Let us consider this about Ron Paul.

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Barbary Wars, AHA!
Somebody else who knows we have meddled in the mideast for 204 years! Isn't it time to give it up?

Find me the chapter on "Self-Governing" democracy in Iraq's history. Feel free to go back to the Garden of Eden. It doesn't exist and never will. But lets go broke trying.
Jefferson was one of America's finest presidents and statesmen; making war on behalf of New England shipping magnates wasn't one of his better moments, in fact, it was one of his worst.
There is no way a neocon moderate will let a conservative run anything...

The moderates are taking over the party
Yes, if only we could go back to the days of yore, when the US just sat back and let the love flow in from the religion of peace.

The good old days never happened.
The Barbary wars, Jefferson was president.
Look it up.
This is a strawman that keeps getting tackled but always seems to jump up again, much like one of those automatically-resetting pistol targets.

No one, including Paul or his supporters, is advocating pacifism in any way, shape, or form. If I were a pacifist, I would not own guns. Paul supported the action in Afghanistan, as did I. And regarding your example, the Barbary Wars were a justified response to aggression by pirates. They were not "pre-emptive wars" of the sort advocated by the neocons.
Hey I don't see why 'good old days' has anything to do with this. I just don't see why it makes sense to be in everybody else's houses unless they actually came to our house and caused trouble. It's just common sense. I don't like gangsters, but you don't find me in LA trying to root them out.. I mind my own business and they mind theirs. And if they come and try to mind mine for me, I have a veritable arsenal waiting to give them a nice warm welcoming wall of lead! :D
Ron's got too much integrity and constitutional ideals to work with Romney or McCain. Still, he may weigh the effect he can have and take a position...
He ought to be sec. of Treasury!! I wouldn't mind seeing a Paul/Huckabee or Huckabee/Paul ticket! Besides, who else is there???? War mongers, liars and big gov liberals who'll take all our guns!!
Anytime I read a post and think " this guy is totally clueless and has it all wrong" I look to the left and there it says Thumper...

Thumper:"If Ron Paul's Foreign Policy ideas weren't so bizarre, he'd have my vote (in spite of his outlandish supporters). I have a feeling that a lot of Constitution minded individuals feel the same way."

Avoiding wars and attempting peace is bizarre? Keeping 3000 troops alive and 30,000 un-injured is bizarre? Keeping 2 trillion dollars in America is bizarre? Non-intervention and non policing the world is bizarre?

People that think America controls the world are bizarre. People that think wars are ever a good idea are bizarre. Our own borders aren't even secure, we have a totally and thoroughly weak country due to our policies!
Is freedom, the constitution, liberty, America, conservitivism, peace and sound money bizarre??
I wouldn't mind seeing a Paul/Huckabee or Huckabee/Paul ticket! Besides, who else is there????

How about Sarah Palin for VP? (she's hot!, but maybe I'm just getting old) Pro-gun Republican governor of Alaska.
Sarah Palin is a decent Libertarian without the baggage of the lunatic fringe.

Thats our guv! :)

WildhaveyouhuggedyourIthacRoadblockertodayAlaska TM
Perhaps people should review the history regarding our intervention in Mid-east affairs. Barbary wars. Or Operation Ajax, I guess it's our right to come into a country and depose their elected government for the sake of OIL.

Remember, oil was $27.50 a barrel before the latest war (or military action). Now it's $90.

Many claim the next wars will be fought over food. Perhaps while we sit here DISARMED by democrats and neocons, China and India will come in and take control our food.

Just let other countries battle it out. Negotiate with the winners. Quit trying to back both sides of a conflict. Is that such a radical idea?

Maybe some of our leaders (and front running candidates) could benefit from the lessons taught in grade school about bullying.
I think Ron Paul will choose South Carolina governor Mark Sanford as his VP running mate.

He was in the legislature with Ron Paul, often voted with him on bills, and is savvy and well liked.
Who do you like then? and why? I don't envy you're weak and closed mindedness. There's a reason why most here are for Paul or Huckabee.
The more I read from Ron Paul supporters the less I like him.
shallow and pointless statement

how about educating yourself on the man running. Then making a decision based on idealogy and principle......and not what anybody else says or thinks (the MSM, Medved and Hannity included).......This line of thinking could actually save the conservative movement.
Maybe Paul will tap Alaska's governor for VP. This will ensure that he locks up all 3 electoral votes up there. Since the consensus among Paul supporters is that he has been strategically losing until everyone else drops out in order to make it a two man race I can see him pursuing this brilliant strategy in VP selection.
Who do you like then? and why? I don't envy you're weak and closed mindedness.

And I don't envy your choice of educational facilities...

Anyway, third grade English aside, I will vote for whichever candidate I feel is most likely to appoint strict constitutionists to the SCOTUS. I contributed to Fred early on, but he was a bust. At that point, those with political acuity find the next best guy.

You see kids, most of us don't tie our personal sense of worth to any particular candidate. We want the guy who most represents our values and who has a chance to do something about it.

"Voting your conscience" may make you feel pretty good in a very short sighted, self indulgent, adolescent, superficial way, but don't fool yourself. You didn't change anyone's opinion. You and the rest of your 6% can high five and celebrate your irrelevance.

No one cares except you. You and those like you are reduced to entertainment for those pragmatists with a real understanding of politics.

Dr. Paul had a really good chance to influence the party. His supporters blew it for him. He NEVER had a chance to win the nomination.

If it makes you feel better, call yourself the "true conservative," but know the truth: You did nothing this election cycle except hurt the cause of Ron Paul.
Thumper, in one post, you've made 2 statements that contradict each other"
I will vote for whichever candidate I feel is most likely to appoint strict constitutionists to the SCOTUS.
We want the guy who most represents our values and who has a chance to do something about it.
#1 was unequivocal
#2 was limited to "who has a chance to do something about it."
These won't necessarily be the same person.

If enough voted based on the first statement, the second statement would be self-fulfilling.
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