When I read some of the materials on the white supremacy sites, I was very surprised to read some of the very same opinions that are popular here:
- the threat of Mexican influx to the white race
- the government as an illegal mafia that must be opposed by patriots
- the government as controlled by a small hidden elite
- a media conspiracy to disinform the people
- random drunk driving stops as the first step towards total control by Big
Brother (who is actually controlled by the secret Zionist elite)
- a sinister New World Order superstate
These are opinions that are "popular" on TFL or these are things that have been posted at least once on a board with thousands of members? There's a difference, you know.
- the threat of Mexican influx to the white race
I can honestly say I can't recall the last thread on TFL discussing the threat to the "white race" posed by Mexican immigration. We discuss the effects of ILLEGAL immigration on the UNITED STATES quite a bit, which is entirely different. Generally the only people saying it's an issue of race are the ones who favor illegal immigration for whatever reason and know that they can score points by painting the other side as racists.
- the government as an illegal mafia that must be opposed by patriots
Maybe you don't live close enough to Chicago to know this, but the government is not an illegal mafia.
They merely work closely with the Mafia for mutual benefit when it comes to fund-raising and influence-peddling. If you don't believe me, go to ChicagoTribune.com and read John Kass' excellent columns on the "Hired Truck Scandal."
Our entire form of government is based on the assumption that government cannot be trusted.
- the government as controlled by a small hidden elite
You've left yourself an awful lot of wiggle room, here. When you say, "small, hidden elite" are we talking about a few Senators, a few Congressmen, and some kingmakers and bureaucrats in Washington exercising inordinate amounts of control over 300 million people? I'd agree with that. You'd have to be pretty naive not to agree with that.
Or are you talking about some Z.O.G. conspiracy? If so, I'd like to see your evidence that such a view is popular here. It isn't. People who post that kind of drivel get ridiculed before they get banned. The ridicule is not encouraged, but the banning is the personal policy of Rich Lucibella and Marko Kloos, and we implement it with a certain enthusiasm.
- a media conspiracy to disinform the people
I'll grant you that one. Of course, in modern America, that's like saying two groups share a belief that pure water conducts electricity.* It's not precisely a true thing to believe, sure, but it would be hard to find someone who doesn't, no matter what group you search.
This is similar. I don't believe there's any conspiracy; I believe there are just way too many lefty reporters, editors and producers. They don't think of what they do as "misinforming" anybody. They think they're presenting the common sense, obvious point of view with which only the wackos would disagree in substance.
*I don't know why that popped into my head, but my high school chemistry teacher used to fill an old, stained fish tank with pure distilled water and stick live wires in at each end, then plunge his hand dramatically into it while giving us a lecture on conduction vs. insulation. Turns out that if there are no minerals or other impurities suspended in the water, it's a decent insulator.
- random drunk driving stops as the first step towards total control by Big
Brother (who is actually controlled by the secret Zionist elite)
B.S. You're calling people anti-semites and claiming they believe in Zionist conspiracy theories when all evidence is to the contrary. Again, I want to see your evidence that it is commonly believed at TFL that a secret Zionist elite runs the country. This is essentially trolling. Frankly, if you were a fairly new member I wouldn't even have this discussion with you, because I'd have assume troll as soon as you started making these absolutely ridiculous straw man arguments about anti-semitism.
Now, separate the checkpoint issue from the racism, and yes, people see it as a step on a slippery slope. The problem with that argument is that when people yell "slippery slope is a fallacy!" they forget that slippery slope without specific evidence is a fallacy. Citing a slippery slope with specific evidence of the direction and speed with which we're falling down it, and it becomes valid. The drunk-driving checkpoints are themselves a step in a process that began with checkpoints to check for narcotics. Then came the drunk-driving checkpoints. Then came the insurance and safety checkpoints. Now we have checkpoints to make sure you're wearing your government-mandated seat belt. Clearly the drunk driving checkpoints ARE a step in a process which, whether anyone started with this intention or not, is leading to less and less freedom from intrusive searches carried out by police officers who stop people for no specific cause whatsoever.
How being concerned about that issue makes one a racist conspiracy nut, I'll never know. It's a good thing you were here to tell us.
- a sinister New World Order superstate
Yes, that is ridiculous. It's not as if there's some worldwide government entity out there that considers itself more important than sovereign national governments and has stated over and over again that it would appreciate it if the U.S. government would confiscate all small arms from its citizens.
Certainly not the U.N. Can't be anything sinister about people who want to help so badly that they've put Syria in charge of investigating human rights abuses and allowed Saddam Hussein to use their sanctions as an excuse to starve women and children in his country, blame America for starving them, and STILL make huge fortunes by selling oil in defiance of the sanctions by pretending he was going to feed those women and children with the profits (but, of course, continue to let them starve while he and the U.N. officals he bribed got richer.)
Nope, nothing sinister about the U.N.
Personally, I view the U.N. as one big, clumsy, pre-adolescent version of Chicago government on the world stage. They don't have the power that Chicago's government wields in Chicagoland, yet, but they're a similar collection of crooks who come together for mutual advantage. More than any sinister conspiracy, you have weird alliances between people who think of themselves as the world's saviors and hard men who see the world in terms of clout and dollars.
In short, I don't know what you wanted to achieve with this thread, but I'm not going to sit here and read such arrant nonsense about TFL's membership. They're not a bunch of racist yahoos and conspiracy nuts. I will now go dig in some fenceposts and wait for you to reply that you never called anyone a racist and I'm overreacting.