I know this thread was done before...but I'll bite. I said I wanted to buy an awesome 9mm American handgun, and was told that the XD9 is made in Croatia, Glock in Austria, Beretta in Italy, and Sigs in Germany.
After that, I just got frustrated.
Oh well, I guess that means I'll by a wheelgun from Taurus. Oops, they're made in Brazil.
I am buying ALL CHINESE from here on out. They need the money to build up their armed services, keep their economy strong, and crush all the freedom-loving people everywhere when they get strong enough. YAYYYY CHINA! WOO-HOO! COMMUNISM REALLY DOES PAY OFF! Thank you Richard Nixon for getting the ball, er, money, rolling into China. Who would've thought, back in '71, that such a gesture on behalf of our American corporations, could have helped the Red Chinese down the road to world economic domination?"
I would MUCH rather see a strong China or strong Russia than a strong France, Germany, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia.
Though organized religion is discouraged by the fascist/pseudo communist government, a majority of Chinese are Buddhist/Taoist/Christian/Falung Gong.
In Russia, a majority of the population is Orthodox CHRISTIAN. (YES, CHRISTIAN).
The Chinese have the population (and good food), the Russians have the land (and the babes).
They're not Arab/Muslim/Fundamentalists that want to behead the infidels (yes, that's you and me, Bob).
With the rate of investment and economic growth, Russia and China are far more likely candidates to join the US as "superpowers" than say, North Korea or France. BTW: Russia has plenty of oil---it's just a matter of kissing their ass as opposed to public-beheadings-daily-on-state-run-TV Saudi Arabia.
And you want a weaker China while countries like France continue to purposefully drive up the value of the Euro in order to stomp the value of the dollar into the dirt? (not to mention talk **** about us in front of the world and do business with ex-"President" Saddam Hussein).
I'm all for slamming China for its fascist government, but with proper encouragement and the passing of the "old school" Commie party leaders, a Free Chinese Republic would be something I can see the USA benefiting from if we extended our hand.
Just my two cents