Mc Cain's VP

If McCain is to have a snowballs chance in hades of winning he will need a very well known and popular black female VP. Mariah Carey and Toni Braxton come to mind. :D
Gov Schwarzennegar (Sp?) is ineligible. The Pres. must be native born. If the Pres. croaks, the VP becomes Pres.
He needs to pick someone more conservative than him if he wants to win many conservative voters over, but he may not be willing to do that.

I'll vote for him either way because it's more important to me for the government (and taxes) to NOT grow the absurd amount that is guaranteed w/ either Hillary or Obama. The Supreme Court Justices that he'll appoint is another issue that is often overlooked as well. His record shows that he'll appoint Justices that will uphold the constitution, not their own interests.
McCain has been spending a lot of time in the company of Joe Lieberman lately, and they share nearly identical views of Iraq.

Lieberman would obviously dismay the staunchest social conservatives, and then there is the subject of his minority religion, but he may bring enough moderate Democrats to tip the balance. He has widespread name recognition and seems to have escaped being tainted by association with Al Gore.

His break with the Democrats is proof of his politics. I think when people think of a good and decent, kinda liberal politician who's still likable, Lieberman comes to mind.
Joe Lieberman

the two are campaigning in the ME as if the VP slot has already been announced. If its not Joe I'll be supprized.

And remember the are not campaigning on this trip as that would be using congressional travel funds for the armed services committee for personal business purposes.
It was McCain and Lieberman who were behind the now defunct Americans for Gun Safety gun control group.

It's hard to believe that this could be the best Republicans can do, although it's not hard to imagine that they will play down gun control after it sunk Gore/Lieberman.
Arnie is not able to as he does not meet the requirements for being president. The VP has to be eligible to be Pres as does any of the Senators who might fall into the position.

Not trying to sound argumentative, but could you provide a reference for this?

I have been wondering about this since Arnie became Gov. The 12th Ammendment states "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." So that takes care of the VP slot.

But Speaker of the House, President pro tempore of the Senate and Cabinet positions? Where is the restriction listed for those positions? Our current Secretaries of Commerce and Labor are both ineligible, yet are in the line of succession. My understanding has always been that only the Pres and VP are covered by this restriction (although other ineligibles would be skipped if it came to that).
succession of presidency

jrm you made an interesting question of the issue. I only found one reference to how the succession or line of command would be passed down. It details who is next in line and it does not make any reference to their having to conform to the Constitution's requirements. I would just have to believe that should one of the named position in the succession line be called upon to fill the office the individual would then have to meet the requirements.

It seems to be a question that has not been clearly identified and answered.
While I am usually hesitant to reference wiki, here is a link that seems to be pretty good on the topic:

Interesting that there is some controversy on the succession topic (see links at bottom of the wiki page). Fortunately, we have never had to put succession to the test beyond the VP level.

Anyway, the conclusion seems to be that Pres and VP have eligibility requirements, per the Constitution. Remainder of line does not need to be eligible for President, but cannot be President (even temporarily). If it came to that, the position would be skipped and go to next eligible party in line.
If he selected Dr. Rice, I might vote for McCain. But no others. I am still in shock over the McCain Feingold Law, and I now see another McCain Feingold (and someone else) bill raising each personal contribution limit to $10,000.00 and even more political restrictions on grass root groups. Least you forget, before McCain Feingold, the personal contribution limit was $1000.00.

What a fix. How dis we get to this?
I don't see why anyone would think Rice is a good choice, other than the fact that she is a black woman. She's done nothing as Secretary of State, and is too associated with failed Bush policies to be a helpful addition to McCain.
Lieberman would obviously dismay the staunchest social conservatives, and then there is the subject of his minority religion, but he may bring enough moderate Democrats to tip the balance. He has widespread name recognition and seems to have escaped being tainted by association with Al Gore.

His break with the Democrats is proof of his politics. I think when people think of a good and decent, kinda liberal politician who's still likable, Lieberman comes to mind.

Joe made Al seem animated. But no, the dems wouldn't cross because of joe.

Doesn't Dan Quayle as VP indicate that nobody votes based on the Vice Presidential choice?
Lieberman is well respected, even among some conservatives.
Well, currently he is only respected by those pro war. He is tolerated on the dem side due to the balance of power in the senate.

Quayle was (literally) a joke.
Well, yeah.. like I said, VP candidate doesn't matter.
Tom Ridge might be a good choice-pennsylvania is a major state and can go either way.Very unpredictable.Lieberman is a bad choice-he is blatanly anti-firearms rights.He also seems to be a cheerleader for war,but he never served nor have his offspring.And he whines.
WildAlaska: I see your Sarah Palin and raise you Kay Bailey Hutchison.... :D

Unless McCain picks a recognized conservative as VP, he'll be the first Republican to run without his base support.....and get clobbered....

(....though I still hope enough GOP delegates have a change of heart and nix their McCain vote for the good of the party.....)