Mc Cain's VP

I don't think she will run with McCain. I think if she did it would help his campaign.

On a lighter side, if she does hit the political spotlight hard core, can you imagine how many gapped toothed cartoons that would come out about her? It's probably be pretty funny... Sort of like the big eared George's or the big nosed Bills.
the failed policies of the Bush administration

This is a mantra we hear a bunch. I like the way that terrorists have failed to attack us on our own soil since W took the fight to them. That is the kind of failure I like.

I don't like the energy policies which are driving up the cost of the master resource (energy). I don't like the war-sale going on with the contractors over yonder.

I don't like the way the administration stabbed gun owners in the back with the Veteran's disarmament act and the Solicitor General's amicus brief in Heller.

Good and bad with every camp kids.

Obama even has his good points to a confirmed pro-gun libertarian like me.

None of our candidates have a clue on the war on drugs.

I saw a documentary that said Holland has lower drug use than us and quoted a Dutch official as saying "We have succeeded in making getting high boring". If true maybe worth looking into. Haven't heard anything from any candidate on drugs that makes sense.

McCain ain't no solid candidate on gun issues, but then we don't really have one now - do we? I will keep my back against a wall while pulling the lever for Sidney. Because as a gun owner that is the only choice we have. And it ain't a good one.

A strong pro constitutional vp would make that easier, but I don't have a clue who could do that and be viable....... I like J.C. Watts but don't know how well he has been vetted. Condi won't run according to her. Anne the man Coulter? Heck I give up.

I don't love McCain, but over the G-D America candidate or Clinton version 2.0 (this time with pants!!!) this typical white person (who has way more time in poor black neighborhoods rural and urban than Barry O. from Hawaii) will vote for Bomb Iran John. YMMV

My take is that this year the choices are so poor that I respect anybody who does what they think is right.