McCain Advisor Resigns: "I will not work against Obama"

An economy in trouble? People who can't afford food and healthcare simultaneously?
Getting government OUTvolved would do more to solving these issues than having goverment INvolved.
Hasn't government been involved in these for quite some time? Yeah that's what we need; more incompetent, corrupt government involvement.:barf::barf::barf:

p.s. Did I mention inefficient? I should have
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Medicare/medicaid is already crippling the healthcare industry. They are one of the reasons for rising health cost. You want to get a laugh, ask your doctor how much he is force to bill for a visit for a medi patient. When your forced to charge 10% of your patients $7 for something that cost $50, who pays for the rest?

Medical care will suck in the USA if we get national health care, not to mention the economy would collapse.
Medicare/medicaid is already crippling the healthcare industry. They are one of the reasons for rising health cost. You want to get a laugh, ask your doctor how much he is force to bill for a visit for a medi patient. When your forced to charge 10% of your patients $7 for something that cost $50, who pays for the rest?
I am in a family of doctors and nurses and the only thing wrong with your analogy is that when a doctor is paid $10 for a medication that cost him $30 (which is rare but does happen) it is not medicare that is making it cost $30. It is unfair market practices and unchecked pharmaceutical companies. That same medication would have only cost him $5 in most countries. How would less government involvement solve a problem that stems from lack of oversight?

That is just another manipulative distraction tactic by the pharmaceutical companies. They try to get you to obsess with the wrong number in the equation.
Doctors are the biggest welfare queens in the country. Always at the statehouse and Congress asking for Medicaid and Medicare handouts, and wanting everybody else's costs but their own to be controlled. They always seem to have money to invest in stripmalls, big houses, cars and jewelry though.
Doctors are the biggest welfare queens in the country. Always at the statehouse and Congress asking for Medicaid and Medicare handouts, and wanting everybody else's costs but their own to be controlled. They always seem to have money to invest in stripmalls, big houses, cars and jewelry though.
Wow, attacking doctors as a profession??? Pretty nasty thing to do in my opinion. Didn't you allude that you are a lawyer in a previous post. We all know how pure and selfless lawyers are. :rolleyes:

My brother-n-law worked with DWB for awhile in south America. The same drug that the government pays him $15 for here, but costs him $25 to purchase, is one they use a lot in their work.

The biggest difference is that when they are in S. America they order the same drug from the Canadian distributor and they pay $7 a dose for it instead of $25. It is the same drug from the same manufacturer. So who is causing the problem there? The unchecked American drug market or congress?

And you have to remember. The cost of the drug is not all the patient pays. When the doctor looses money on the shot they simply make a little less profit on the big charge which is the office visit. My last doctors visit has a drug charge of $45 for an anesthesia. The total bill before insurance was $480. $335 of which was the what the doctor charged to spend 10 minutes with me.
Those other countries control drug prices, just as you suggest, by fiat. They also control what doctors can charge, guess which of those ideas the doctors like. Doctors love to complain about lawyers, they hate to held accountable for their screw-ups, their negligence, and their often active indifference to patient welfare, but they are the first to call a lawyer to sue when the bill isn't paid as fast as they want. They always had the best paid lobbyists with the fastest PACs plying the halls of the legislature. That's what so humorous, for just plain cupidity, medical doctors take the prize every time, but like to sell themselves as humanitarians.
Those other countries control drug prices, just as you suggest, by fiat. They also control what doctors can charge, guess which the doctors like. Doctors love to complain about lawyers, they hate to held accountable for their screw-ups, their negligence, and their often active indifference to patient welfare, but they are the first to call a lawyer to sue when the bill isn't paid as fast as they want. They always had the best paid lobbyists with the fastest PACs plying the halls of the legislature. That's what so humorous, for just plain cupidity, medical doctors take the prize every time, but like to sell themselves as humanitarians
Nice innuendo and propaganda.
That same medication would have only cost him $5 in most countries. How would less government involvement solve a problem that stems from lack of oversight?

FDA requirements inflate the cost of medication in the US.
gc70, you mean government involvement?
Tell you what folks, let's get government OUT of all of the businesses, then let's address whatever problems remain. Can we try that? That question is really rhetorical, by the way.
...and you do not know that he doesn't.

Once again that is not and answer to the question. That is just more nay-saying. I guess the people in power find it easier to stay in power if they keep the peasants doubting anything can ever get better. That way they do not rally behind the idealists.

I'm pretty sure that he doesn't. I'm a naysayer when it comes to most things he says. I find it rather ludicrous that his fans are throwing their panties on the stage and fainting at the sight of the man, and have no idea what he stands for.

I know what he stands for, and I don't like it.