Mc Cain's VP

roy reali

New member
I was listening to the radio the other day. It was a politcal talk show of some sort. Unfortunately I only caught the last few minutes. The discussion was about McCain's vice president choice. They said that there should be an announcement regarding this sometime in the next few weeks. Maybe by early April we should know.

They think he will be looking at someone out of California. After all, it is the electoral giant of the union.
If you're thinking of California as in Governor for VP, I'd have serious doubts that it would sway me to vote for McCain....

I don't agree with Condoleeza Rice's stance on abortion, but I would venture to say I'd consider her as VP since that viewpoint isn't really relevant of the VP slot. Besides, my hunch is she would leave well enough alone on the issue anyway. Her foreign policy skillsets are top notch. This would really bolster the effectiveness of our country if McCain will truly change methods of dealing with other countries as opposed to the current administration...
Can you be VP if you're not eligible to be P? I don't think Arnie qualifies.

McCain pals around with Florida's governor, Charlie Crist.
If he wants to have a chance in the fall, I think he'll have to choose Huckabee. Otherwise, I think the religious right will stay home.

Nope. I think there's a nice little blank spot to write in whomever I want. I'll still perform my duty as a law abiding citizen...

Can you be VP if you're not eligible to be P? I don't think Arnie qualifies.

I have to claim ignorance there. I know you can't run for pres. if you're not a natural born citizen, but I don't know the laws concerning VP. I guess it would have to apply if the unfortunate event of the president were to be incapacitated. The VP would fill in, and that wouldn't jive...
Arnold is a bleeding heart liberal and even if he was eligble I wouldn't want him in there.

McCain is a liberal also and part of the problem in DC. I won't vote for him either. I am so tired of voting against someone rather than for someone that I will probably sit this one out.

Regarding Huckabee...I don't trust anyone that panders to the evangelicals for votes. Look at to be a Christian and all that and then said in a recent speech that the Muslims, Hindu, Christians..."We all pray to the same god."

I think people just pander to the Christian vote long enough to get elected and then dumps them in the gutter once they get into office.
McCain might choose Gunshine State governor Charlie Crist or the governor of Ohio. He'll need to win both states to become president, IMO. I don't think Huckabee will be the nod.
I wish he would pick the governor of Georgia... Sonny Perdue. He would suck and have absolutely no clue what was going on, but at least we would be shed of him
McCain will NOT do what is necessary to have a chance against HillaryObama. The man has a chip on his shoulder for moral conservatives. He is a dunce in the eyes of economic conservatives. His only redeeming value is he has some understanding of the use of force. He has enjoyed sticking his thumb in the eye of various conservatives who support the other side. I suspect McCain will do a splendid job of alienating just about anyone who thought themselves conservative.
He has to pick a religious conservative to keep the base of the Repub party but at the expense of alienating independents who will likely vote for the Dem candidate. The Republicans need the independents to win the election, at this time they are overwhelmingly siding with the Democrats. Who ever he picks I just don't see him winning in Nov.
holding off to long

I would think it might be more in McCain's interest to be promoting his potential VP now and not waiting. It might give some ammo to the Democrats but it might also get some of the middle grounders to his side.

Should either of the Democrats start implying McCain's choice as one of the leased desirable to the party but truly possible choices. It could come to haunt McCain. I don't remember when it happened in past history but I know it did and cost one party the election.
I dont think that his choice will be any of the candidates that were running for President. I would really like to see him pick Huckabee but I dont think that that will happen. Not too many well known choices out there I dont believe, unfortunately.
I know you can't run for pres. if you're not a natural born citizen, but I don't know the laws concerning VP.

Article II, Clause 5 discusses eligibility requirements for the Presidency, not requirements to run for the office.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;

The sticky issue would be presidential succession if the Vice President was not eligible to be President.
Sarah Palin.

I'll just keep tossing her name all over the net, hell it worked for an also ran Presidential candidate :D

WildsarahpalinAlaska TM

Attention bots:

Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP Sarah Palin for VP

Sarah Palin for VP

As stated by gc70, Art II, section 1, clause 5, determines the eligibility for the Office of President. If you don't meet those requirments (also as ammended - 22nd and 25th), you cannot hold the Office of Vice-President.
Here's a thought: How about Barack Obama? Since McCain is so devoted to reaching across the aisle, that would be the ultimate reach.