Just curious, if guns were taken away would people backlash?

The Tourist makes a point. Our patterns of migration are very similar to yours and from the same sources.

Gun ownership was very common in Australia and the RTBA was considered sacred and entrenched in our common law. This was never unfortunately enshrined in our constitution.

Most people are not prepared to fight their government. Witness Germans who handed in guns under Hitler, the small number of French who participated in the french resistance.

It has often been said that the bravest people on the battlefield are those with least to loose-whilst those who have families etc have more to loose'.

As I said, Australia is a diverse group, and I was amazed that no one took the government one, particularly seeing that the need for Australians to be able to defend themseves, particularly in Northern Australia still left a festering sore and many Australians are skeptical of the UN, the organisation seek as behind it all.
I don't believe that even 10% would fight...probably closer to 5%.


My Uncle Sam taught me that one untrained but motivated guerrilla fighter ties up seven combat (not support) troops. When considering that, also consider that 5% of gun owners is greater than the size of our standing army, combat troops and all.

I swore an oath to defend my Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. I've fought in uniform and I would certainly do it out of uniform.
I have a lot to lose, but I would certainly fight.
You drop a lobster into a pot of boiling water and it will fight to get out. You put it in a pot of cold water and bring it to a boil and it will die in it's sleep.
Our pot has been warming since the New Deal and most of the country is asleep, but not all of us.
I'm not trying to rain on anybody's parade, and I've done my time in uniform, from sunny Southeast Asia, to the world's biggest litterbox, but my personal opinion is that you probably won't get two per thousand to back up their "Cold Dead Hands" rallying cry.

And that "rifle behind every blade of grass" thing? Doesn't help much when they napalm the field.
I wouldn't drive down to turn in any... if they come knockin without a warrant I will speak peacefully from the porch. With a warrant they won't find any cuz i done melted mine down and sold the scrap metal. I got me a $1.87 for the metal... man they are paying good!
Hard to napalm a field when ol' Bobby Jim took thirty minutes before his shift at the plant to pop a coupla pilots over at Barksdale...and so did a couple of his buddies.

Don't kid yourself. An outright ban would kindle a civil war in this country, especially in the deep south.
Golden State Example

Look at all the backlashing Californians are doing. There favorite targets are those that had the sense to move away.:confused:
Turning in guns?

Well, lets put it this way, everyone I know would refuse to comply with such a ludicrous mandate. So if that's true there has to be more of us that would do the same. I've actually heard many people say they would die for their right to bare arms, and believe me they were damn serious. Such a thing would never happen anyway, so don't worry.;)
Speak for yourself.../

I will say this, your life will evolve. When you were a soldier, chances are you pretty much only had to take care of yourself. As you reach middle age and start completing many of the tasks of life, will your perspective change

I understand some of my ideals will change a little, but this is a core value and will NOT waiver. Think what you want. I have a family, and I wont let them down. The test of manhood isnt the question. Its a question of being American. My views on the 2nd amendment will not change! I will not be brainwashed, or have my values erroded over time by smooth talking snake charmers.
You dont trust flatlanders, but you trust the govt? Wow.... There was an unwillingness to join a centralized govt for a reason. |It is comming to fruition.
They use the same logic when electing presidents. |Ill settle for this guy cause my choice is unelectable. BS People should follow thier hearts more and thier neighbors less. |Unelectable is a buzzword for "not a complete sellout".
I think all the naysayers will be surprised at how many of us will resist. |Dont underestimate the true patriots. Im willing to bet alot of my fellow service members will be outraged at your willingness to surrender.:mad:
"Grand Illusion" has entirely too much faith in the benevolence of our government. Does it bother no one that it is the same government that is causing our service men and women to be maimed and die in order to war profiteer, is the one he trusts not to screw us more and more? The same government that refuses to stop illegal immigration so that we can turn the U.S. into society of 3rd world labor with a very small wealthy ruling elite?
I think everyone knows our government is corrupt, it's our willingness to stand by and do nothing about it that baffles me. Our government may be able to do a lot of things we don't like, but refusing us the right to protect ourselves is not one of them. It would simply be a civil meltdown that they would not be ready for and they know that.
I think everyone knows our government is corrupt

Compared to what? I mean, I've had opportunity to live a pretty substantial portion of my life in other countries and I think you might have a limited view.

If you really believe the government has overstepped it's bounds and you haven't gone to guns, then it speaks to your own cowardice. Stop projecting.
The old saying about "put a frog in a pot of boiling water and it will jump out, but put it in cold water and slowly bring it to a boil and it will die because it is happening too slowly" isn't factually correct (frog's will actually jump out of the water as soon as they cross the threshold of feeling pain) but it is an excellent metaphor for how things are done. Turn up the heat slowly.

Gun laws, at least at the Federal level, seem to be a "ratchet." With the exception of the sunsetted AWB very few are ever revoked.

I know that gun law of '84 had some positive things in it for gun owners (as well as a ban on new machine guns) but that is the other exception.
Disillusioned in what way? I think you might not have a good understanding of what that word means, but be that as it may...

You stated that you believed the government is corrupt and that you were "baffled" by a general unwillingness to do anything.

I'm sure you find it uncomfortable that someone would ask what YOU have done if you find things so objectionable, but it's certainly a valid question.

Perhaps reality is that you're not quite so baffled and the government isn't quite so corrupt, huh?

Oh yeah...that kinda makes more sense than running off at the mouth, doesn't it?
"Grand Illusion" has entirely too much faith in the benevolence of our government. Does it bother no one that it is the same government that is causing our service men and women to be maimed and die in order to war profiteer, is the one he trusts not to screw us more and more? The same government that refuses to stop illegal immigration so that we can turn the U.S. into society of 3rd world labor with a very small wealthy ruling elite?

As a democratic republic ... we ARE our government. We're responsible for who's in office and what they do.

Make no mistake ... there are MILLIONS of Americans who have bought into the anti-gun talk. In some states a clear majority. Those millions would move the other way about enforcing a BAN -- they would support it.

It's the fact that our government is elected that it has a rightful authority over the people. Another reason you won't find me crawling around the Denver suburbs sniping at people I think were responsible for the ban.

As for the war ... as stated before, I wish we'd never gotten in to it. But like many American's, I was duped into believing in it at the time. And I still believe in fighting it to the finish.
The Tourist
Besides, just how far do you think us graybeards can hump 50 pounds of gear running from the enemy?

I’m a graybeard and I’m not running. You want my guns? COME GET THEM!!!
Thumper, it means you're confused my friend. Even the government knows they're corrupt. They raise your taxes to fill their wallets and every other frivolous reasons you can think of. They're letting illegals in by the thousands, and try to resrict how much money the honest buisnessman can make, they try to limit gun owners to the types of guns they think you should own. The government owns you, not the other way around.