Knives. What do you cary?

Cold Steel

Cold Steel. I have carried this brand of knife for the last eight years. I currently carry a Recon 1 tanto point. (Benchmade mechanism and made in Japan)By the way when they say that it comes out of the box shaving sharp they are not kidding. Have not had any problems other than pocket lint. The knife itself opens easily every time. I also find that the tanto blade is easy to sharpen. What it all comes down to is,what are you going to use it for and what can you afford.
I carry an Emerson CQC-7 and love it. This one is a titanium special edition.

Smith and Wesson S.W.A.T. Series folder.

3.7" blade on it, intended just as a basic pocket knife. I got this one since it was "tacti-cool" and I can't afford the S&W handguns that I want.... Yet....
I carry Frosts Mora knives. The best knife for the money that I know. (about $10). Plus, it doesn't kill me when I lose one.
Typically this little guy.


But if I ever really needed it I have a Kabar, Gerber LMF II or some cold steel OSS knife. Im not a big fan of folders so I get some interesting comments from people first time i seethem and they see a big ol knife hanging off my belt.

I think your point about having a small bladed everyday knife is on the mark. I think their are a lot of people who own trophy knives, etc..., but I think dismissing a larger folding blade for self defense in the same vein is not quite the same.

Some people will say if you have your CCW on you why would you need a defensive knife. Backup. A defensive knive should be dedicated to just that. A longer blade allows for a longer better controllable handle, the ability to pentrate through clothing(winter factor) and tissue, provides greater distance between you and your attacker.

Any of the name brands are very good, I find Cold Steel to offer the best value and range of product.
Camillus Cutlery

I carry a Camillus CUDA EDC (every day carry)
I have several knives but this is the one I carry
the most. It's short, pretty and sharp, kinda like my wife.
Kershaw Ken Onion Chive for everyday package opening and the like, Benchmade Doug Ritter when I am out at scenes, Puma Skinner when hunting big game and Puma Prince when I am at the range.

Finally Got Some Pics Of Mine

Buck "Last production run El Cajon plant" Tempest & Smith and Wesson Homeland security <AHEM>:o Still a good knive despite the fact that it taps my phone constently:rolleyes:
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I got the sog seal pup in my front right (it juuuust fits) my leathermen charge in the back right and a random leek on the belt. I know its more then I need.
usually something from Pat Crawford, Darrell Ralph, or Peter Bauchop makes the rotation- along with the ever-present SAK :)
Folding Hunter is as big as I ever used as a guide/hunter and that was mostly for slicing dinner. Something small enough to skin with delicately. Double rat with 3.5" blades.
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I see nothing wrong with carying a larger tatical folder as a backup to your CC handgun. If you feel safer and secure that way cary one if its legal.

My everyday knives are uasually a leatherman multitool, and either a buck spearpoint or kershaw vapor pocket clip knife. I keep them very sharp, and if it came down to it, I'd be willing to use any of them to defend myself.

For hunting I cary one of three buck 110 lockbacks, A buck alpha folder (non serated) or a case trapper. The case knives are great, but opening one quickly can be a pain. I quit carying them over time just because opening them was a slow, two handed affair. The buck alpha is the smoothest opening knife I've ever caried, and sharpens like a dream.

I avoid serrated knives because more often than not, they are a hinderance to me. I dont like the way they sharpen either.

I took the pic for inventory before I moved to my new home a few months back, but this is the collection as it stands now.


I'm a bit of a knife nut :)