Just curious, if guns were taken away would people backlash?

If seems to me that if they were coming for my guns, that waiting for them to kick my door in and then shooting it out might not be a very effective form of resistance.

But what if the US banned guns, and your State government declared that the law was null and void in your State, and the federal government ordered the NG to conquer and occupy your State and disarm its Citizens, and your State government ordered all able bodied Citizens to arm themselves and report for militia duty, and you are forced to choose sides, either defying your State militia duty or defying the NG, then what do you do?
When was the last time you saw a "president for life?" The U.S. gov't system is NOT corrupt. It works. Jefferson and company really got it right. IF someone isn't serving the people, vote them out of office. Pretty simple... a jarhead like me understands that.
That said, people are corrupt. An elected official is in a position of power... AND power corrupts. That's why term limits are a good idea. It saves us from career politicans, and forces the lobby groups to have to continuously 'court' a new group of officials- making their job more difficult.
Now, back to the topic. My grandfather (mother's father- only "gunner" on my mom's side of the family) lost cousins and childhood friends in the Holocaust. He said, "...our guns and our will to use them are all that keeps us out of the ovens..." and I agree. I will "NEVER FORGET," and will keep pushing out that message. Hopefully, intelligent, feeling people will remember too.
The majority of gun owners don't vote with gun rights as their top priority or don't belong to a gun rights org. If they won't/can't even do that, I doubt they'd put their life on the line to keep their guns.

I think there would be 3 general categories of response....

1) A minority would make a lot of noise and do the cold dead hands approach and lose everything.

2) Majority will turn them in; some will make a lot of noise while turning them in and maybe complain about why the gun orgs they don't belong to didn't protect their gun rights.

3) A significant number would just do nothing.... if big brother came to actively take guns, they'd get them. If not, it would be don't ask don't tell do nothing.

I won't say what I would do on a public forum and this is all hypothetical anyway so it doesn't matter. But it would be nice if all gun owners just did a little, to not getting to that point anyway. If all gun owners belonged to at least one gun rights org and voted with gun rights as a significant issue, we would never get to that point.
Thumper, it means you're confused my friend. Even the government knows they're corrupt. They raise your taxes to fill their wallets and every other frivolous reasons you can think of. They're letting illegals in by the thousands, and try to resrict how much money the honest buisnessman can make, they try to limit gun owners to the types of guns they think you should own. The government owns you, not the other way around.

Sorry, Benny...you force me back to my original statement.

There have been causes that I have picked up a rifle and put my hide on the line for.

Once again, if you feel the way you do and since I haven't heard about you on the news, I have to call you a moral and physical coward for not fighting against it. If you're not, then why not?

If you believe your government is that corrupt, then according to the Founders, you have a moral obligation to start shooting.

I strongly suspect that you might not be a coward. I suspect that you're just a youngster with a big mouth.
I think there would be 3 general categories of response....

1) A minority would make a lot of noise and do the cold dead hands approach and lose everything.

What minority, athlon. Give me a percentage?
Thumper, it's pretty easy to call a person a coward online isn't it. I guess I do have a big mouth, but it's only used when I speak the truth. Your little online name calling just shows who the true coward is.
First Shirt said
I'm not trying to rain on anybody's parade, and I've done my time in uniform, from sunny Southeast Asia, to the world's biggest litterbox, but my personal opinion is that you probably won't get two per thousand to back up their "Cold Dead Hands" rallying cry.

And that "rifle behind every blade of grass" thing? Doesn't help much when they napalm the field.

I've got to point out the irony that someone that claims to be a VietNam vet and an OIF vet is trying to sell the idea that a motivated indigenous population can't defeat a modern army.

Aren't you forgetting something, Top?
I wouldn't guess on a number. But it would be less than the percentage of gun owners who belong to a gun rights org. How's that for a minority estimate.
I think your most likely large scale response would be a failure to comply.

Certainly in Australia, I note the rate of non compliance to have been high with people registering some though not all guns.

Because of my occupation I registered all of mine- but I know many who did not do so.

You have a history of Civil War- but the history of that war was that it failed.

How many Americans are going to be prepared to draw a bead on their own military? particularly as a commentator correctly noted above, when it is raining napalm.
Defend your position and don't just talk tough, Benny. Many people here know me personally. I'm a Veteran, a Proud Citizen, and overall a pretty big, strong, fast, and mean mofo... ;)

Once again (and please try to address the question this time), if you really believe you slave under a corrupt government, then why aren't you fighting?
I wouldn't guess on a number. But it would be less than the percentage of gun owners who belong to a gun rights org. How's that for a minority estimate.

About what I'd guess...would you say 1-5%?
Sounds about right. Don't get me wrong, I wish more people across this entire nation had the same opinion about guns and self defense like the Texans do.
Oh come on Thumper, your just another blowhard. What exactly can one man do against the government. Until more people speak out against them nothing will ever change.
time is on their side

We can alll dream about the reactions we are going to take in such a government action. But time is on their side. You and I might have a great plan for how we will weather the storm. But the issue will not end simply becasue we held out during the first few years. The longer such laws would be on the book the fewer people will be holding onto firearms.

Lets look historically at say the 1934 act. Machine guns did not go away in a day or two. It has taken years to effectively control the machine gun (those of the 1934 era) thought the "tax stamp." Now there are still some of the original weapons targeted by the tax floating around in secrecy. But the number are dwindling. When was the last time we heard of a Thompson or BAR being used in a robbery. Most of us all know the acquiring a NFA item without the tax stamp is a great way to get a Federal vacation.

It might take 50 years to confiscate all the weapons. But it will happen one gun at a time. Some people giving them up now for fear or reprisal and the rest dwindling into the abyss of the lost forever tombs of destroyed firearms.
No worries, Athlon. With 1-5% motivated gunowners fighting, we win hands down.

Hundreds of thousands dead, though. Not a happy picture.

This is why the 2nd is understood to be a doomsday switch.
It might take 50 years to confiscate all the weapons. But it will happen one gun at a time. Some people giving them up now for fear or reprisal and the rest dwindling into the abyss of the lost forever tombs of destroyed firearms.

Yes, toybox. From 1932 to 1994, we suffered a number of defeats politically.

For the last fifteen years, however, we've been winning substantially. If you've been in this fight long, you know that the gains we've made have been monumental.

Ignoring the defeat of the AWB and other successes, have a look at this map related to CCW:


Again, we're winning. If you're not already, start paddling.
I saw this on the net awhile back.
Things are so messed up that they can’t be fixed working within the system, but it’s not quite time to shoot the bastards.
if guns were taken away would people backlash?

The opening post: if guns were taken away would people backlash?

IMHO Some will react the rest will comply with time or under force.

Thumper should such a thing happen it will be to late to believe there would be a reversal. It would have happened and you are faced with complying now or complying latter. You wont have a choice on how to stop it once enacted. You would be faced with how to react to the passage: comply or defy are the only choices at that point.

Stopping such laws is different than questioning how you would react under such laws.
I saw this on the net awhile back.
Things are so messed up that they can’t be fixed working within the system, but it’s not quite time to shoot the bastards.

Looks like a Clair Wolfe quote.
I guess we just disagree on the lack of choice part, toybox.

800,000 unorganized, but motivated guys take a single aimed shot a week on the way to work and there's your catastrophic scenario.

Spread that out over two or three years and the only Federal Government you'll find is the new and updated one.

That's your 1% of gun owners, BTW.

Again, the Founders knew their business.