Just curious, if guns were taken away would people backlash?

When was the last time you saw a "president for life?" The U.S. gov't system is NOT corrupt. It works. Jefferson and company really got it right. IF someone isn't serving the people, vote them out of office. Pretty simple... a jarhead like me understands that.

The system itself is not so much the problem as those who manipulate it, manipulate us. You're right we have had no presidents for life (yet) but take a close look at W's administration. True, he had to let Rumsfeld go from the public eye/position but... Rumsfeld, Cheney... they've been in and behind the scenes in every republican administration since at least Ford. HW Bush was CIA chief then also. Oil people. Defense contractor people. People that are both. No, presidents are limited to 2 terms, but the puppet masters behind the curtain remain.

The elites view the masses as existing basically to serve them. They view the earth as having limited resources, and that they should have as much of those resources for themselves as possible. They understand that they need the masses, and that to a point, they must share with them. If they share too little the masses may not be able to continue to provide for their wants/needs. If they share too little the masses may become resentful and revolt. Then the elites can end up with their heads being lopped off, which is not in their game plan at all. What better way to manipulate, control or subjugate he masses, than by engineering the illusion that they are not being so manipulated? Still, though, we Americans are taking too much of the wealth and so a desire to get back to rich and poor extremes, or at least more so than currently, is desired. This is why the illegal immigration problem from Mexico is being allowed to happen. Our prospects will eventually become more like those of poor Mexicans, rather than theirs becoming more like ours. Look at Mexico. Rich in geology and natural resources. Yet abject poverty for many of the people there. Notably among those of native indian descent as opposed to those of Spanish European descent. It is due to the corruption and exploitation in Mexico that this goes on. There are some very wealthy people in Mexico, but they do not share. Let's not let it happen here too.
In reply to rocianti , (65) to the best of my knowledge the answer is no.
A former Labour Prime Minister ratified an agreement, with the UN to disarm
the Australian people.
A NSW premier in the late 1980s tried to introduce very strict gun laws near
election time, he was swept from office.
John Howard, the PM, who introduced the present firearms laws was very good at getting legislation that he wanted through parlament.