on one of the main highways here, I4, I decided to purchase my first gun this week, and so just picked it up today after the 3-day clear.
Anyways, I'll keep it short, just wanted to say hey....I'm sure I'll learn quite a bit from ya'll seasoned gun owners as I've been reading your forums for the past few weeks and actually gained some knowledge on my Mossberg prior to purchasing it from your forums.
I'm Chris. I hail from Houston Texas and I am 23 years of age.
I like fast cars, gold, expensive clothes, mixed drinks, predatory animals, Harry Potter, video games, explosives, knives, kick boxing, Texas, the NRA and above all else, guns and shooting GUNS

I hate racists, I hate religious fanatics and agonizingly slow drivers. I dislike people who think they are better than you when they have little to show for. Also people who think age means wisdom. I hate thieves and crooks who steal and prey off honest people like parasites. I hate law enforcement officers who fail to obey the very laws they enforce. Judges that fail to judge but interpret the law the way they see fit. I hate cowardice, people who cannot "nut up or shut up" who bark but dont bite. (however there is a line between being cautious and cowardly.)

But above all else I hate the Brady Campaign, anti gun liberals and people who FEAR AND CONDEMN BEFORE UNDERSTANDING. People who blame instruments instead of the hand that wields them.

I am Chris Bobis, and I welcome all who commented before me to the forums.
Hello from Louisiana

Hello everyone. I'm Josh and I reside in central Louisiana. I have been slowly building up my gun collection for the past few years and am always looking to further educate myself on firearms of all types. This seemed like a good place to do that. I currently own around 12 firearms and am always looking to expand my collection. I'm sure I will meet many new people here that share my love for firearms and give me sound advice when I need it. Some of which i might even listen to
Hello Gents,
I'm 23, live in Missouri, and am what I shall call a firearms enthusiast. I have a humble but ever-expanding collection of knives and guns, and I often visit sites such as this for info on my next "must have".
Began my hunting/ plinking lifestyle about years ago and have since been making up for lost time ;)

RevGeo here. You can call me George if you want..I'm a semi-retired disabled Viet Nam vet and a private music teacher. I'm an avid rifleman and the son of an avid rifleman. I've been hunting and reloading for..a long time now.
I live in the woods in a secluded valley in the Selkirk mountains of North Idaho.
I hunt elk, deer, bear, grouse and turkey. I love to fish as well.
Anyways, that's pretty much who I am.

New member


I'm Arrie from Pretoria ,South Africa.

I'm a reserve LEO and also a field training officer.

Is there any BBM Grroups I can join.
Introducing Red Fox

I joined this forum in hopes of learning something about firearms. Am retired from Industrial Construction field and
spend my time outside as much as the daylight allows.
Have quite a selection of firearms but nothing to gawk at!!;)

Recently, after having attended a local gun show and purchased a Remington 190 .22 complete with a Tasco 601E
scope for me and my grandsons and granddaughters to shoot at my redneck firing range, I was looking around for some internet site to read and learn about firearms and this sees like a very good place.

Do I hunt? No. Do I collect? Evidently but not on purpose.
Do I know a lot about firearms? No and Yes

So, that is all I care to write about me now cause you see,
it is not all about me !!

Thanks for reading,

Red Fox