Mc Cain's VP

Hannity interviewed Mitt last night. He mentioned that Karl Rove would like to see an M&M ticket, McCain and Mitt. The Architect has had worse ideas. Mitt would have the econimic brains needed, (McCain has already admitted he doesn't have the economic savey needed). Thoughts?
McCain had better do something like the suggestion because as it stands now he will have kester handed to him and the republican oligarchy in November. McCain thinks he has defeated talk radio and moral conservatives. We've elected bigger fools but I'm hard pressed to identify who and when.
The Democrats are swooning over their newfound "diversity" and "inclusiveness" because Obama's black (sort of) and Hillary's a woman (we think).

Even Republicans -- dismayed with the Iraq bungling -- are caught up in this great drift toward the moderate middle, where all three candidates are trolling.

If there's going to be a lot of cross-over voting this election -- Prius drivers for McCain, small-business people for Hillary, featherheads of all stripes for Obama -- then Condoleeza Rice trumps the Democrat diversity advantage; she's got both minorities nicely locked in.
then Condoleeza Rice trumps the Democrat diversity advantage; she's got both minorities nicely locked in.

African-Americans are not going to vote Republican in significant numbers, regardless of who's on the ticket. If David Duke ran as a Democrat, African Americans would vote for him, against Jesse Jackson, if Jackson were the Republican nominee. :cool:
African-Americans are not going to vote Republican in significant numbers, regardless of who's on the ticket. If David Duke ran as a Democrat, African Americans would vote for him, against Jesse Jackson, if Jackson were the Republican nominee.

I really don't care since we all know who the Black vote would go to even if there were two white men running. Right now Obama is pulling many middle of the road white moderates who want to see a minority in office. "CHANGE" is the driving factor. Rice allows those moderates to vote republican while still supporting a minority for change. Even if Hillary wins the nomination Rice works because she severely splits the women's vote. Many women do not like Hillary but she is all they got. Again we are talking about the middle here.

Putting Rice on the ticket is the smart thing to do. Huckabee and the religious wing (how did we ever let that mess take over the party...) will push for McCain because the option of a Clinton or Obama in office is far worse. McCain is a far cry from a true conservative but he is miles ahead of a Rudy.

I don't like McCain. I don't even like "Yes Man" Condi Rice. I don't like Hillbama far more though. Rice is the perfect parry to either Democratic candidate and is therefore the right choice if winning is the goal.
Alleykat said:
African-Americans are not going to vote Republican in significant numbers, regardless of who's on the ticket. If David Duke ran as a Democrat, African Americans would vote for him, against Jesse Jackson, if Jackson were the Republican nominee.

I daresay you are suggesting that blacks lack the clarity to distinguish between politics and race.

If this were true, Sharpton and Jackson would not routinely be "Sista Soulja'ed" into irrelevance.

Obama succeeds where the Justice Bros fail because he addresses empowerment rather than victimhood.

There is a black middle class who are weary of the gangsta-thug idiocy that presently dominates (and defines) black society. They can be reached.
I daresay you are suggesting that blacks lack the clarity to distinguish between politics and race.

The truth is that the black community overwhelmingly supports only one party and turns out in the greatest numbers when the candidate from that party is also black. How else do you explain the continued political existence of the likes of Nagin in NO and Barry in DC?

Obama is pulling from the moderate whites for several reasons. Being an "acceptable" black candidate is one, not being Bush is another, saying "change" a lot is a third. We cannot remove the Iraq factor since McCain will stay forever, although he might fight like he means it. "Change" can be beaten in time be educating the electorate that all Obama can do is shout change, he has no solutions, minimal experience and is basically an empty suit. The "acceptable" black candidate thing can be beaten with Rice.

Before I am assaulted for referring to an "Acceptable" black candidate answer the following question... Would the moderate white electorate consider Al Sharpton and "Acceptable" black candidate? I think you are smart enough to understand what I mean.

I don't consider Obama acceptable for reasons that have nothing to do with his race, which I could care less about. The only factor his race has as far as I am concerned is its strengths and weaknesses with segments of the electorate and how to combat him.
Musketeer said:
The truth is that the black community overwhelmingly supports only one party and turns out in the greatest numbers when the candidate from that party is also black. How else do you explain the continued political existence of the likes of Nagin in NO and Barry in DC?

Concentrated electorate of low income blacks for whom the victim-status message resonates. This does not apply to the nation at large.

Obama is pulling from the moderate whites for several reasons. Being an "acceptable" black candidate is one, not being Bush is another, saying "change" a lot is a third. We cannot remove the Iraq factor since McCain will stay forever, although he might fight like he means it. "Change" can be beaten in time be educating the electorate that all Obama can do is shout change, he has no solutions, minimal experience and is basically an empty suit. The "acceptable" black candidate thing can be beaten with Rice.

Agreed. But this demostrates that the black vote is not monolithic. Have you noticed that Obama hasn't been criticized for acting and sounding white? Not long ago, Cosby was excoriated for promoting the same values. Obama's appeal as an articulate family man demonstrates that these qualities are valued in the black electorate. They simply need a better option than a Marxist.

Before I am assaulted for referring to an "Acceptable" black candidate answer the following question... Would the moderate white electorate consider Al Sharpton and "Acceptable" black candidate? I think you are smart enough to understand what I mean.

Of course, and if nothing else, perhaps the Obama candidacy will publicly highlight the fallacy of black victimhood and dependancy that has been foisted on us for four decades.
Your mention of Cosby was an excellent point. He is still a solid liberal, all for social programs and affirmative action, but because he sounded off on personal responsibility within the black community he was keel hauled by them.

Has Obama come out railing against black men not caring for their children, black on black crime and that nobody is forcing black youth it inject or snort drugs? I have not seen anything on this and I wonder how long he would be their darling if he did.
Of course, and if nothing else, perhaps the Obama candidacy will publicly highlight the fallacy of black victimhood and dependancy that has been foisted on us for four decades.

I doubt it, it is too good a political tool. Clarence Thomas and Colin Powell were not given any credit for their accomplishments in the liberal black population after all. It is so much easier to motivate voters when you tell them they are oppressed and it is someone else's fault. I never see leaders in the black community like Sharpton, Jackson and Farrakhan letting that go and no amount of Obamas are going to overcome the selfishness. Hopefully I am wrong.
Musketeer said:
Has Obama come out railing against black men not caring for their children, black on black crime and that nobody is forcing black youth it inject or snort drugs? I have not seen anything on this....

Yes -- not guns blazing, but he has -- more importantly, his comportment and demeanor are far more Paul Simon than Fitty Cent. He ain't keepin' it real...yet he's fly.
After Colin Powell's fiasco at the UN, he would be little use for McCain. McCain intends to go to war with Iran, and needs credible underlings to help make the case. Powell lost all credibility perpetuating erroneous intelligence at the UN.

After looking into her a little bit the last few weeks, I think Palin would be a good choice. She said she would reject nomination this time around and that's a shame. Smart, realistic grounded person. She speaks well, and would compliment McCain's somewhat percieved (or real) "harshness". I bartend in a midwest more -left leaning Big Ten college town. McCain is seen as the status quo. It scares the suburbanites here and seems to be Obama favored, from what I gather. But Hillary "won" the election here in MI. The state seems very centrist/ moderate but I think Palin would help the Republican ticket here. My .02.
After Colin Powell's fiasco at the UN, he would be little use for McCain. McCain intends to go to war with Iran, and needs credible underlings to help make the case. Powell lost all credibility perpetuating erroneous intelligence at the UN.

Powell doesn't matter there in the least because the USA has no credibility internationally right now and will not until Iraq is resolved. McCain, who is a stay the course guy, will have no international support for anything.

FYI, all the Europeans I deal with from work do not even know about McCain. When I am on the phone with them in the mornings and when my co-workers were over there a couple weeks ago they all wanted to know who we thought would win the Presidency, Hillary or Obama? THey were shocked when we told them possibly neither.
Arnie can not be VP

Arnie is not able to as he does not meet the requirements for being president. The VP has to be eligible to be Pres as does any of the Senators who might fall into the position.