Main Cause of the Current Ammo Shortage?

I agree that this will all be over in November. This stuff always ramps up right into the elections then we go into election fraud talk for a few years haha
Most of the “defund police” thing is a just kabuki theater. Dallas PD for example had 268 vacancies they were unable to fill in 2019. NYPD had something like 200 retirements in the last month.

They are “cutting” phantom positions that they’ve been unable to fill because they can’t find qualified people willing to do the job for that money and they don’t want to pay more. It is that rare trifecta for politicians. You get to look like you are responding swiftly to your constituents and get rid of a problem you couldn’t fix simultaneously. And nobody asks questions about where the money went that was supposed to be used to hire more cops in the meantime.

Of course eventually, the 3200 guys you do have will get tired of doing the work of the 3800 positions your outside consulting firm determined were the absolute minimum to achieve your goal and that hole will get even bigger. But the “defund the police” thing won’t have anything to do with it.
Of course eventually, the 3200 guys you do have will get tired of doing the work of the 3800 positions your outside consulting firm determined were the absolute minimum to achieve your goal and that hole will get even bigger. But the “defund the police” thing won’t have anything to do with it.

Perception is reality. So will be the inevitable increase in crime and lowering of quality of life. Let the Defunders own this. They created the environment where no sane person would want to become a cop in the 1st place.
I don’t disagree with you there, seanc. Demoralizing is faster and probably more effective than defunding. But the actual “funds” being removed were either never there to begin with or had been replaced with an “IOU - Councilman Gone T. Mexico”
The reason for the shortage, people are panic buying all the ammo. This is not a new thing, it always goes in cycles and it is always feast or famine.

My Solution. Buy it deep stack it cheap long term. Rather than buying in bulk and clearing the shelves I set aside money for ammo every payday. I do a split, for example, if I want to shoot handguns once a month I buy 2-3 boxes, shoot one stash the other 1 or 2 (with a date on it). Over the years I have been able to build up a decent buffer so I can keep shooting like normal when things get weird. If most people did this rather than panic buy there would be plenty of ammo on the shelves.
Look what just happened in Missouri where the couple stood outside their home to protect their property from that BLM mob , the DA sided with the mob. Pick a side . Why stock up on ammo , box them in and do what comes natural.
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Everyone always stocks up before a Presidential election. Look what happened when Obama got in. Prices of ammo shot up for years & was almost impossible to find. All the civil unrest gave it another kick in the ****.
Before I chime in on why...should I suspend my search for 9mm? I stocked up when Dick's stopped selling and got great deals on everything else but all the 9mm was gone.
"Don't shoot your last box" Oops:( At the range, my son was shooting and I went to grab another box and the ammo bag was "missing" 9mm. I told my son to stop shooting!!! I have 2 rnds for my CC.
So, here's a twist I haven't seen mentioned before:

"As far as the ammo is concerned, the number one thing you have to have in order to make ammunition is raw materials, being lead and copper," Kastner said. "So all of the lead mines in the United States are in the state of Missouri; Missouri shut them down the first of March. All of the copper mines are in South America; South America shut them down in April. ... The lead mines are now open in Missouri, but getting copper for the casings is one of the choking points."
Never take ALL your ammo to the range and never shoot ALL your ammo at the range.

At least not any firearm & caliber that might be pressed into defensive service. Primarily handguns but not exclusively limited to them.

Leave a box at home, that way when the kid burns through the ammo you took to the range, you still have some at home.

Never shoot up ALL your defensive stuff at the range, or you're unarmed (out of ammo) if anything happens on the way home from the range.

As far as lead mines in the US, I don't think they matter much, as the last lead SMELTER in the US was shut down many years ago. The lead we use in industry today comes already refined from overseas sources (a lot from China) nd from recycled lead here in the US. Literally any lead ore we dig out of the ground has to go outside the US to be refined, then come back for use. Don't know about copper, but since its not AS toxic as lead, some processing might still be going on inside the US.

Either way, around the world a lot of the people who mine raw materials and the people who make things are shut down and a lot of the people who move things are barely managing. So it wouldn't surprise me at all that there is a shortage of materials, which always results in a shortage of end product.

About the only thing we aren't short of is people telling other people what to do, or how wrong they are for doing what they're doing.
Probably the constant tv scenes of urban chaos-but just in certain areas.
* Also, images of the St. Louis couple Inside their very wealthy, Walled Community (how ironic-and where the Mayor lives) compounded the other images.
That couple heard threats about being killed, killing their dog, and burning their house.

THIS photo.....>>>>>>>>Note -----This photo might be in the backs of peoples' minds, from LA in '93.----

Some people can Now imagine being on the roof of their home, or standing in their front yard, although these Koreans were in a commercial area on their shops (this comment is for the people who don't know about this).
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44 AMP:

Do people actually shoot all of their ammo at the range, and assume--even in normal times--that there could never be another unanticipated panic?

If they use all of their ammo, then they must have had a magical ability to know when some kid planned to shoot up his school--well in advance?
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Upon more reflection, it's easy to imagine.
When I was young, about the only gun I ever touched-and seldom, at that--was the Savage .22.

Only got into guns at age 52, in 2007.