Mc Cain's VP

It is my understanding that if a person in a lesser position than VP, becomes in a position to be Pres, if he is ineligible, the office of Pres will be offered to the next person down on the list of candidates for Pres.
Dr. Condoleezza Rice as VP

I believe a McCain-Rice 2008 ticket would be a winner and very tough for the Dems to beat. She would counter any precieved weaknesses from McCain.

The lady is articulate, brilliant and will a large popular appeal. I can even see her stepping up in 2012 & 2016 as the Presidential candidate.

Hopefully this beats any type of Obama/Clinton ticket. What are your thoughts?

Additional thoughts - McCain Rommney would be my #2 choice.
From what little I know about Condoleeza (and that is very little) she seems to be an impressive individual.

I'd be for it ... but once she steps into that Arena she will have to stand up to a huge level of scrutiny. Is her past up to it?

And in the backlash against the Iraq war she is frequently mentioned as one of the bad guys (but then, so is McCain).
She has already stated several times she has no desire to run for elected office.

McCain will need a VP who has strong grasp on economic policy which is his weak point. Condee does not fit that bill.
Are you kidding? Rice is a major Neocon, from the same bunch that decided invading Iraq was a wonderful idea, and thinks it's the mission of America to "transform" the whole Middle East, making it "democratic" (only if our pals win, of course) and friendly to both America and Israel. In other words, pure imperialistic utopian fantasy.

If you favor attacking Iran, as well as keeping on with Iraq and Afghanistan and probably now Pakistan, go for Rice. However, you'll get the same result with Liberman, who seems to be pulling McCain's strings. He always seems to be right there, whispering in his McCain's ear or lurking behind him in every photo. Maybe he'll be VP.
Are you kidding? Rice is a major Neocon, from the same bunch that decided invading Iraq was a wonderful idea, and thinks it's the mission of America to "transform" the whole Middle East, making it "democratic" (only if our pals win, of course) and friendly to both America and Israel. In other words, pure imperialistic utopian fantasy.

If you favor attacking Iran, as well as keeping on with Iraq and Afghanistan and probably now Pakistan, go for Rice. However, you'll get the same result with Liberman, who seems to be pulling McCain's strings. He always seems to be right there, whispering in his McCain's ear or lurking behind him in every photo. Maybe he'll be VP.

Well said!!!!!!!
I think adding Rice to the ticket makes McCain even less appealing.

She is too closely associated with the failed policies of the Bush administration. She is a classic economic imperialist.
McCain's real major weakness is his support for the Iraq war. Given Condi's roles in Dubya's foreign policy, having Condi as VP will only add fuel to the concept that the Republican ticket is just "Bush III."
The VP will have to be a complement for McCain. The VP's strengths should be McCain's weaknesses.

  • Younger
  • "Conservative" but not "NeoCon"
  • Female
  • Easy on the eyes
  • Executive experience - compared to McCain's leglislative
  • Not involved with the Iraq war
  • Last name starts with "P"
  • And rhymes with "alin"
Are you kidding? Rice is a major Neocon, from the same bunch that decided invading Iraq was a wonderful idea, and thinks it's the mission of America to "transform" the whole Middle East, making it "democratic" (only if our pals win, of course) and friendly to both America and Israel. In other words, pure imperialistic utopian fantasy.

If you favor attacking Iran, as well as keeping on with Iraq and Afghanistan and probably now Pakistan, go for Rice. However, you'll get the same result with Liberman, who seems to be pulling McCain's strings. He always seems to be right there, whispering in his McCain's ear or lurking behind him in every photo. Maybe he'll be VP.

Well said. As I heard this morning, McCain is currently running for Bush's third term. Rice certainly wouldn't help America break from Bush's failed polices.
Tie to Bush is too strong. Look elsewhere. Mitt certainly is sniffing around - haha.

How about Kerry - he wanted McCain for VP? :D:D

McCain needs a competent individual to take over if he dies (sigh) and brings little baggage to the campaign.
+4 against neocon Rice. We don't need yesterday's failed policies to bleed into tomorrow. Especially given the recent events pointing to an attack on Iran.
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I would phrase it different as I believe he appears obsessed with Iraq.

HE has to focus on Iraq because he knows nothing about economic policy and those are the dominate topics of the day and the upcoming election.