McCain Advisor Resigns: "I will not work against Obama"

I love this whole racism thing. I know there is some around, but there is also a lot of wolf.

So Obama has black skin. It's the only thing he has in common with the blacks whose words and deeds annoy so many, not the color of their skin.
McCain did vote aginst the AWB, but I doubt he would veto it if one was put in-front of him.

This year the US populace gets screwed, I know allot of people who want the illegals gone as well as protecting gun rights - the environment is also a big issue. Its really disappointing that a candidate never emerged from either main-stream side who would support these policies.
So Obama has black skin. It's the only thing he has in common with the blacks whose words and deeds annoy so many, not the color of their skin.
Are you saying "Obama is black but most black people are not like Rev. Wright and others who annoy so many" or are you saying that "Obama is black but not like most black people...who annoy so many" ???
Are you saying "Obama is black but most black people are not like Rev. Wright and others who annoy so many" or are you saying that "Obama is black but not like most black people...who annoy so many" ???

How typical. I said what I said. No more, no less.
How typical. I said what I said. No more, no less.
Your statement is vague. I see nothing wrong with asking for clarification. Not accusing you of anything. Just giving you a chance to state it more clearly. It can be read in a way that is poignant and in a way that is hateful. Which was your intent?
PBP, stop trying to throw a racist tag around everyone who doesn't agree with you. I personally find that very annoying.
PBP, stop trying to throw a racist tag around everyone who doesn't agree with you. I personally find that very annoying.
I am not accusing him of being racist. I am asking for clarification of his statement.

Of course I guess some people might feel like it was an accusation. I might feel that way too if I had multiple posts removed for racist slurs.
That is how I thought you probably meant it and I agree completely.

Accrediting the the behavior of people like Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan to an entire race just because they share a common skin color.

I think just as many blacks in this country, if not more, have more in common with Obama than with Sharpton/Farrakhan.
You left a few things out, MikeyBoy.

Q: Why is McCain not a true conservative?
* Because he is soft on the border and wants to legalize 12,000,000 illegal aliens
* He wants to abolish the right of private citizens to sell firearms to each other (except for husband/wife, father/son),
* He believes in global warming and will directly tax US corporations in the name of global warming,
* He co-authored McCain-Feingold which limits free speech during an election (meant to silence the NRA and other conservative groups during an election cycle),
* He flirted with the idea of leaving the republican party in 2001 because he was embittered at his loss to George Bush in 2000,
* He did not support Bush's tax cuts.....

Should I go on?

And Reagan is a true conservative??

Reagan gave amenesty to millions of illegal immigrants in the 1980's, banned offshore drilling of oil (banned in 1981) and while known for being a tax cutter, he actually created and raised taxes in some areas. Yes, before Reagan a full time student did not have to pay federal income tax for a part time job.

I do not like McCain-Finegold, and I don't like McCain's stand on the border issue, and the enviroment, but pretty much he is spot on withe the other issues, and Obama is horribly wrong.

Ohh and this gun issue you mentioned, he want to stop the NON FFL private sales between non family members (aka the gunshow loophole). If someone wants to sell or buy a gun with a complete stranger, without having that FFL paperwork backup that the other party is not a criminal or the gun is not stolen, then frankly they are asking for trouble if things go south.

McCain is very firm on fighting the AWB, on taxes on ammo, on magazine capacity limits, on liability suits against gun manufactures (non product defect issues).

Who did the Conservative talking heads want to win the primary??? Why super rich, super conservative Mitt Romney. And what was his stance on the AWB and gun control?? Romney would have re-issued the AWB, and added a few other bans (see MA law as a reference) but hey he is more conservative than McCain right? Hannity, Limbaugh, and other Neo-con talking heads are paid flunkies, after Romney dropped out they thought we would be better with...Hilary Clinton. Nice, slash and burn the USA because your boy is not the winner. Do your research on McCain people , don't go by what the talking heads say.

Huckabee was my top RKBA candidate and the guy I wanted to see win. McCain came in the top 3 of RKBA supporters.

Don't drink the kool aid people. McCain does need to get his act together on the Border and the Enviroment. We can pressure him to change his beliefs. Obama will take away everything no matter what we say. McCain is our only hope.
Ohh and this gun issue you mentioned, he want to stop the NON FFL private sales between non family members (aka the gunshow loophole). If someone wants to sell or buy a gun with a complete stranger, without having that FFL paperwork backup that the other party is not a criminal or the gun is not stolen, then frankly they are asking for trouble if things go south.

So you agree with more gun control then. Gotcha.
Firemax, so you think its OK for felons to buy guns, and for people to sell stolen guns? So your one of those people with the baggy pants, that shoot your handguns sideways then. Gotcha.

Obama wants to re-instate the AWB, take away CCW permits, and pretty much let the UN conficate guns in the US. You don't support McCain, then that is what you want, because that is what you will get.

Obama wants to let the UN confiscate all the guns in the US?


I was wondering why all those guys in blue helmets keep flying unmarked black helicopters around that super-secret site right outside town.

I'm glad that is cleared up.
Obama wants to let the UN confiscate all the guns in the US?

Wow indeed. Incredibly, it's true.

Obama's bill S2433 would require the U.S. to initially direct .7 percent of our GNP into the United Nations coffers for distribution as they see fit, for "food" to third world nations. Under earlier agreements this would evolve into a national tax on the U.S. with the UN attempting to levy this on all first world nations.

The U.N. would have the power to increase this rate of taxation.

The U.S. would be required to surrender some of its sovereignty over foreign aid by putting it under UN control. The bill would force the U.S. to sign onto the U.N.'s Millennium Declaration, which would commit us not only to "banning small arms and light weapons" but also to adhere to the International Criminal Court Treaty and the Kyoto Protocol.

Well, gee, if it says so on "," it must be true.

Here's a little tidbit from "fourwinds10" mission statement:

The Four Winds and The Phoenix Archives websites are committed to giving Truth to the people of our world and to revealing the lies under which we of Planet Earth have been living for thousands of years.

This website has been established to freely give Truth to anyone seeking Truth on this planet. The Bellringers are assisting to fulfill the promise that Esu Immanuel made 2000 years ago, when he said that at the end of the age, Truth would be presented one more time to the ?four corners of the earth??thus the ?Four Winds? and "Phoenix Archives" websites. Our objectives are:

1. To reveal the Darkside?s secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders.

2. To reveal to the world?s people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the ?ending of the play.?

3. To reveal the evil world leaders? cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors) who are here in starships in Earth?s atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment.

Lol. You couldn't make this stuff up! (I particularly like God Aton and his starships who are circling the earth!)
Well, gee, if it says so on "," it must be true.

You aren't allowed to make fun of the messenger just because you don't like the message. That is reserved for Scott McClellan this week. ;)