New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hello to all

Hello to all. I am brand new here and would like to introduce myself. I am 42 years old, happily married, and currently live in Atlanta, GA. I love God, my wife, my dogs, and my guns……I hate Obama, Rosie O’Donnell, Dianne Feinstein, and “un-convertible” liberals. I am patriotic and love our great county but I am very worried the direction it is going. I know we are free because of the men and women that are serving or who have served in the military, and when I see someone in uniform I always take the time to say “Thank You”. I am a proud member of the NRA and of GCO (Georgia Carry Org). Besides shooting, I enjoy backpacking and preparing for when the SHTF. Although I do have more than one gun, my favorite is my FN PBR .308. I have recently got into reloading and now spend much of my weekends at the range shooting my new loads through a chrono in the never-ending quest to find the most accurate load for my rifle at the fastest it can handle. I hope to find like minded people here that I can ask questions of and hopefully answer some myself.
New Member

My Name is Steve, also new here

Just got out of the Marines and just like most of you, i am trying to find information and or giving my 2 cents about preserving the 2nd.
New Member

Hello fellow gun enthusiasts,

I am Dave, 38 years old, I live in NC and have been around firearms most of my life. I am married to my high school sweetheart and love of my life, and have two boys.

I would list what guns I have but I am not comfortable putting my life out here on the internet. I will say that I have a few guns and love to shoot and hunt.

I have been in the military since 1987 in one capacity or another. I am now waiting to retire and am looking at starting a business related to firearms.

Look forward to learning new things in the forums and meeting like minded people.

I'm Brandon. I'm 19 and currently deployed as an Infantryman with the 82d DSTB. I am currently the only person in my Company to score 40/40 on our weapons quals. I've never scored less. Here I have an M4 with ACOG and an M14 which I'm getting fixed up with a new stock, scope mount, and bipod. At home I have an AR-15 from DPMS with an EOTech 553 SOCOM (tan) and a Trijicon TA01NSN ACOG . I also have an old semi-auto winchester .30-06, a Remington .30-30 lever action, a Winchester 12GA and 16GA.
Hi everyone.

I just joined today. I live in central Oregon. I feel like I need a community of gun nuts in order to get answers to my dumb questions. I just recently started reloading and am shooting alot. Started working on guns. Mostly 1911's. I constantly run into technical problems I need help with. I hope to share as much as I can in return. Jdub

hey everyone, been on here for a little bit, and thought id say hi. looks like a fun site. i also own .went plinking with the gf yesterday, (her 2nd time shooting) and thought is share. we were shooting a ruger 22 target pistol, ruger 9mm, walther p99qa 40, ar15 and the m44. was a blast.

[Green Hornet, this isn't a discussion thread. We have this reserved for new member introductions only. You may have noticed a short paragraph by each poster. I have taken the liberty of making your pics attachments. Three is the max no of attachments allowed in each post, so your fourth pic didn't make it. Please feel free to start your own thread and post your range pics there. -Bud Helms]
Hey all,

Just found this site tonight. I am 27 years old from Mass :(. I am in the military and have been stationed in VA and now ME. Look forward to reading some of the posts.
New Member


My name is Tom Hughes, I am currently the NRA Action Pistol Coordinator, this includes the NRA Bianchi Cup.

We are interested in hearing feedback from members of this community about making NRA Action Pistol grow, with the addition of the Production Division this year, we hope more people will get out and shoot this sport locally.

If you have some idea's, any idea's please contact me anytime, we are looking forward to hearing from you.


I can not believe how much information is available on this forum. This reminds me of how I felt when the Sears Christmas catalog (wish book) would show up when I was a kid. (60s)

I can't wait to get started.

Thanks for having me.

Hello all

Not sure if I posted an introduction, so I will post a second one...or the first one. Anyways, I'm Goldie Glox. I am a founder of a new site called femme .45. This site is mainly for female shooters new and experienced, but we don't mind the gentlemen stopping by to check us out. Anyways, I just moved to New York and am in the process of getting my permit. Anyone know how long that takes? I hear it takes forever.

Well I hope to have some great disscussions with you all and happy shooting:)

Protect the 2nd Amendment
Another New Guy

Greetings all,

Purchased my first handgun in 15 years earlier this year - Glock 19. Took a CHP course and am waiting on my permit. In the meantime, I've put my wife and daughters through a "girls only" safety course (they are quite the markspersons), joined a local gun club, replaced the stock sights with XS Big Dots and am practicing as much as I can.

Look forward to many years of safe and fun shooting.

Love this site!
New Member

Found TFL while searching for information to identify a S&W .38 for a friend. Web page format and discussions had a lot of class. Thought I'd join.
Hello,Firing Line Friends

glad to be on the firing line. been a reader for awhile, signed up a few days ago, looking forward to good info. and conversation with fellow enthusiasts.
life is good here in middle America. working to keep it that way against the current political tide. keep the Faith and keep your ammo dry.
thanks for having me, tagsks
My name is Brett, and i'm from the STL area. My boys ( i have 3) have reached that age where it's time for them to learn to use weapons safely and properly, and because of that i've started to aquire some guns for our usage.

Ran across this site as i was doing some research on a gun and it looked good so i joined. I look forward to being here!
anti-gun supporters

Hi everyone, I was looking for companies and products that do not support the 2nd Ammendment. I found answers here. I will not be using Bic lighters or pens, I will not eat at KFC, nor will I buy from 7-elevens. Thank you