Main Cause of the Current Ammo Shortage?

That's interesting and something I never gave thought to. The home use of toilet paper will increase when people stay home or are forced to stay home. Being retired I no longer need toilet paper at work or rather use toilet paper at work. :)

The company estimates that people will use about 40% more toilet paper than usual if they spend all their time at home during the pandemic.

40% sounds huge, but if you think about it, lots of folks who worked an 8hr day, and had an hour or even two travel time in their daily commute, that's 10hrs or so away from home every workday.

Now, due to lockdowns and everything else, lots of people are "at home" 24/7 with short trips out for essentials.

So its not that we're going potty any more often, its that nearly all our trips to the bathroom are at home.

the TP shortage worried me a lot more than the ammo shortage does. I have a lot of ammo stockpiled and I don't need it every day. I didn't have much TP and I do need that every day.....sometimes more than once,,,:rolleyes:
Hal said:
1858 Remington revolvers make a great base to convert a C&B to a .38 special with a drop in conversion.
If you're willing to do the research to find a bullet that will handle the caliber difference.

.36 caliber percussion revolvers fired a round lead ball with a diameter of .375" to .380". Modern reproduction .36 caliber black powder revolvers typically have a bore of around .360" and a groove diameter of up to .384". Bullets for .38 Special and .357 Magnum are typically .357" to .358", so they're a poor fit in the .36 caliber black powder barrels. To work, the conversions need a soft lead bullet with a hollow base that can expand to the diameter of the grooves in the barrel.
To work, the conversions need a soft lead bullet with a hollow base that can expand to the diameter of the grooves in the barrel.
For optimal use - yes - a HBWC will work the best.

In practice - any lead bullet will work - even solid lead can obturate slightly & a couple thousands is pretty slight - just not nearly as well as a HB wad cutter.

I remember this as never being all that much of an issue with the old R&D cylinders in the 1858 Remington replicas - back when I looked into buying an 1858 & a conversion.

Anyhow - it still doesn't alter te fact that you can turn a cap and ball Remington 1858 into a .38 special (or .38 long & short Colt for that matter) cartridge revolver.

Neither does that fact that the cylinder has to be removed from the gun in order to poke the empty cases out - unless you alter the frame.
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Skans, Do you really THINK there will be any available on 4 NOV 2020? I believe "back-orders" will be knee high. And, there is the potential of legislation passing banning privately held ammunition before those orders can be filled. Be a good Boy Scout, "Be Prepared".
And, there is the potential of legislation passing banning privately held ammunition before those orders can be filled.

Bills like that, including ones to repeal the 2nd Amendment get introduced every congressional session. No matter who holds the majority or the Presidency.

All have a "potential" of passing. None ever make it to a floor vote.

I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

Despite what the press wants you to think, there is still some sanity in both parties.