I'm 67 years old and I like to delude myself that I've have developed a little wisdom in my time on the planet, and I'd like to share some of that wisdom with the OP now. OP, it's a mistake to believe that a gun concealed on your person will make you safe in a dangerous place. It won't, unless you're also bullet proof. It may actually increase the danger to you, if, deluded by your false sense of power and security, you fail to walk softly while concealing your big stick. On the other hand, if you carried openly - that might really be a deterrent. (I know that I wouldn't bother you.) But if a bad dude bent on committing violence against you doesn't know you have a gun, where's the deterrent to keep him him from carrying out his violent intentions against you? Your concealed gun MAY give you the means to make that bad guy regret it -if you can get it out of whereever it is you hide it before he kills or seriously injures you (but if you carry it stashed inside a wet bathing suit in a specially made pocket, you won't set any fast draw records.) Last but not least, DON'T PULL THAT TRIGGER TOO FAST DUDE or the bad guy may shoot you and you may too, and carrying inside your suit like that, your gunbarrel will be pointing.... down. Personally, in my old age, I tend to avoid places where I might have to shoot my way out, and I recommend you do too. I consider that wisdom, not cowardice, but I probably wouldn't have thought that way when I was a kid.