Let us consider this about Ron Paul.

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Unfortunately, CEO material often equates to cold blooded cut throat scum...for example Mitt Romney.
Hitler was a great leader. His ideas on the other hand, pure evil.
Thumper, the only problem is that the've ignored him months ago, before any polling. The media made the choice for you, that's what's upsetting, whether it be Paul or not, they're job is to report on the candidates and what they're about.
So you see it as Ron Paul: low polls: media ignores him
When in fact it's Media ignores Ron Paul, most people still don't know who he is: low polls
A leader, that's part and parcel of the "fuhrer prinzip", that people need a leader to guide them in their daily lives.

Most Americans don't want a leader, at best we want to hire a foreman that works for and reports to us. We need a methodology to fire that foreman whenever he fails to do what we demand from him. As Thomas Jefferson said, Impeachment isn't even a scarecrow", much less something with which to control a rogue president.

We need something fast, clean, and irreversible.
"We need something fast, clean, and irreversible."

Yeah, but if you pull an "Oswald" (as in Lee Harvey) people get all upset and start yelling at you. In politics nothing short of death is irreversible and McCain is even challenging that idea.
I noticed that win Fox news played highlights/replays of a recent Republican debate that they completely cut Dr. Paul out of the highlights. I am beginning to seriously question the media's decisions to ommit coverage to items they or whoever they are funded by could be uncomfortable with. It is a shame, and I sit here disheartened, but at least I have two Ron Paul magnets on my car, and at least I know where my vote will go. Try to get the word out- thanks to the media, many Americans do not even know that Ron Paul exists.
That would be the same place you order the..."You're welcome, my third party vote put Hillary in office"

But as long as you feel warm and fuzzy inside about voting for him, that is all that matters.

My vote wouldn't have gone to the Republican anyway. If they lose this time around, it will be because they've become so statist.
Where can I get a "My vote for a Big Government Republican put a democrat in office" bumper sticker? I would like to give them as Christmas gifts next year.

Who would you have voted for then?

Do you not agree that if Ron Paul were not running, and you seem to align yourself with his views, that is why you are supporting him, and his views are conservative in nature, and republicans are conservative in nature compared to the democrats (again, in general, I do not need to be reminded how bad the party has gotten) then how would you not support a republican?

And before you say it, I know that democrats are supporting Ron Paul, I know that, but their reasons are that some of his views could go either way, War in Iraq, fiscal policy, etc.

I highly doubt the reason most of his Democratic supporters are supporting him are for his stance on foreign policy in general or his allegiance to the Constitution or small government, if they were, then they are completely opposite of what the democratic party is.

The only way I could agree with your statement is if you chose not to vote at all.

I have a few hundred laying around, I will ship one right out to you...

I am not happy with the choices, but given the choices I feel it is only best to chose the best one out of the bunch.
and that person will say, Hey, I got all of these votes. The people must like what I am doing. I'll keep it up....and the next time, we will vote the least bad choice and they will say Hey, I got all of these votes. The people must like....and on and on it goes.

At what point do we say "STOP!"? For some of us, that point is now.
If there were more than one candidate pushing FOR the Constitution, then I could use other criteria to pick among them. As it is, since my top issue is the Constitution (you know, that small government jazz), I have only one choice on the Republican line-up.
Ok, I somewhat agree with your rationale, and applaud you for taking that stand. I however, am a little bit skeptical that Ron Paul would succeed in doing anything close to what he thinks he would be able to. If anything, as another poster described it, it would be trying to pull the E-brake on a car after you have already gone off the cliff. Like I have said before, in the primary's I may be voting for him, after that, when the race has been decided between two clear frontrunners, I will choose out of what is left.
Pat said

Most Americans don't want a leader, at best we want to hire a foreman that works for and reports to us.
Where did you get that from? Most Americans told you that? I've never heard of the president referred to as a foreman. Maybe we should just replace his desk with a super computer
and we vote on policies like American Idol.
SteelCore said:
This is a strawman that keeps getting tackled but always seems to jump up again

You're very close in your assessment. This appears to be yet another chapter in the "Ron Paul, Yes He Is, No He Isn't" debate into nowhere. I take off a few days for the Super Bowl only to find the kids fighting in the sand box over toys, once again.

We're the good guys. Can't we have an adult debate once in a while on this issue? Personally, if his backers feel they're succeeding, I have a news blast.

I'm sick of hearing his name, and it's primarily due to the whining. I'm surprised RP hasn't been accused of complicity in The Tonkin Gulf Initiative because someone once saw him buying swim fins...(No he didn't, that's a slam...)
I just got done reading google news and AP release on Maine caucus! How do you anti Paul guys argue this:

February 4, 2008
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – While most reports about this past weekend’s Maine Caucus focused on the purely symbolic presidential preference poll, in the meaningful race to secure delegates to the state convention Ron Paul is primed to finish second with likely 35 percent of the total delegates.
Delegates to the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis are elected by the state delegates. Internal results from 10 of 16 counties, including the largest cities of Portland, South Portland, Lewiston, Auburn, Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, and Brewer, show Ron Paul picking up 215 of 608 State Convention delegates so far reported, or 35%.
“Ron Paul’s strong second place finish in Maine, in which he beat John McCain, is proof that this race is far from over,” said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. “We’ll continue to battle for every delegate in this wide-open race for the Republican nomination.”
In the presidential preference poll, with 70 percent reporting, Ron Paul is in third place just two percentage points behind John McCain. However, the Maine preference poll is purely a beauty contest, and in the actual election of state delegates the so-called “frontrunner” McCain is far behind Ron Paul.
It's time we all start backing an supporting Ron Paul!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be sure to remember how competitive Ron Paul is when he gets blown away tomorrow.

You want a prediction? Despite Paul's ability to do well in caucuses (where the motivation of his supporters can drown out the unpopularity of his message), I say he doesn't win or come in second in any primary states tomorrow. If he comes in second in one I'll be shocked. First in one and I'll be dumbfounded and will likely be sulking for a while.

But I'm pretty certain the most he can hope for is to pick up a couple of delegates in Illinois if he's lucky. Paul might get swept tomorrow, Maine or no Maine. Until then, let it ride.
CDFT said:
how competitive Ron Paul is

It's not the 'man' himself, he has got to have the worst supporters I've ever seen.

I'm a strict constructionist, myself. However, RP is not going to get my vote. I am so turned off by the back-biting and the impolite discourse of his followers that even Obama appears more cordial.

One of the great things about a forum is the intelligent discussion you can have with people who like the same hobbies and ideas you share. I cannot say that about RP supporters.

In talking to them I feel like I've taken a shiny yo-yo away from a spoiled brat. What they are too immature to grasp is that I have a vote, a secret ballot, that is cast to secure ellectoral votes in my home state.

I am not a troll, an enemy of the state, a sell-out, a Honda driver or a communist if I listen to and study another candidate. It's called being "an informed voter."

The quickest way to loose both my interest and my support is to start whining, wool-gathering, nitpicking and digging up insignificant historical wrinkles like Perot's stolen votes. It's not a stolen vote, it's a willful cast ballot by a citizen.

Yikes, if your understanding of The Constitution is that poor, you're not really a strict constructionist.
The trouble with SOME anti-Paul people is that they group all Paul supporters into one bunch, ignoring the fact that we are individuals, thus responsible for only are own actions. When you say "RP supporters" do "this", you are saying that I have done "this". Please, sir, quote me where I have been rude and insulting.

I'll wait, but not hold my breath.

Also, you shouldn't let some people's actions decide what to decide about someone else. (In other words, RP is not responsible for what his supporters do.)
I'm always glad to see the tourists go home. Vote Ron Paul because of Ron Paul, not because of the people who support him.
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