Let us consider this about Ron Paul.

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Yeah! My thought's exactly! He'd have my vote now if he were running! Nice to have some hope. Rand Paul 2012 ( only if his dad doesn't get the 2nd term ):D
The whole family are top notch people. Today's Ron's 51st anniversary!
In the debates, Ron labors under the premise that the other candidates and the moderators are going to be polite with their response time. His biggest fault is his own politeness. Waiting waiting waiting, lied to, waiting, waiting. But when he unloads he says a lot. I'm learning more everyday as I research the points mentioned.

Too polite. Wow that's a fault. Contrast that to Mitt the Bully?
In his 6 minutes out of the 90 minute debate, he fit in a few days worth of substance. While Romney and McCain were acting foolish and spewing rhetoric and lies, Paul was respectful and tolerant.
I can't say that Romney and McCain's lack of respect and decency impresses me. They aren't presidential whatsoever. Paul or Huckabee please!
4th quarter reporting was in today! Paul not only raised the most, but received the most money from our troops! Don't we care what they want too?

• Total Military member donations-"Ron Paul'-931,"McCain"-466,"Romney"-125,"Huckabee"-3
That really was a good speech. Rand Paul seems to be a much better speaker than his dad... to bad Rand isn't the one running.

Moses wasn't a good speaker either, but he was the still best man to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the promised land.
Absolutely. Despite Ron's lack of acting skills and polish ( like McCain and Romney ), he's full of brilliant ideas and substance. He says so much more in short time. I hope people recognize that!
Despite Ron's lack of acting skills and polish ...

This is one of the reasons I like him so much. He just says it. He doesn't think about trying to make everyone happy, he just talks. I used to think that about McCain, but not anymore. He is just as conspiring as the rest.
maybe shallow americans should get serious on principle rather than if he would make american idol......and you wonder why...
"Ron Paul won't win"

Nope, probably not. Thank our voting system and primaries and desire for handouts by most of the electorate.

"The lesser of two evils is still an important choice."

Not to me, considering the expected payoff for me voting in the presidential election is 0. Even if I lived in a state where the election was going to be close (i.e. not Texas), the idea that one vote makes a difference borders on a religious dogma. These days, we're lucky if one recount gets within 100 votes of the previous recount. If a vote is that close, it's luck, not your vote, that decides the outcome.

"Ron Paul acts weird when he speaks."

That's right, he hasn't focused most of his adult life on being slick and putting people at ease with BS. He's not like Bill, but then again if he miraculously made it into the White House, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be messing around with interns.

I would also like to point out that G. W. Bush is a horrible speaker. Worse, he or his handlers try to improve his style, resulting in the horrific disparity between his speaking, his body language, and content every time he speaks.

Seriously, if you vote for people based on how slick they are, why were you NOT a Clinton voter?
He is not squirrelly and weird acting like his dad...

Interesting, perhaps we could better pick a candidate via radio or print as
it seems so many hung up on appearance. Guys stop judging people by
how they appear but look at how they live their lives and what they accomplish.

I've worked 40+ years with a variety of people and sometimes found
diamonds in a rough package.
If Ron Paul doesn't win, and the new president signs a new AWB into law with no sunset and no grandfathering, I wonder if the most strident, shrieking anti-Paul zealots will still post here under the names they are using now.

Just wondering; don't take it personally.
Silver Bullet, I think I have my response ready for when whoever is president does practically anything in the next 4-8 years:
Ron Paul would NOT have done THAT!
This is why I am going to write his name in even if he doesn't make the Ballot. If enough of us do that, at least they'll know we don't necessarily approve, and we ain't all stupid as we might look!
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