Let us consider this about Ron Paul.

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Thats too bad you find my statement offensive, but it nevertheless remains true, and is the way he is interpretted by most people. I like his message, have supported his campaign with donations since he declared (I would even bet I have donated more money to him than you have), and intend to vote for him.

That doesn't change the fact that Paul comes across poorly during debates, seems shrill, and does not do a good job presenting his message.

If you somehow think that he is a good speaker, then I really don't know what to say. He is a poor messenger for a good message.

Generally personal attacks like what you have done above are frowned on here, and I assume the first moderator that sees your post will delete it. I am not assanine, nor am I a kid, nor do I have an infantile attention span.
That first clip is... Kinda funny "What will you do about rising costs of birth control and HPV vaccines?" "Stop printing so many dollars of course!" Some vague attack against the current health care setup and a more concrete attack against subsidies, two attacks I'm inclined to agree with. And as much as I love the idea of letters of marque, he seems to think they're some panacea, when... Well, think about it. The government is either cooperating with us, in which case we're not nationbuilding with our soldiers if we sent them in, or against us, in which case our mercenaries need to battle not only Al Qaeda, but governmental forces as well. That'll go over REAAAAL well, I'm sure...

I swear, whoever wins should listen well to Ron Paul in an advisory capacity. I can see his sincerity, but I don't think he sees the entire picture. I love his answer to "what would you do to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and deal with the regimes that benefit from it?" Long story short: "I wouldn't." Sorry Ron, bad call. The market only responds to financial forces, not strategic forces. Finally, deal breaker, his effectively saying "I'm not going to do anything in Darfur, and I wouldn't have done anything in Rwanda either." Nuh-uh, not on my ballot. I don't say "don't intervene," I say "intervene smarter." But that's me, and that's my vote. Though I think he gets great credit for highlighting the poor utilization of aid to Africa, where the warlords there merely use it to gain power.
Letters of marque and Reprisal would work well in that corporations would have to protect their own overseas investments at their cost, not taxpayer cost.

The Letters simply mean that the government here has seen the evidence and determined that guys that are stealing what belongs to others will be pursued vigorously, with extreme prejudice.

The fine details would have to be worked out, but it is doable.
"I'm not going to do anything in Darfur, and I wouldn't have done anything in Rwanda either." Nuh-uh, not on my ballot.

Darfur: Are we there now?
I voted for Bush. Apparently that was on my ballot.
It's one thing to pay lip service to intervening but not do it (a bad thing, but still), and another thing entirely to say "you're on your own chiefs." People seem to be quite squeemish about utilizing military power nowadays... Of course, Africa is one huge disaster and I can't blame anyone for being hesitant to get involved. Finding a non-corrupt government to get in the corner of can be such a challenge. Then there's always the question of "what strategic interest does Darfur server for us?" Much as I'd love to seize the moral high ground, we do need to avoid overextending ourselves and we simply can't handle any more major combat missions right now.

On the letters of marque and reprisal, I still say it wouldn't work in any sort of practical sense. The government has to welcome our private forces in to beat on terrorists, meaning they probably don't like the terrorists and have already been fighting them. However since these are merely private soldiers we're sending, there wouldn't be any sort of cooperation to be expected, and you'd expect problems and inefficiencies stemming from that. And most places where the terrorists are hiding, the mercenaries would not be there under the good graces of the local government, and that's a public relations nightmare no matter how you cut it.
Where do I order my "Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul" bumper sticker?

That would be the same place you order the..."You're welcome, my third party vote put Hillary in office"

But as long as you feel warm and fuzzy inside about voting for him, that is all that matters.
Hint: Ron Paul is a Republican, running for the presidency. He's not stealing votes from anyone.

If, for some reason, Paul does decide to run as a third party candidate, he won't be stealing votes then either. He will have earned those votes and the candidates from the two larger parties will have not earned them.

Pretty simple, really.
I feel like the energizer bunny here. 90% of the delegates are yet to be determined. 90% 90% 90%. Why so many defeatists? If you keep voting for the leftwing of the GOP that's what the party becomes. Take a stand now while there's....................90% of the Delegates to be voted on.

I agree with you...as I have stated in other related posts.

My primary vote when it comes time for it, will go to either Paul or Huckabee. If, however, after the conventions there are two candidates neither of which are Paul or Huckabee, a D (Hillibama) and a R (McCain)...I will be voting for the R no matter what.

If, for some reason, Paul does decide to run as a third party candidate, he won't be stealing votes then either. He will have earned those votes and the candidates from the two larger parties will have not earned them.

I love it...a few posts ago it was stated that he would NOT run as a third-party as he stated, now its "IF". Either he does or not is irrelevant, IF he does, the votes he receives would most likely have been votes that the R would have gotten, to think otherwise is ludicrous. Sure, he "earned" those votes, no doubt, however those votes will surely enable a D to take over the office.
Better a liberal "D" than a liberal "R".
If this country is going to hell, I'd rather it be done by a "D"

As has been said before, a good amount of the support that Paul has was never, I repeat, NEVER, going to go to any other Republican anyway.
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I love it...a few posts ago it was stated that he would NOT run as a third-party as he stated, now its "IF". Either he does or not is irrelevant, IF he does, the votes he receives would most likely have been votes that the R would have gotten, to think otherwise is ludicrous. Sure, he "earned" those votes, no doubt, however those votes will surely enable a D to take over the office.
I don't speak for the Ron Paul campaign, I speak for myself only. Additionally, I addressed the "stealing votes" rhetoric we see so often in this forum when speaking of elections. You've undoubtedly seen them, "Ross Perot stole votes from the Republican" enabling Clinton to win.

That's abundantly not true, Bush I lost because he told gun owning patriots he didn't need them, so they demonstrated that he did by not voting for him. He lost, a fact for which I'm thankful. At least Clinton kept the neocons out of power for 8 years.
I don't speak for the Ron Paul campaign, I speak for myself only. Additionally, I addressed the "stealing votes" rhetoric we see so often in this forum when speaking of elections. You've undoubtedly seen them, "Ross Perot stole votes from the Republican" enabling Clinton to win.

I never called them stolen votes, I agree that they are not, however my point is...if the people who say they would vote for RP on the lib ticket or the people who are going to write him in no matter what, IF they instead voted for the R or all voted for the D, I think it could potentially influence the vote, maybe or maybe not. Ron Paul has more support than Perot could ever hope to dream for, and that support could impact the results.

If this country is going to hell, I'd rather it be done by a "D"

Why? just curious, I understand the argument lets send a msg to the Repub party that we need to move back towards conservatism, but it could take years or decades to undo what a potential D would like to change...social security and healthcare come to mind, not even including the umbrella of gun control. I know McCain is NOT conservative by any means, but I just dont see how hoping for a D to take over so the R's will go back to old school ways can happen. Just my opinion though

As has been said before, a good amount of the support that Paul has was never, I repeat, NEVER, going to go to any other Republican anyway.

Then who was it going to be? I can't see a RP supporter admitting that "if it wasn't for RP's values and beliefs...I would be voting for Hillibama" I just dont see that. Are you implying that if the RP supporters didn't have Paul to back they would just simply not vote? If so, then I would agree their votes would never have went to an R candidate, but if some of these supporters did not have RP to support, who would their next candidate be to choose from? I think it would be a Republican.
Hey, for once we agree. He's polling at close to 6% nationally, according to the polls that have proven most accurate so far.

Why won't the media dedicate valuable space to continue to document these failures?

I keep seeing articles about his fund generation, but very few about his remarkably poor showing, especially considering the amount of money he's wasting.
The problem I see here is that some people don't realize or won't concede that the president is more than someone you agree with for the most part. It's a leader. I'm sorry but Ron Paul doesn't have leadership skills. He just doesn't. The last debate proved it beyond doubt, a leader wouldn't have let CNN minimize him like that. Hillary or Obama will wipe the floor with. I would feel the same way if I agreed 100% with him. He'd be a great guy in a cabinet but he isn't CEO material.
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