Just curious, if guns were taken away would people backlash?

same two choices

Actualy there are only the two choices: you comply or defy. There a number of was to defy. But its still defying. But I understand you implications of taking action to fight the system under such circumstances.

The real issue should not be what will you be after the fact but what will you to to preempt it from happening. Sadly I believe there a far fewer people willing to do anything other than sit back and let the other guy do it. The proactive are really a committed group while the pro gun tend to be a passive group when it come to getting involved.

It might be interest if we looked at a simple poll with a yes know reply and no posting to follow the poll. Have you done any of the following to protect your 2nd amendment rights: wrote your congressional delegates on a state of national level; testified at a public hearing agains anti gun legislation, distributed any sort of information regarding pro 2nd amendment issue. Perhaps a few more pro active items. The responses will probably be far more do nothing that do anything. My experience from alll those I know who are gun owners is they mostly believe joining the NRA or GOA is all they need to do to protect gun rights.

Your poll idea has merit. I have only one small suggestion. Include a third option for an answer. This would benefit the California gun owners. This reply would be for those that think that attacking other gun owners is their main strategy.
For those who think we will all be crushed by military might

Should we dare to defy illegal laws, remember that many of the people in the military, and in law enforcement are people like us. They are friends, relatives, sons and daughters of people like us. I don't think my children (who are in the service currently) would just sit back and let it happen. While there are a great many robots in uniform (both military and LEO), there are others as well. And they won't just do nothing.

Everybody has to CYA, so they may not often directly refuse, or actively resist, although some will, but don't you think that at least some of them will pass along info, or take any opportunity to throw a spanner (monkeywrench) into the works? "Sorry boss, this chopper ain't going with you on your raid, it's down for xxxx, and unless you want to find out how to fly on your own, it better stay here." Or something like that.

What do you think the gun cops (those that actually obey) will do when they find themselves walking into a prepared situation? Not just once, and not in the same places. Sure, they'll know they are being sold out somehow, but by the time they manage to screen everyone for loyalty, well, by then we ought to have made our voices heard through the ballot box as well.

I'm no keyboard commando, I'm getting on in years, so taking the field in combat is way, way down on my list of things to do. But that doesn't mean that I have forgotten a lot of what I have learned, including weapons, tactics, strategy, etc. Some of it learned from real experts. I may not be in shape to go on a raid, but I can still teach.

I think perhaps you might find that while many folks who were soldiers once, and now have a lot more to lose, might not take up their arms unless forced, there are many others, who are young enough to do it, and others who are too old to have all that much to lose, and who have decided that risking it is the best way to save what they built over a lifetime, not for themselves, but for the future generations.

Go read Unintended Consequences, you might get some good ideas.
I like to quote the line from the movie "Fail Safe" (?) where the Walther Matthau character says:
"How far do you think Hitler would have gotten if every Jew he went after
had a gun in his hand?"
In our case, the spirit of 1775-Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill. And modern guerilla warfare. Recall one city set up a hotline to report "illegal"
guns, they were overwhelmed with prank calls, malicious calls-one prankster regularly phoned in, reporting cops. The government would have to resort to
Gestapo tactics-warrantless searches, torture, taking hostages, threatening reprisals, etc. I'm sure there are some talented pro gun hackers who could break into governement databases, erase data, garble it-think of the ant-gunner you and despise and list THEIR name as a now forbidden gun owner.
And turning in a Lebel-for shame?
To the Australian posters. Did your constitution have anything like the 2nd amendment in it? Did the court have to come up with any creative interpretations to enact such drastic civil liberty violations.
I think fear of resistance is what keeps outright bans and confiscations nationwide off the table. I agree with those who say the prohibitionists have a gradual plan.
Some of the things said here, about how the military wouldn't turn against us and how an armed people cannot be subjugated, defy Virginia history. The US military turned against us generations ago, it has happened here. And during reconstruction, people had arms, but if some fool shot a yankee they might destroy the whole town. I think it is naive to think that an armed people cannot be defeated, or that some tiny percentage of the population can run around sniping people and make things anything but worse.
I think it is naive to think that an armed people cannot be defeated, or that some tiny percentage of the population can run around sniping people and make things anything but worse.

And yet actual history proves you wrong. People, especially Americans, don't like subjugation.

You also don't seem to understand that a "tiny percentage"...say, 5% of gun owners equals about 10 times the size of the US Army.

The reasonings behind the 2nd are sound. So sound, if fact, that it won't have to be used for a LOOONG time.

If it were time for a revolution, there would be a lot worse things going on than a poor housing market.
And yet actual history proves you wrong. People, especially Americans, don't like subjugation.

As I explained, I am basing my view upon history. If a tiny minority could stand off the US military, I would be in the CSA right now. And if the military wouldn't turn against the people, I would be in the CSA right now.

Southerners like subjugation least of all, and we were armed ... it seems naive to think that is all it takes.

The reasonings behind the 2nd are sound.
I don't believe that the Second Amendment regards a right of a tiny minority to turn against the government.
Hugh, 620 THOUSAND people died during the civil war. The country that came out of that war was the same country in name only. It was truly a revolution, if a failed one.

If anything, you make my point. It is an untenable position for the government.

Would gun owners "win?" Actually, I think yes. I think a far greater percentage would fight than those that fought over slave ownership (which really only affected the landed gentry).
You also don't seem to understand that a "tiny percentage"...say, 5% of gun owners equals about 10 times the size of the US Army.

And all of the military would not be behind them either. BUT, from what I understand we have ~1 million foreign troops on our soil at this very moment. At bases *training*. Troops that have no compunction about shooting at us civilians.

Source was Alex Jones. I have no idea if it's true or not, but I wouldn't doubt it. Perhaps someone else knows if it is indeed true or not. If it is that would sure throw a monkey wrench into the idea of realistic resistance. How could a bunch of good ol boys hold off or defeat professional military?
The fact is a big percentage of gun owners would not comply with a governmental action to confiscate our guns. Going back to the civil meltdown I mentioned earlier. I do believe a large part of our government is corrupt, but they will never try for our guns because of the fear of retaliation. If you think about it, it is a ludicrous concept. It's only the fear that anti-gunners have planted in our brain that make us fear for our RKBA. It's just not gonna happen.
If the US Army isn't big enough for a given task, it swells. I don't think it would be 5% of the gun owners against the current military, it might be more like 5% of the gun owners against the rest of the population which, if drafted, will put on a US uniform and come after the 5% of gun owners.
BUT, from what I understand we have ~1 million foreign troops on our soil at this very moment. At bases *training*. Troops that have no compunction about shooting at us civilians.

Well, we have a few here and there, but a million? You realize that's about twice the size of our own army, right? Alex Jones tried to sell you an absolutely ridiculous bill of goods.
You're assuming the military will follow illegal orders. I suspect 1/3 to 1/2 of the officers would be on our side (I don't know if an enlisted man can disobey an illegal order, but the officers have taken an oath to do so), resulting in chaos.

Ordinarily I'd put the percent higher than 50%, but when the illegal order comes from the president I'm not so sure.

Anyway, I don't expect a direct confrontation. I expect is a war of attrition that is already underway, and our kids are on the front lines and we don't realize it. They are being brainwashed into believing that guns are evil -- except in the hands of the government, of course. When we die and the kids are dividing up our estates, the guns will get turned in to be destroyed because they are icky. It will take maybe 50 years.

Eventually the USA will look like a Mexican border town, where the citizens live in fear of criminals *and* the police, and it's hard to tell the difference.
I assume the soldiers would come because I'm a Southerner and in my history the soldiers always come. Once they came because we voted against an amendment (14th). If they would do that, if the US military would subjugate my region for voting against an amendment, then why would I think that they would not do whatever they are told?
Well, we have a few here and there, but a million? You realize that's about twice the size of our own army, right? Alex Jones tried to sell you an absolutely ridiculous bill of goods.

Maybe. I try to take this type of stuff with a grain of salt and assume it's at least somewhat exagerated, but then I think about our government and think...when do they ever do anything conservativly? We are the big thorn in globalizations side so it may just be true and we may do well to not underestimate them.

I think that due to the media, reality is beyond the grasp of the common man.
I think that due to the media, reality is beyond the grasp of the common man.

I'm a pretty common man, but I was soldier and I worked for the NSA for 6 years. If there are a million foreign troops in the US, they're being hidden underground.

Seriously, man...come on.
I applaud your optimism and hope like hell you're entirely correct. I'm just saying that we shouldn't bring a knife to a gunfight by underestimating them or giving them more credit than they deserve. In fact, maybe you're right. They are here to help.:rolleyes:

What would be so hard about housing them underground? Have they not been spending money on a scale pale in comparison to all past administrations. Wonder where that money's been going? Maybe they didn't let you in on the plans because you were on a need to know basis and didn't need to know...?
Tell you what, you spend your time planning for the day the Top Secret Underground Bad Guys emerge from their training lairs, and I'll spend my time writing letters to my Congressfolk trying to keep us all from being labelled nutballs.
