McCain Advisor Resigns: "I will not work against Obama"

Banners don't mean much. Talk to the people. RP had banners, signs and graffiti all over the place. Didn't do him much good.

When a candidate has FoxNews in his corner, who needs banners.
When a candidate has FoxNews in his corner, who needs banners.

Fox News has that much clout? Besides we were talking about black voters in the South when I said that about banners. Southern blacks aren't going to openly support McCain because they don't want to appear to go against the race with their peers. They'll shout Obama's praise with the best of them and then do what they want to do in the voting booth.
Your racism is clear and apparent.

Of course, of course... racist this- racist that.... liberal strategy 101. If they disagree with you and you can't win an argument... call 'em a racist. :rolleyes:
There is mathematically no way for McCain to carry the south, and without the south, he can't win.

How about sharing a little of your mathmatical prowess with the rest of us? Sounds like horse dung, to me. I don't think Obama will carry any state that traditionally votes Republican.
How about sharing a little of your mathmatical prowess with the rest of us? Sounds like horse dung, to me. I don't think Obama will carry any state that traditionally votes Republican.

Your wishful thinking does not match the mathmatics. Just look at the number of voters in these select Southern primaries.. These are the overall number of voters in the primaries who voted for either a democrat or a republican in that primary (numbers are approx.)

Democrat Voters: 411,00
Republican Voters: 136,000

Democrat Voters: 357,000
Republican Voters: 145,000

Democrat Voters: 803,000
Republican Voters: 580,000

Democrat Voters: 970,000
Republican Voters: 464,000

Democrat turn out was higher than Republican turnout in every other Southern state. Add to that the fact that McCain has trouble with his conservative base and consider the fact that the South is very conservative... well, the writing is on the wall, now isn't it.

What was the GOP thinking giving us a liberal for president in the traditionally conservative republican party???
I'm not suggesting that Obama deserves a free ride, but his candidacy is a historic achievement for all of us. I don't find it so monumental that I'll vote for him, but I am proud of our country when I consider that when I was very young a guy like Obama might not be able to sit at a lunch counter, and now he's got a good shot at the White House.

I think that's well put. If Obama had a political voting record that was basically the same as Bill Clinton, he would be a shoo-in. I think he's an excellent speaker and he certainly comes off on TV as an honest and admirable person. BUT..... he is the most liberal member of the Senate if you look at voting records. It's hard to run away from that. If he loses this election, it will be his liberal record that does him in. It is never a good idea for either party to pick a candidate "from the fringes." Obama meets that definition. The GOP did it once with Goldwater. Disaster. The Democrats did it with McGovern. Disaster.

Democrat turn out was higher than Republican turnout in every other Southern state. Add to that the fact that McCain has trouble with his conservative base and consider the fact that the South is very conservative... well, the writing is on the wall, now isn't it.

What was the GOP thinking giving us a liberal for president in the traditionally conservative republican party???

Where to start?!

The Democratic turnout was higher in the primaries because it was a contest. Two candidates were spending truly massive amounts of money. Comparing how many voters from each party voted in a primary seems like an indicator that is prone to failure.

The South is full of people that have been registered Democrats their whole lives. They dads and granddads were Democrats. But a Democrat in Alabama doesn't sound like a Democrat from New York. (Or Chicago.) So the South tends to go GOP in presidential elections since 1980. Obama will get nearly all of the black vote but virtually none of those were going to vote for McCain anyway!

And it really does bug me when somebody says McCain is a "liberal." There are conservative organizations out there that rate every Senator based on their votes over time. And every one of those organizations rates McCain as a conservative. If you want to waste 15 minutes of your time, lay out Obama's voting record in the Senate and compare it vote by vote to McCain. If McCain is "a liberal," they should match up. They most certainly do not.

No, McCain wasn't my pick for ideal candidate. But I'm VERY happy that the former mayor of NYC didn't win the nomination. I would be complaining right along with you in the case. And I didn't like the Gov. of Mass. either. I'll take McCain over either one of them.

Goldwater was only "fringe" because the rest of the party is so pansied up and takes few real stands on anything. This justification of leftism being justified because it's less left than the current far left has GOT to be put an end to.
And it really does bug me when somebody says McCain is a "liberal." There are conservative organizations out there that rate every Senator based on their votes over time. And every one of those organizations rates McCain as a conservative. If you want to waste 15 minutes of your time, lay out Obama's voting record in the Senate and compare it vote by vote to McCain. If McCain is "a liberal," they should match up. They most certainly do not.

It does to the neo-libs, Tuls. To them, only a libertarian or a liberal democrat is conservative. Only a neo-lib is allowed to decree who is conservative. Please ignore voting records, and simply agree with the neo-libs, because they know everything. If you ain't flying around in a blimp, you're not a conservative. Period. :eek:
Fremmer, would you like some cheese to go with your "whine"?
How can a liberal democrat be a conservative? Sometimes I just don't understand you. Other times I think you are just rude and nasty.:(
tulsamal said:
The Democratic turnout was higher in the primaries because it was a contest. Two candidates were spending truly massive amounts of money. Comparing how many voters from each party voted in a primary seems like an indicator that is prone to failure.

Is that your explanation of the massive turnout among democrats? So, what will change between now and November that will increase turnout among republicans in the south? Is it because conservatives love mccain so much?

tulsamal said:
And it really does bug me when somebody says McCain is a "liberal."

You're right. All conservatives believe that global warming is true (like mccain) and all conservatives want to put an end to private firearms sales so that the government can track every weapon as per UN mandate(like mccain). Those are not liberal positions at all. Why would anyone think McCain is a liberal.

tulsamal said:
If you want to waste 15 minutes of your time, lay out Obama's voting record in the Senate and compare it vote by vote to McCain. If McCain is "a liberal," they should match up. They most certainly do not.
Goodness. You are saying the Obama is more liberal than mccain and that means mccain is not a liberal? Ummm... obama is also more liberal than hillary clinton. Does that mean that hillary is also not a liberal?

tulsamal said:
No, McCain wasn't my pick for ideal candidate. But I'm VERY happy that the former mayor of NYC didn't win the nomination. I would be complaining right along with you in the case. And I didn't like the Gov. of Mass. either. I'll take McCain over either one of them.

Good for you. As for me, I prefer conservatives.
How can a liberal democrat be a conservative?

The assertion that Senator McCain is a liberal democrat is absurd. And incorrect. And a prime example of the silly accusations that have been floating around here lately.

I'm not being rude or nasty; I'm just trying to make you happy. I'll try not to comment about utter absurdity as much. :)
I'm pretty sure nobody has accused McCain of being a liberal Democrat. The accusation, right or wrong, has been a "liberal Republican", not much better than a Democrat.
The same conservative talk show hosts that said McCain is a liberal republican, and think Reagan was a Conservative GOD.

Q: Why is McCain not a true conservative?

A: Because he is soft on the border and illegals.

Q: And a true conservative like Reagan would have never adopted the doctrine the Democrats are pushing today about amnesty for illegals?

A: Well ummm, at least Reagan would never cut an run in a fight like Clinton did in Somilia.

Q: What about Beirut?

McCain came into the race with a firm commitment to the Iraq war and similar view to the illegal mexican issue that Reagan had, yet was labeled a RINO? McCain is taking a course correction in regards to the Border, so the point should be moot. People need to get off of the Liberal vs Conservative labels. That is how the Nazi party got started. LOOK at the ISSUES and where the candidates stands.

Obama is filled with bad ideas, spending, prohibations and empty promises.

McCain is simply a better choice.
People need to get off of the Liberal vs Conservative labels
I agree. It is better to use the standard of "supporting and defending" the Constitution versus violating the Constitution. McCain falls on the wrong side of that standard.
Q: Why is McCain not a true conservative?
A: Because he is soft on the border and illegals.

You left a few things out, MikeyBoy.

Q: Why is McCain not a true conservative?
* Because he is soft on the border and wants to legalize 12,000,000 illegal aliens
* He wants to abolish the right of private citizens to sell firearms to each other (except for husband/wife, father/son),
* He believes in global warming and will directly tax US corporations in the name of global warming,
* He co-authored McCain-Feingold which limits free speech during an election (meant to silence the NRA and other conservative groups during an election cycle),
* He flirted with the idea of leaving the republican party in 2001 because he was embittered at his loss to George Bush in 2000,
* He did not support Bush's tax cuts.....

Should I go on?
And turn the United States into a third world country once & for all
I find this statement kind of funny. Which tactics would really have a bigger chance of turning us into a 3rd world country?

The party that wishes to provided government healthcare, tightly regulate large corporations, raise minimum wages and standards of living, etc.

...or the party that suppresses wages, gives tax incentives to large corporations to move overseas, makes it easier for corporations to exploit illegal labor, shifts tax burden away from the rich, etc.