McCain Advisor Resigns: "I will not work against Obama"

guess the obvious question is, why did John McCain have a person on his campaign staff who has such affinity for a liberal like Obama? How many other of his campaign advisors hold liberals in high regard? Does Mr. McCain have any conservative advisors, or are they all like Mr. McKinnon?

I don't understand why not wanting to run a campaign against Obama necessarily means that he has an affinity to him.

If I choose not to oppose something, it could also mean that I realize that such opposition would leave me worse off than doing nothing.
I don't understand why not wanting to run a campaign against Obama necessarily means that he has an affinity to him.

You don't think that a campaign advisor leaving a republican campaign because "they do not want to work against obama" shows that he has affinity for Obama?
You don't think that a campaign advisor leaving a republican campaign because "they do not want to work against obama" shows that he has affinity for Obama?

I think that leaving a republican campaign and joining the Obama campaign shows he has an affinity towards Obama.

It may be that he simply thinks he cannot win. Or knows that McCain could be planning to employ tactics that he finds reprehensible.
Firemax you dont know me, or anything about my political views, other than the fact that I like firearms and the second amendment. I am far from being a liberal, very far.

You're right, I don't know you. I was taking your word that you are a democrat and it is my experience that democrats are liberal. If I am wrong about that, then I apologize.

You must be one of those traditional conservatives who voted Bush into the Whitehouse the first time around, his bible thumping anti abortion bornagain christian stance sure folled ya didnt it. He turned out to be a real Real conservative Huh??

Yes, I am a traditional conservative. You are also right that I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004. I wasn't really inspired by the man though, but I liked the other guy less. You might say that I voted for the lesser of two evils. Yes, Bush turned out to be far less than conservative and a bit dumb too. Not a real conservative at all. That's why I have chosen not to take that approach (voting for the lesser of evils) again with this year's republican nomninee. No way, no how.
"3/5's of a vote" rules

Where do people get this? There was nothing about "3/5's of a vote" ever! For purposes of apportionment of Representatives, slaves would be counted as only three-fifths. It was a penalty, free states wanted them not counted at all for Representatives, the slave states wanted them counted fully so they could get more Representatives in Congress. It was a compromise.

Sorry, pet peeve.
What gets me is his Kenyan father divorced his white mom when he was only two years old. His mom remarried and indonesian man, and moved to indonesia where he stayed until he was 10. From 10 until high school he moves back to Hawaii to live with his White Maternal Grandparents until he graduates high school. He was basically raised by his white mother and her white family with a 5 year stint with an indonesia dad. He is black by default, half African by blood, but he was raised as a white american / Indonesian.

Yet somehow he gets sucked into Radical African American society, disapproves of his white family, and goes to an anti white, black liberation theology, Christian church. I just don't get it.

I have no problem voting for a black candidate for president, but Obama is a real poor choice. There are so many better, more qualified, black candidates out there.

For the first time in my life, I'm getting active in politics. I'm was never a big republican, and I was never a big fan of John McCain (but at least with him I get to keep my guns), but for my family and my country, I just cannot allow Obama to win the White House.,BSX-News-wotreegg09.stng

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Utter rubbish. If even a few more northern states than those that went for Bush go for McCain, Obama would have to sweep the South to win.

McCain will do no better in the north than Bush did. To believe otherwise is not based on any fact. Obama, or any democrat, will run well in the north. All he will need to do is pick up one or two southern states and victory is assured.

40% of Georgia voters are black. These voters will all vote for Obama, and turn out will nearly be 100%. To win Georgia, Obama only needs to get 12% of the white vote. I assue you he will get 12% of the white vote.

This situation is the same in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and South Carolina. Only a very small minority of white voters will need to vote Obama to lead to victory.
lol, once people find out who Obama really is they wont be voting for him, currently most of his supporters are stuck in a trance that will be ended as soon as the GOP adds start coming out.
I'll bet this is the staffer who advised McCain to appear on Saturday Night Live.

"Senator..It worked wonders for Bob Dole's image with that hip youth vote demographic..." :D
+1 LostOne

A) Obama is a good speaker but not exceptional bright, and a real political novice. After 8 year of having a president who was portrayed as "Dumb" people want someone who is mentally fast on his feet. McCain has been around the block more that a few times, and LIVES for discussion and debate. McCain will wipe the floor with him.

B) The more stuff that comes out about Obama church and personal beliefs, the more average Americans will not trust him. I honesty think that is the reason for Hilary's recent surge at the primaries. It seem recently when Obama opens his mouth he says something that hurts him. Wait until he starts talking about his beliefs on communism and socialism:rolleyes:

C) Black America makes up about 12% of the total US population. The more and more info comes out about Obama's "Black Liberation Theology" beliefs the more "non-black" voters he will lose. He is almost better off switching back to Islam. On the one hand you want dislike and want death to all non-blacks, the other you dislike and want death to the infidels.

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lol, once people find out who Obama really is they wont be voting for him, currently most of his supporters are stuck in a trance that will be ended as soon as the GOP adds start coming out.

I keep hearing that.. but I think it is wishful thinking. Don't you think by now that the people who support Obama already know who he is? Do you think it matters to them?

The fact of the matter is that a great many people are disillusioned with the republican party and will not vote for them this year. Obama is benefiting from this greatly. The democrat party could have put up anyone this year and win the election... especially since the GOP has sold out its conservative base by moving further to the left side of the political spectrum. What a disastrous strategy.
Obama continues to make stupid comments, his most recent one was an insult at Lou Dobbs, I honestly don't think he will win the election.

I wouldn't mind if Obama won the presidency if there was a Republican Congress becuase I believe Checks and Balances work, but having one party control both the legislative and executive branch makes me uneasy.

Same goes for the Bush presidency, there were no Checks and Balances for his first term in office which is why he was able to get anything through he wanted.
McCain will do no better in the north than Bush did. To believe otherwise is not based on any fact. Obama, or any democrat, will run well in the north. All he will need to do is pick up one or two southern states and victory is assured.

40% of Georgia voters are black. These voters will all vote for Obama, and turn out will nearly be 100%. To win Georgia, Obama only needs to get 12% of the white vote. I assue you he will get 12% of the white vote.

And those blacks in the South have voted straight ticket Democrat since Roosevelt. That McCain will do any worse than Bush in the North or South or not pick up at least Pennsylvania "is not based on any fact." The Obamassiah acolytes are doing a lot of wishful thinking of their own.
I can tell you this because I live here. A lot of blacks in Mississippi don't want Obama. If he gets the nomination they'll vote McCain.
I can tell you this because I live here. A lot of blacks in Mississippi don't want Obama. If he gets the nomination they'll vote McCain.
Really? I didn't get that myself. In fact I did not see a single Mccain banner in Tupelo, Iuka, or anywhere from Gulf Port north until I got into Tennessee...and in the white areas of Hunstville.

I will look again when I am back there next week. :)
Call me crazy, but you think that the Clintonites would want another run at it in 2012? She will be too old, and too far out of the limelight in 8 years. If Hilary cannot have it now, then she wants McCain to win. Obama will be getting it from both sides, his GOP opponent and the Clinton muckracking war machine.
While I thought the election of a President was about ability and policies, the media frequently reminds us of the racial implications of the upcoming election. Maybe Mark McKinnon just does not want to be labeled a racist.
The problem is that McCain doesn't fly around in a big blimp. That's the problem. If he'd just get a blimp, he might have a chance. I happen to know where he can get one on the cheap; of course, he'll have to do a minor paint job....:D

Perhaps the advisor was told to resign or he'd be fired. Who knows? It sounds to me like Senator McCain is gearing up for a big fight, and his campaign staff realizes this. Either be ready and willing to fight, or get the heck out of the kitchen.

Hillary might be in a much better position had she reorganized her campaign staff months ago. Better for McCain to have the advisor leave now than to leave later in the campaign.